University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences
Leadership Events News and Scholarship
Spring 2010

Awards and Accolades
Outstanding Book on Leadership
Safe Space Ally Network
Qatar Course Recap
CEPAL Receives Additional Funding
Caster Center News
ELDA Recognized
U.S. Presidents: Leadership Lessons?
Student Updates
Alumni Updates
Faculty Updates
Doctoral Graduate Assistantships
Easter Basket Drive
AH Management Institute 2010
Updates from Graduates
New Graduates
ELDA 10 Year Anniversary
June 9, 2010
Community College Leadership Academy
June 13-16, 2010
Charged 2020
June 30 - July 1, 2010
Nonprofit Human Resources Symposium
July 16, 2010
1 -5 p.m.
Leadership for Change
July 16-18, 2010
August 25
Final fee payment deadline for Fall 2010 term

August 31
Dean's New Student Welcome

August 31
Leadership Studies Welcome Back

September 1
Last Day of Classes

September 6
Labor Day
No classes, offices closed

September 13
Last day to enroll in course.  Last day to drop without a W.

October 1
Financial Aid applications available for Intersession

October 11-22
Online Registration for Intersession classes

November 1
Spring Registration begins

November 19
Final fee payment deadline for Intersession

November 24 - 26
Thanksgiving Break

November 24
Last day to defend dissertation for January graduates

November 29
Portfolios due for January Graduates

December 13
Last day of classes; Last day to petition for August 2011 graduation; Dissertation and Thesis due in Graduate Records

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School of Leadership and Education Sciences
Department of Leadership Studies
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110
Awards and Accolades

This spring the following Department of Leadership Studies faculty and students were bestowed with honors and awards.

William P. Foster Outstanding Dissertation Award, selected by the SOLES faculty:  Laura J. Deitrick '10 (Ph.D.) and David Mark Silver '10 (Ph.D.)
Dean Paula Cordeiro and Laura Deitrick
LENS laura j deitrick foster award

Student of the Year, selected by faculty in the three M.A. programs:
LENS sp10 hargrove LENS sp10 Ii LENS sp10 castilloP
Pictured from left to right, Leadership Studies & ELDA programs: Kelly Hargrove '10 (M.A.), Higher Education Leadership: Khalia Ii '10 (M.A.)
Nonprofit Leadership and Management: Elizabeth Castillo '10 (M.A.)

Kelli Dorey and Athena Perrakis
LENS sp10 perrakis
Leadership Studies Faculty Member of the Year, selected by department graduate students:  Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.

Sergio Rodriguez
LENS sp10 sergio

SOLES Staff/Administrator of the Year,
selected by SOLES students:
Sergio Rodriguez,
current student, M.A. in Leadership Studies

LASH Faculty Award:  Patricia Saraniero '07 (Ed.D.).

Author E. Hughes Career Achievement Award
for professional career achievement

LENS sp10 newman

Originated in 1995, the Author E. Hughes Career Achievement Awards are named in honor of President Emeritus, Author E. Hughes. His outstanding achievements over his 24 years as president and his commitment to excellence mirror the extraordinary accomplishments of the fifty-four honorees who proudly wear the medallion bearing his name.  This year's honoree from SOLES was Rich Newman '05 (Ed.D.), Principal, Monterey Ridge Elementary.

Call for Nominations - Outstanding Book on Leadership
The University of San Diego Book award is given to the author(s) of the most outstanding book on leadership published in a given year. The current call for nominations is for books with a 2010 copyright.  

The selection committee will be chaired by Professor Robert Donmoyer and will include faculty member, George Reed, doctoral students Paige Haber, David Facer, Sam Chung, Bethan Theunissen and Lindsay McDougle,  doctoral alum, Chris Procello '08 (Ph.D.), Leadership Studies master's student, Whitney Strain, and one undergraduate Leadership Studies minor student, Stephanie Shepherd.

