St. James Events
Spring Fair This Sunday, April 10

Where & When
Date: April 10
Time: 12:30 - 4:00
Location: Undercroft
Come to the Fair!


The Annual St. James Spring Fair is this Sunday. 


Once again there will be new and used boutiques, accessories, jewelry, white elephants, books, a bake sale with lots of American goodies, a lottery, and much more.


American favorites will be on sale for lunch.


Mark your calendars for April 10, for this much-anticipated event.


The Spring Fair is still happy to accept donations of your white elephants and gently used clothing. Please bring them to the Church office during office hours.


Lenten Schedule 2011

Lent Schedule until Holy Week 

Thursdays in Lent

April 7 - 7:30 PM - Book Study
                 8:15 PM - Dinner (€5)
                 9:00 PM - Compline

April 14 - 7:30 PM - International Dinner - Jewish Cuisine
                 €10 per person (children under 12 free)

                 Please call Church office for reservations. Tel. 055 294417

April Thrift Shop is This Wednesday

Where & When
Date: Wednesday, April 6
Time: 10:00
Location: Undercroft
Thrift Shop First Wednesday of the Month


Don't miss the once-a-month opportunity for bargains on gently used clothing, housewares, knick-knacks, and much more.   


Book Study During Lent

Where & When
Date: Thursdays
Last Meeting April 7
Time: 19:30
Location: Undercroft
The Birth of Christianity


As part of our Thursdays in Lent program this year, we will begin each evening at 7:30 PM with a book study led by Dr. Gianluigi Gugliermetto. This Lent we will look at The Birth of Christianity: Discovering What Happened in the Years Immediately After the Execution of Jesus, by Dominic Crossan (ISBN 0-06-061660).


One reviewer writes:


"Christianity arose out of the interaction of the historical Jesus and his first companions. It was not invented by Paul. That is the stunning hypothesis of Crossan's The Birth of Christianity. Like the master craftsman he is, Crossan has forged a picture of the earliest Christianity - of the dark years, the 30s and 40s [B.C.E.] - in debate with other scholars and in the combination of social science theory, Galilean archaeology, close textual analysis, and historical reconstruction . No one controls the issues, the data, and the options as well as Crossan. His reconstruction is essential reading for anyone serious about Christian origins and its fate in the third millennium." - Robert W. Funk, Chair, The Jesus Seminar, and author of The Acts of Jesus.


Join us and bring a friend!


Next Adult Forum on April 10 - Religions in Dialogue

Where & When
Date: Sunday, April 10
Time: 10:00
Location: Meeting Room.

God and the Void: On the Challenges of Buddhist-Christian Dialogue


On Sunday, April 10 at 10 AM, Gianluigi Gugliermetto will discuss "God and the Void: On the Challenges of the Buddhist-Christian Dialogue." Gianluigi is a theologian who has worked, among other issues, on the contemporary dialogue between Christianity and other religious paths. After a brief survey of the main Buddhist ideas, including the idea of liberation from suffering, he will discuss the interesting progresses made by the Buddhist-Christian dialogue in recent decades.  


Grab a cappuccino and join us in the Meeting Room. 


ESK Choir from Australia this Sunday

Where & When
Date: Sunday, April 10
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Church
The ESK Choir Will Sing at the 11 O'clock Service


This Sunday, April 10, St. James welcomes the ESK Choir from Australia.  ESK is a 45 voice choir currently on tour in Italy. 


For more information on the choir see: 



No Sunday School April 10, 17, and 24

A Nursery will be Provided during the Church Service


Sunday School will resume May 1. 
International Dinners Series

Where & When
Date: Thursday, April 14
Time: 19:30
Location: Undercroft

Please make a reservation with the Church office.

Tel. 055294417

Our Next Dinner will Feature Jewish Cuisine

St. James Church announces its International Dinner Series. In concert with our theme this semester of "Know the World," there will be a specially themed dinner with entertainment once a month through June. It is open to members of St. James Church and friends. The dinners will be held in the Undercroft at 7:30 PM, with a cost of €10 per person.  


Please contact the Church office for reservations:

Tel. 055 294417

email: office@stjames.it 


Save the dates for International Dinners:


April 14, Thursday, 7:30 pm - Jewish cuisine


May 19, Thursday, 7:30 pm - Greek cuisine


June 16, Thursday, 7:30 pm - African cuisine


Come and savor some of the food and cultures of our world!


