Camden CountyCamden County
Board of Commissioners
Community Outreach eNewsletter
  "Working together to make a positive difference in the community."  


 A Publication from the Office of the County Administrator - February 2012

In This Issue
A Message from the County Administrator
County-City Health Care Cooperative Announces Opening of Second Clinic
County Achives Major Savings by Refinancing Revenue Bonds from Solid Waste Landfills
"A Community that Cares" Event - Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr., USCG
National County Government Month to be held in April - "Healthy Counties, Healthy Families"
Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!
Georgia-Florida Renewable Energy Expo - March 22, 2012
Egg Candling Class offered April 3rd - Sponsored by Camden County 4-H Poultry Club
Get our and take your best shot for the 2012 Shocase Camden County Photo Contest!


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2011 Annual Report

 WorkReady Community
GA Camera Ready
 Storm Ready
 Code RED
 2012 Photo Contest 
 HOPE logo 
Board of County Commissioners Meetings & Public Hearings

March 6th

March 20th

Regular BOCC Meeting


Government Services Complex
 200 East 4th Street
Woodbine, GA 31569
"Great Customer Service is the Cornerstone of Every Successful Organization!"
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A Message from the County Administrator
Steve L. Howard, County AdministratorI am pleased to make available to the community the 2011 Annual Report. This publication summarizes the many efforts and accomplishments during 2011 that contributed to building a better community.  The accomplishments of 2011 would not have been realized without the strong commitment from the citizens, the Board of County Commissioners, and dedicated county employees.
Preparations for the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget are currently underway. The 2013 Budget will prove to be one of the most challenging that County has ever faced due to a contined patter of declining revenues. The County will be forced to make some tough decisions as a result of the finanical strain that will be placed on the County.
I look forward to working with each of you as we continue to move Camden County forward in 2012. 
Yours for a better Camden,


Steve L. Howard, CPM, CPPO
County Administrator 


County-City Health Care Cooperative Announces Opening of Second Clinic

On Wednesday, February 8, 2012 the second location of the Living Well Onsite Clinic began serving the employees of both Camden County and the City of St. Marys.  The clinic is located at 123 N. Gross Road between the Camden County Library and CCFR Headquarters.  


Steven Crowell, City Manager for the City of St. Marys shared the following insight, "The City of St. Marys is excited about the opportunity to partner with Camden County on the South County Employee Clinic.  Not only will the clinic benefit employees of the County and St. Marys, but will also help St. Marys to better manage health costs.  St. Marys is very appreciative of the County Commissioners, staff, and the County's Agent/Consultant, for their efforts in making the South County Employee Clinic come to fruition."


"The clinic represents a significant step forward in collaboration and cooperation between government entities.  This partnership is another innovative way to be efficient and reduce costs for employees, local governments, and ultimately the taxpayers," remarked Steve Howard, County Administrator.


County Achieves Major Savings by Refinancing Revenue Bonds from Solid Waste Landfills

During February, the County was successful in achieving major savings on the outstanding principal amount of the revenue bonds through a refinancing for the remaining ten years. Mike Fender, Director of Finance & Budget, said, "By waiting until now, we were able to capture the best possible market value in years. Camden County currently has only one debt issue, the revenue bonds paid for by the receipts from the Solid Waste landfills. The debt was originally created to purchase the original Gilman Paper Company property adjacent to the County landfill, a venture that has proven to be prudent."


Jimmy Starline, Chairman of the Solid Waste Authority, said, "Due to the financial leadership and prudent fiscal policies implemented by the Solid Waste Authority and Board of County Commissioners, this cost savings opportunity has been achieved."


Read on...

"A Community that Cares" Event - Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr., USCG

The Camden Partnership is honored to join with the Camden-Kings Bay Council Navy League in bringing the Coast Guard's top leader and executive to Camden County. The Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, Admiral Robert J. Papp,
Jr. will be the guest speaker for the annual "A Community that Cares" luncheon on Friday, March 16, 2012 at 12:00 p.m.


Strengthening military and community partnerships is important for quality growth in Camden County.  The Camden Partnership and the Navy League need your support to make this event a success. The cities of Kingsland, St. Marys, and Woodbine, and Camden County will declare March 16th, 2012 as Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr.  Day.