To nominate a book, fill out and submit the brief electronic nomination form. Nominations will be accepted through June 30, 2010.
Department Provides Safe Space

LENS sp10 safe space
Walk down the hall past the Leadership Studies faculty, staff and adminstrator offices and you'll see plenty of these emblems on the doors.  Each emblem designates employees who've completed training to become a SAFE SPACE ALLY.  By displaying a SAFE SPACE emblem, members of the university community provide visible markers of validation, support, and respect for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community as well as other potentially marginalized populations.  The Safe Space Allies Network enhances the ability of students, staff, administrators and faculty to demonstrate proactively and personally the University's core values of community, inclusion, and respect for all - regardless of sexual orientation or other identity. Grounded in Catholic Social Thought, the University's mission affirms that all human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.  To learn more about the program, visit the United Front Multicultural Center.
USD Students Share Expertise and Learn with Qatar Professionals

Back: Khalia Ii, Sara Christovich, Christine Killoran, Lauren Johnson, Christina Wellhouser, Richard Bakken, Cheryl Getz, Nicolas Kajimoto, Front: Laura Sabin, Jacqueline Loya, Paige Haber, Kelli Dorey
LENS sp10 qatar class

A group of eleven master's and doctoral students from the department went on a 2-week global study course to Qatar in January in partnership with the University of Maryland and the Qatar Foundation's Education City. The students participated in a number of cultural experiences, interacted with staff on the campuses, and participated in the 3-day Young Professionals Institute. This model collaboration is a powerful way to contribute to existing research and scholarship to advance student success.  Cheryl Getz and Paige Haber were the instructors for this course.  The events drew media attention from the Gulf Times and the Pennisula.
CEPAL Receives Additional Funding
Scott Himelstein, director of the Center for Education Policy and Law (CEPAL), is pleased to announce CEPAL has received funding to work on two education-related research projects.  The first project, funded by the San Diego Public Library Foundation, involves the research into and development of a charter high school.  The high school will be located on the sixth and seventh floor of the planned new San Diego Central Library in downtown. The second project, funded by the City of Chula Vista, involves a feasibility study related to the pursuit of higher education partners in a planned university campus.  The principal researcher on both projects is Frank Kemerer. Other SOLES faculty and staff involved in the projects include Lea Hubbard, Laura Deitrick, research associate and doctoral student, Julie Zoellin Cramer, and CEPAL staff attorney, Allison Deal.  Ms. Deal joined the CEPAL staff this year and is an alumna of the USD School of Law.
CEPAL is a joint center of the School of Leadership and Education Sciences and the School of Law.
News from the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research
A team of doctoral students Taylor Peyton Roberts, Heather Carpenter, and Lindsey McDougle traveled with Center Director Laura Deitrick, and faculty members Bob Donmoyer and Mary McDonald to present at the Seventh Annual West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference at Portland State in April.  Taylor Roberts also traveled to Georgia to attend the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology's 25th Annual Conference in April, where she volunteered as an ambassador and helped promote I/O At Work (a website that summarizes academic articles to bridge the gap between research and practice in HR and other fields: Caster Research Assistant Bethan Theunissen attended the Academy of Religious Leadership.
On May 20th the Caster team released its latest research report "A Spotlight on San Digeo's Third Sector" to an audience of 150 nonprofit leaders, funders, and government officials.  This project was lead by Caster Research Assistant Melanie Hitchcock with assistance from research assistant Tom Cessarini.  The full report may be found on the SOLES website
Tom Cesarini and Melanie Hitchcock
LENS sp10 melanie tom

Additionally, Heather Carpenter and others released the Center's first national study which examined Human Resource Trends in nonprofit organizations.  The study received mention in the Chronicle of Philanthropy. An HR training event is planned for June 16th at SOLES and will feature the research as well as several interactive workshops on HR. Event details may be found at:
ELDA Recognized as Exemplary Principal Preparation Program by Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education
On February 19 2010, 1200 deans and faculty of schools of education convened at the annual conference of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan discussed the importance of our nation providing outstanding school principal preparation programs so that all children in our nation's K-12 schools achieve success. Secretary Duncan cited three programs in the country that serve as models of school leadership preparation. The University of San Diego's Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA) was cited as one of the most effective and innovative school leadership programs in the nation.
U.S. Presidents: Leadership Lessons?
This semester ten graduate students (five masters degree students in leadership, two doctoral students, and three law school students) enrolled in a course designed to answer the question: Are there leadership lessons that can be learned by examining the leadership skills and and traits of American Presidents? The course was taught by Professor Emeritus Ed DeRoche.