Holy Week Schedule 2011

Holy Week


April 17 - Palm Sunday

9:00 AM Eucharist in Chapel

11:00 AM Liturgy of the Palms


April 18 - Monday in Holy Week - 7:30 PM


April 19 - Tuesday in Holy Week - 7:30 PM


April 20 - Concert by the Coro del Duomo di Firenze - 8:30 PM


April 21 - Maundy Thursday - 7:30 PM

Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar

Lentil Soup Supper (€5)


April 22 - Good Friday - 7:30 PM

Good Friday Liturgy and Adoration of the Cross


April 23 - Easter Vigil - 7:30 PM

First Mass of Easter followed by Agape


April 24 - Easter Day - Feast of the Resurrection

9:00 AM Eucharist in Chapel

11:00 AM Festive Eucharist

12:00 Noon - Easter Egg Hunt

Concert by the Coro del Duomo di Firenze

Where & When
Date: Wednesday, April 20
Time: 20:30
Location: St. James Church
Concert and Reception on April 20


St. James is very pleased to host the acclaimed Coro del Duomo di Firenze on Wednesday, April 20, at 8:30 PM as part of our Holy Week observance.

This approximately 40-voice choir, founded in 1968, is directed by Maestro Alfonso Fedi.

The program will feature compositions by Corsi, Leo, Handel, Zelenka, Mozart, and Perosi.

Please spread the word to friends and family, and come for an unforgettable evening.


The Great 50 Days of Easter

Easter Season Schedule


Easter is a church season lasting 50 days, ending with the Feast of Pentecost. It is a festive time of great rejoicing. In celebration of Easter, St. James Church announces the following schedule:


Thursdays in Easter  


May 5 - Cookout and Conversation - 7:30 PM


May 12 - Popcorn Theology - 7:30 PM

Movie and discussion at the rectory.


May 19 - International Dinner - 7:30 PM

Greek Cuisine €10 (children under 12 free)


May 26 - Popcorn Theology - 7:30 PM

Movie and discussion at the rectory.


June 9 - Popcorn Theology - 7:30 PM

Movie and discussion at the rectory.


Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday - June 12

9:00 AM Eucharist in Chapel

11:00 AM - Festive Eucharist

Your St. James
Easter Flowers

Donations for Easter Flowers Requested


If you would like to make a donation for Easter Flowers, please contact the Church office. Donations may be made in the name of a loved one or as a thank offering.


Earmark your "5 x 1000" to "Amici di St. James in Florence""


Support the Church's Ministries with a Simple Gesture


Support the Food Bank and other outreach programs by requesting that the 5 X 1000 on your Italian tax return be donated to "Amici di St. James in Florence." Simply sign the relevant box on your taxreturn form and indicate the 'codice fiscale' (tax ID number) for Amicidi St. James in Florence:




There is no financial implication to you for doing this; funds fromthe "5 x 1000" that are not specifically allocated for non-profit associations are left to the government.

Please share this information with anyone who is interested in supporting the charitable activities of St. James.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Inquirers Class

Class for Those Interested in Joining the Episcopal Church


We are organizing a series of Inquirers Classes for those who might be interested in joining the Episcopal Church. There is no obligation to join, and members who are interested in a "refresher course" are invited to attend. To apply, please contact the Church office, telephone number 055 294417, or email office@stjames.it


Donations for Altar Hangings and Vestments

Renewal of the St. James Altar Hangings and Vestments


St. James is in the process of renewing altar hangings and vestments. All contributions will be recorded in a beautiful Book of Remembrance.

To make a donation, please send to:
St. James Church
Via Bernardo Rucellai 9
50123 Firenze

For further information, telephone the Church office at 055 294417 or Betty Nadalini at 335 5391579.
St. James' Townhouse Available for Bookings

Contact: townhouse@stjames.it
Come stay in the St. James' Townhouse

St. James' Town House, in the heart of Florence, is the perfect place to stay with friends or family. We are centrally located near the train station, the Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, and many other favorite places to visit. We accept reservations for a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 3 months. Your stay with us is considered a donation to St. James Church. Contact us for availability and further information. Everyone is Welcome at St. James' Town House!