This special event is open to the public.  Please click on the link below for additional details and to learn how you can sponsor this effort and purchase your lunch ticket.


A Community that Cares Luncheon - March 16, 2012

National County Government Month to be held in April - "Healthy Counties, Healthy Families"

The Board of County Commissioners will celebrate National County Government Month (NCGM) during the month of April to highlight county government programs and services to the public. The theme for this year's celebration of NCGM is "Health Counties, Healthy Families."  Be on the lookout for featured NCGM events to come during March and April!


Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!

ATTENTION SOCIAL MEDIA USERS....We want to grow our Facebook and Twitter fan base so more people can stay connected to their local government!  Be sure to LIKE  Camden County, Georgia's Facebook page and FOLLOW Camden County, Georgia on Twitter to keep up with the current news and announcements from YOUR local government!


Don't miss out on the special social media contest that will launch during March for National County Government Month in April!!

Georgia-Florida Renewable Energy Expo to be held March 22, 2012

The second annual Georgia - Florida Renewable Energy Expo(GFREE) is slated for Thursday, March 22, 2012.  The event will be held at the Coastal College of Georgia - Camden Center conveniently located just off of Georgia Exit #6 in Kingsland. The Expo will focus on emerging renewable energies technologies, cost-share programs and practical application of renewables that can be used for increased efficiency and conservation. 


GFREE Event Poster


GFREE Event Registration Form


For more information or to register, please contact (912) 882-8111 or email

Egg Candling Class offered April 3rd - Sponsored by Camden County 4-H Poultry Club

The Georgia Department of Agriculture's Egg Candling Inspector, Lee Lancaster, will conduct a four hour certification class on April 3, 2012 from 10am to 3pm at the Woodbine City Hall.


The information and training received in the lecture will prepare participants for the written examination as well as the hands-on candling evaluation at the end of the day.


Contact the Camden County Extension Office to register: (912) 576-3219. 

Get out and take your best shot for the 2012 Showcase Camden County Photo Contest!

The "Showcase Camden County" Photo Contest has officially launched for 2012. This contest calls for photographers to submit their best photos of Camden County, Georgia to include its activities, people, attractions and events, as well as historic and scenic locations. Camden County's natural landscapes and unique events provide limitless creative inspiration to individuals that enjoy seeing the world through the lens of a camera. 


The 2012 contest calls for photos to be submitted under one of four categories:

  • Landscapes
  • Nature/Wildlife
  • Transportation
  • Current Events/People 

One winner per category will be awarded. Each winning category participant will receive a $50 Visa gift card. An overall photograph will be chosen among all of the submitted photos of each category. The overall winner will receive an additional $100 Visa gift card. Gift card prizes are not County funded and are generously donated by sponsors.


The deadline to submit photos is Friday, November 9, 2012. Detailed information regarding the photo contest & rules can be found by clicking the link below:


 "SHOWCASE CAMDEN COUNTY" Photo Contest 2012
One of our goals is to ensure we are providing the citizens of Camden County information and a better understanding of current issues involving Camden County Government. We hope you enjoyed reading the monthly Community Outreach newsletter and found it informative. We encourage and value your feedback and any input you may have to help us improve it in the future.  

By working together Camden County can continue to be "Georgia's Coastal Community of Choice."

Meet Your Commissioners


Commissioner Chip Keene, District 1     Commissioner Chuck Clark, District 2     Commissioner Jimmy Starline, District 3     Commissioner Gary Blount, District 4     Commissioner David L. Rainer, District 5

     Willis R. Keene, Jr.       Chuck Clark           Jimmy Starline            Gary Blount          David L. Rainer

Our Commitment to You!
Helping to make Camden County the best place to be by preserving and enhancing the history and quality of life while promoting smart growth and providing an efficient, effective and responsive government.
It is the mission of Camden County Government to provide responsive, innovative, and cost effective services, promote smart growth, effectively communicate with the community, improve infrastructure and technology, preserve the health, welfare, safety, and environment while maintaining the outstanding quality of life that makes our county a desirable place to live and work. 
The Board of County Commissioners and employees of Camden County are committed to the following values: Integrity, Respect, Service, Accountability, Teamwork, and Balance