The framework for the course included four in-class sessions (one per month) and six online session via WebCT. The readings included several articles on presidential leadership including a speech by historian Robert Dallek, and articles by historian Doris K. Goodwin and others. The text used in the course was David Gergen's Eyewitness To Power.  Several web site resources were also used.

DeRoche found that the students recognized the unique nature of the leadership position of a president as a major leader in the U.S. and in the world. "The students came to appreciate how effective presidents used their skills and talents to deal the three "Ps" of the position-the public-- the politics--and the propaganda within a political climate rife with a variety of circumstances and crises that occur during their time in office."

So, after a semester of study, DeRoche affirms that the students would answer the course question affirmatively. The leadership lessons would be captured in such words as character (integrity, trust, courage, charisma, loyalty, etc), vision/mission, delegation, accountability, communication (listening & persuading), and building and maintaining positive relationships. 
Current Student Updates and News

LENS sp10 minor presentLeadership Minor students Nina Baumgardner, Danielle Lewis, Emily McMahon, and Marisa Miller along with instructor and doctoral student, Paige Haber, presented two workshop sessions at the National Collegiate Leadership Conference in Tucson, Arizona in February.  The two sessions were "Marketing Your Leadership Experiences in the Real World" and" Who am I and Where am I Going: Identifying Values, Visions, and Personal Mission Statements".  These two sessions session stemmed from a course project in EDLD 350: Leadership in Groups on developing a professional workshop presentation. 

Cynthia Davalos
, first year doctoral student,
Cynthia Davalos with Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Penny Rue
received UC San Diego's Staff Diversity Award for Student Affairs.  Cynthia was honored for her work in outreach and yield.  She was also recognized for her collaborations with current students on issues of diversity and access. Each Vice Chancellor awards one employee from their division to receive this award.  Cynthia accepted her award from Chancellor Marye Anne Fox and Chief Diversity Officer Sandra Daley. 

Robert Gailey '10 (Ph.D.) moderated the plenary session at the San Diego Microfinance Summit that featured a panel of international microfinance practitioners.  Gailey also  served on a panel for a breakout session entitled "Microfinance in Academia". On the breakout panel were professors from USD, UCSD, SDSU, and PLNU demonstrating a great collaboration across academic institutions in San Diego.

Associate Professor, Cheryl Getz, with doctoral students Paige Haber and Sean Horrigan presented a pre-conference session at the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) annual convention in Boston in March titled "Leadership Development & Authentic Learning through Case-In-Point Teaching and Facilitation".  Paige Haber, along with her colleague Marcy Shankman, also presented  "Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: Using Innovative Ideas to Identify Revolutionary Results".  Additionally,Paige Haber was recently selected as a 2010 Annuit Coeptis Emerging Professional for excellence in leadership, research, professional association service, and teaching by the American College Personnel Association (ACPA).
Paige Haber is also the co-author on a recently accepted publication in the Leadership Review.  The article is titled "Gender and leadership through the lens of emotionally intelligent leadership" and is co-authored by M. L. Shankman, C. Facca and S. Allen.

Doctoral student Karen Kramer Horning was invited by The Rainbow Educator Management Team to be a Rainbow Educator for the 2010-2011 school year.  The Rainbow Educators are a group of students, staff, alumni, and faculty who create and present workshops on campus at USD on sexual orientation and other diversity issues.  You can find more information about the Rainbow Educators and their mission here:
Cara Miller, doctoral student and instructor of EDLD 351: Leadership Seminar presented at the 7th Annual Action Research Conference on May 14, 2010.   She presented with three students in the Leadership Minor: Nina Baumgardner, a junior, Cassie Hoppock, a senior, and Marisa Miller a junior.  The presentation "Leadership Seminar: Co-Researching an Undergraduate Leadership Course" was an account from a teacher and students who completed a capstone undergraduate leadership studies course using Action Research to study their work together in real time. Students were invited to join the teacher as co-researchers of the experience of learning and teaching about leadership, engaging the principles of Action Inquiry.

Doctoral student, Steve Smith, in conjunction with Principal Jonathan Ton and teacher Leah LaVelle created the Learn to Lead program for Eighth-grade GATE and Seminar students at Montgomery Middle School
The Learn to Lead program was profiled in a recent SDUSD newsletter as well as their blog.  