St. James' Town House is a three story apartment with its own entrance on via Bernardo Rucellai, next to the church rectory and part of the parish complex. It is a spacious 3-bedroom, 3-bath apartment, furnished with antiques, including a beautiful 1826 John Broadwood fortepiano, and overlooking the church and the rectory garden. It is fully equipped with linens for both bed and bath, along with kitchen supplies. There is satellite television that includes many English language programs, a washing machine, microwave oven, and iron. The bedrooms and living room are air conditioned. Off- street parking within the grounds of the church for one car.

St. James has a New Facebook Page

Please like us on our new Facebook page!

Cleaning and Repairing of the Facade of the Church
Where & When
Dates: April 11 - mid June
St. James gets a Facial


The Tecress Company will be cleaning and repairing the facade of the Church. The work will begin on April 11 and is scheduled to run for two months. There will be some scaffolding around the exterior of the building. Pardon our progress.  



Events in Florence
"Wolakota" Exhibit on the Culture & Spirituality of the Lakota Sioux

Where & When
Date: April 11-20
Time: 9:30-18:30
Location: Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Via Cavour 3
Friendship with the Rosebud Lakota Sioux Nation


The Province of Florence, in collaboration with the Wambli Gleska Cultural Association and the Sioux Nation of the Rosebud Reservation, presents an exhibition on the spirituality and culture of the Lakota Sioux. There will be seminars, conferences, films, and documentaries. Information will be available about visiting the Rosebud Reservation.

This exhibition is open to the public, free of charge:
9:30 AM to 6:30 PM
April 11-20
Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Via Cavour 3

Curated by Alessandro Bartolozzi and Elisa Morucci


Photography Exhibit
Where & When
Date: February 17 - April  22
Time: 15:00-19:00 Monday-Saturday
Location: FSM Gallery
Via San Zanobi 19r
Africa: See You, See Me


The FSM Gallery is hosting an exhibition of photography through April 22. Featuring artists from 14 countries, the theme of the exhibit is post colonial African photography and its global influence on the visual representation of Africa and the African diaspora.

The exhibit is curated by Awam Amkpa, Head of African Studies and New York University, New York. The exhibit is co-sponsored by La Pietra Policy Dialogues, Villa La Pietra, New York University, Florence.

For more information contact:
FMS Gallery
Via San Zanobi 19R
50129 Florence
Tel: 055 280368
Email: exhibitions@studiomarangoni.it


Pietro Annigoni Exhibit

Where & When
Date: February 22 - April 12
(Closed Wednesdays)
Time: 9:00-19:00
Location: Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Exhibit to support the work of the "Amici di Pietro Annigoni per la solidariet� fra i popoli - ONLUS"


To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pietro Annigoni, a great artist whose name is closely linked to Florence, the Province of Florence, in collaboration with the LiberArte Cultural Association, is organizing an exhibit of his works. The exhibit will be held in prestigious Palazzo Medici Riccardi.


The exhibit was made possible through the generosity of his wife, Rosella Segreto Annigoni, who contributed a large part of the works on view. Professor Anita Valentini, catalog curator, will provide technical assistance.


The Province of Florence intends to use the proceeds from catalog sales to help finance the work of the "Amici di Pietro Annigoni per la solidariet� fra i popoli - ONLUS."


The exhibit runs from February 22 through April 12, closed Wednesdays.

Hours are 9 AM to 7 PM.

Ticket prices are €7 (full price) and €4 (reduced).


Children's Reading Workshop
Where & When

Date: April 9 

Time: 10:30 - 11:45
Location: Via de'Serragli, 79r


by Louisa Malcolm e Sarah Rubenstein   

A series of English Language readings with a workshop to follow.
... three times a month, playing and listening in English!


New Saturday workshops  

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
..the kids need to be picked up by 12:00 noon


April 9 - reaDINg "The Very Hungary Caterpillar" 


April 16 - reaDINg "Mr. Brow Can Moo! Can You?"


April 30 - reaDINg "Flower Garden" 


one reaDINg - €12
monthly offer (march or april) - € 25
"free" offer (3 reaDINgs) - €30   

(parental presence is not required during the activity)
membership of ENTR'ARTE/Fenalc required - 2011 - €5
For more information on times and prices, please write to info@entrarte.it
members can access the page "area riservata ai soci" by entering the password


Via de'Serragli, 79r
Firenze, Italy   


Now let us all with one accord, in company with ages past, keep vigil with our heavenly Lord in his temptation and his fast.  

                                                                      Hymn 146, words by Gregory the Great    

St. James Church, Florence
Via B. Rucellai, 9
Firenze, Italy
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