Sara Kathleen Henry '10 (Ph.D.) was promoted to Director of the Center for Communication and Leadership at the University of California, San Diego. She will oversee the UCSD Express to Success Programs and the Intergroup Relations Program and will work to advance new initiatives related to communication and leadership skill development for college students.
Alumni Updates - Graduate Programs
Jackie Freiberg '94 (Ed.D.) was named one of the Top 5 honorees for 2010 by Speakers Platform. Each year, Speakers Platform recognizes five speakers within fifteen popular topic areas. Freiberg appeared in the Top 5 for Leadership speakers. 

Tunde Hegedus '10 (M.A.) was awarded a scholarship by the Hungarian American Coalition. She received the Dr. Elemer and Eva Kiss scholarship award.

Arnulfo Manriquez '05 (M.A.) has  been appointed as the new President and CEO of the Chicano Federation of San Diego County. View the full press release.

Diana Ross '09 (M.A.) is Collaborative Director of Mid-City CAN (Community Advocacy Network).  Mid-City CAN will oversee the Building Healthy Communities Initiative in City Heights, as funded by The California Endowment, which will focus resources over the next 10 years to the community.  City Heights was visited by First Lady, Michelle Obama in April to help launch this effort.  To learn more, listen to this interview on KPBS.
Faculty and Administrator Updates

Professor Paula Cordeiro chaired the session "International Perspectives on School Leadership and Ethics in Education" at the American Educational Research Association's (AERA) Annual Meeting. 

Professor Bob Donmoyer also participated in AERA's 2010 Annual Meeting.  He presented his paper "Competing Conceptions of Instructional Leadership: Portraits of Practice Gleaned From Three Research Studies" at the session, "21st-Century Instructional Leadership in Canada and the United States: Research-Based Images of What Is, a Discussion of What Ought to Be (and What Still Needs to Be Researched)" and he served as the discussant at the session "Conceptual and Theoretical Considerations in Qualitative Research".

Professor Robert Donmoyer and Associate Professor Fred Galloway published "Reconsidering the Utility of Case Study Designs for Researching School Reform in a Neo-Scientific Era: Insights From a Multiyear, Mixed-Methods Study " in Educational Administration Quarterly 2010; volume 46;  originally published online

Professor Lea Hubbard presented research on ELDA's POST initiative that she conducted with Professor Paula Cordeiro and doctoral student Tammy Moriarty.  The presentation titled "Supporting Veteran Principals: A Matter of Coaching and Context" was presented in New Zealand at the NZEALS Conference in April. 

Lea Hubbard also recenlty published, "Research to Practice: The Case of Boston Public Schools, Education Matters and Boston Plan for Excellence" in C. Coburn & M.K. Stein (Eds), Research and practice in education: Building alliances, bridging the divide. Landham, MD., Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 

CEPAL Associate Director and Professor-in-Residence Frank Kemerer is pleased to report that Stanford University Press has just posted the first semi-annual update for his book California School Law on the book's website. Written with co-author and attorney Peter Sansom, the update brings the second edition of California School Law up to date. The second edition was published in 2009.  The update is available on the book's website at It may be downloaded at no cost.
Doctoral Graduate Assistantships

We are pleased to welcome the following doctoral students to the Department and SOLES who have been hired in the following Graduate Assistantship positions.  

Nathaniel Dunigan
Graduate Research Assistant,
SOLES Global Office 
Maureen Guarcello
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Leadership Studies

Alexander Lehman

Graduate Research Assistant, Educational Leadership Development Academy (ELDA)

Valerie Livesay
Graduate Research Assistant, Office of Outreach and Recruitment

Daniel Tillapaugh
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Leadership Studies/Leadership Minor

They join our current team of Graduate Assistants who will be returning to their current GA positions:

Heather Carpenter

Graduate Research Associate , Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research
Tom Cesarini

Graduate Research Assistant, Caster Family Center for  Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research

Julie Cramer
Graduate Research Associate, Center for Educational Policy and Law (CEPAL)

Crystal Dujowich

Global Center Assistant Coordinator, SOLES Global Office  

Paige Haber

Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Leadership Studies/ Leadership Minor

Melanie Hitchcock
Graduate Research Assistant, Caster Family Center for  Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research

Cynthia Martinez

Global Center Coordinator, SOLES Global Office  

Rob Rankin

Graduate Research Assistant, SOLES Office of Assessment

Bethan Theunissen

Graduate Research Assistant, Caster Family Center for  Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research

We'd like to thank Lindsey McDougle and Cara Miller for their work over the last few years in the Caster Center for  Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research and the Department of Leadership Studies Leadership Minor, respectively.

American Humanics 14th Annual Easter Basket Drive
Students in the American Humanics Student Association raised funds, purchased supplies, assembled, and delivered 125 Easter backpacks to children living in group foster care homes and the Toussaint Teen Center.  Each child received personal items, school supplies, and candy. 

Thank you for bringing a smile to a child's face Easter Morning!
Alyssa Black                 Laura Crespo
Paula Cordeiro             Nicole Holliday
Stacey Kasendorf         Alfred Chavez Jr
Katie Weesner, Alyssa Martinez, and Nicole Russo assembling the Easter backpacks.

Jack Crumley               Ed DeRoche
Kathy Estey                 Larry Gardepie
Cheryl Getz                 Jeff Givens
Annie Guanciale          Rick Hagen
Philip Hwang               Cel Johnson
Mary Kruer                  Sheryl Lorey-McAtee
Meghan Malone          Christine McAuliffe
Tom Neer                   Ronald Pachence
Karen Rado                 Julie Sullivan
Teresa Van Horn         Eric Velazquez
Jacques Wendel           Lisa Zullo
American Humanics Management Institute 2010
Nine George and Katherine Pardee scholars attended the American Humanics Management Institute (AHMI) in Phoenix, AZ.  More than 1,000 students, faculty, nonprofit and corporate leaders took part in AHMI 2010, a capstone educational experience for students earning AH Certification.  It was a unique opportunity for AH students to network with nonprofit executives, attend workshops led by experts in nonprofit studies, participate in interviews for nonprofit professional positions and participate in real-time case studies at Phoenix nonprofits.  

2010 Pardee Scholars:
Clayton Elkin                    Melissa Davis              Jeff Givens           
Alyssa Martinez               Andrew O'Such           Karen Pretzer     
Ariel Shivers                     Erica Stevenson          Katie Weesner
Front row left to right, Katie Weesner, Erica Stevenson, Melissa Davis Back row left to right, Jeff Givens, Alyssa Martinez, Clayton Elkin, Ariel Shivers, Teresa VanHorn, Andrew O'Such. Not pictured, Karen Pretzer
ah institute

American Humanics and Leadership Minor Alumni News

Katie Delahunty DelaVaughn '00 (B.A.) and her husband welcomed their son Wendell B., born Feb. 9, 2010.

Erica Lovano '05 (B.A.) is the Special Projects Coordinator at California State Northridge.

If you have news to share, please email Teresa VanHorn at
Commencement 2010
Congratulation to all our graduates in the Department of Leadership Studies.

Leadership Studies Doctoral Degree Recipients
August 2009, January 2010 and May 2010

Ronald Baza, Ed.D., Revitalization, Reinvigoration, and Motivation of Survivors in Changed, Restructured, and Downsized Organizations:  A Study of Leadership Challenges in Local Government
Jacquelyn Brown, Ph.D., An Empirical Look at the Relationship Between Personality Type and the Challenges of Telecommuting
Julia Buchanan, Ph.D., Indigenous Leadership: A Talking-Circle Dialogue
with Cree Leaders
Soshana Chatfield, Ed.D., Restoring Confidence: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Interim Commanding Officers in U.S. Navy Operational Units
Claudia Chavez McKay, Ph.D., The Contributions of the Unwanted
Guadalupe Corona, Ed.D., Latina First Year Experience: Factors that Contribute to Persistence from the First to the Second Year in Higher Education
Laura Deitrick, Ph.D., California Education Foundations: A Mixed Methods Study
Heather Dierolf, Ph.D., Adult Learning and School Leadership: Application and Learning from a Group Relations Conference
Robert Gailey, Ph.D., Social Capital and Economic Empowerment: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship Between Changes in the Value of Accumulated Assets and Measures of Social Capital Among Rural South African Women
Sara Henry, Ph.D., Extending our Understanding of Social Belonging: Students' Use of Technology, Psychosocial Well- Being and Sense of Community in University Life
Debra Johnson, Ph.D., The Role of Higher Education in Advancing Nurse Practitioners: A Look at the Institutional Decision Calculus of a Health Sciences University
Devadhasan Masilamony, Ph.D., Strategic Planning: Contextual Factors That Facilitated and/or Challenged the Implementation of Strategic Planning in Two Nonprofit Organizations
Robin McCoy, Ph.D., The Impact of a Simulation Based Leader Development Training Program on Transformational and Transactional Leadership Behavior
Whitney McIntyre Miller, Ph.D., Postconflict Community Development in Sierra Leone: Western, Cultural, and National Influences
Sarina Molina, Ed.D., Examining the Role of Meaning-making and Cultural Competence in How Teachers Understand and Approach their Work with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Jennifer Reiter-Cook, Ed.D., California Charter School Closures: Perspectives and Advice from Nine Former Charter School Directors
David Silver, Ph.D., Understanding Charter School Governance: A Case Study of a Conversion Charter School Board of Directors
Christiane Sorenson, Ed.D., Balancing Act: A Study of International School Heads' Efforts to Manage the Professional and Personal Aspects of Their Lives
Richard Stakelum, Ed.D., The Lost-Boys Phenomenon
Lorri Sulpizio, Ph.D., Women and Authority: Transitioning Into a Role of Assigned Authority as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in a Leadership Class
Roslyn Woodard, Ed.D., More Power To You: Parental Experiences With The Public School Choice Option Provided By The No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001
Professor Robert Donmoyer, Devadhasan Masilamony '10 (Ph.D.) and Associate Professor Fred Galloway
LENS sp10 devdas

Leadership Studies Master of Arts Degree Recipients
January, May and August 2010

Johan Bodaski
James Bonner
Kelli Dorey
Michelll Fischthal
Khalia Ii
Lauren Johnson
Daniella Knelman
Jennifer  Richardson
Laura Shepherd
Dana Gordon
Tunde Hegedus

Higher Education Leadership Master of Arts Degree Recipients
January, May and August 2010

Elizabeth Bradley
Valerie Carbone
Jaime David
Michael Downs
Kristine Dyckman
Kelly  Hargrove
Mala Harrell
Erin Huseby
Patricia  Noujaim
Corey Pahanish
Annie Perkins
Christine Petrou
Cory Pickett
Karen Pretzer
Katherine Sheridan
Andrea Wright

Nonprofit Leadership and Management Master of Arts Degree Recipients
January, May and August 2010

Jamie Brown
Stephanie Campos
Elizabeth Castillo
Kay Costilow
Sutton Feazelle
Kelly Goffigan
Maureen Guarcello
May Harris
Kelly Henwood
Julia Hill
Marla Knox
Jennifer Martin
Christine McAuliffe
Jill Morgan
Michael Osoff
Anna Plaster
Toni Popien
Beatriz Ramirez
Simi Rush
James Stone
Kimberly Thomas
Adina Veen
Benjamin Winkler- McCue
Christy Yoder
Theresa Fox
Catherine Riddle

American Humanics Certificate

Karen Pretzer, MA Leadership Studies

American Humanics Certificate and Leadership Minor

Melissa Davis
Jeffrey Givens
Alyssa Martinez
Katie Weesner  

Leadership Minor

Adelaide Bednarski
Jessica Eustice
Mark Ferguson
Jonathon Gluchowski
Catherine Hoppock
Hallie Huston
Katherine Johnson
Brandon McCreary
Hannah Meyer
Justine Perl
Sara Vanderhorst

Honors Convocation was held on Tuesday May 4, 2010 in Shiley Theater at USD.  American Humanics certificates were issued at the event. Several American Humanics and Leadership Minor students were recognized in other areas.  The following students received additional recognition:

Nina Baumgardner was listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Adelaide Bednarski received departmental honors in History.
JaRae Birkland was inducted into Lambda Pi Eta, the National Honor Society in Communication Studies. JaRae was listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Melissa Davis was listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Clay Elkin was listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Jessica Eustice received departmental honors in Sociology.
Jonathan Gluchowski was listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Catherine Hoppock received departmental honors in Business Administration.
Katherine Johnson received department honors in Spanish.
Amaris Jones-Wiggins was listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Brandon McCrearyreceived departmental honors in Business Administration.
Nicole Russo received an outstanding leadership and service award for her work from the School of Business.  She was inducted into Mortar Board, Alcala Senior Honor Society.  
School of Leadership and Education Sciences