Moment of Truth

Our choices today determine who we will be tomorrow.
Life doesn't come with a pause button and ethical dilemmas demand instant clarity. The Moment of Truth training package addresses this problem head-on by giving employees a practical guide for making better decisions.
If you're looking for a way to motivate your team to make better choices and to give them a way to combat the pressure of the moment, this package is for you. It's a sure-fire way to help viewers think through their actions when they're caught in the moment of truth.
By focusing in on six different ethical dilemmas, the video demonstrates that no matter where the pressure is coming from- a superior, a co-worker, a friend, or even a family member - anyone can make good decisions by using these four questions to find clarity in their moment of truth:
- Is it the Truth?
- Is it Fair to All?
- Is it Free From Harm?
- Am I Proud to do it?
Training Points:
- Know what you're deciding
- Answer the 4 Questions
- When in doubt, ask someone you trust
Preview On-line - Trailer
Duration: 22 minutes
Comprehensive support material included
This BRAND NEW DVD release comes with a BONUS meeting opener:
Voices of Truth Meeting Opener - 4:00 minutes
This beautiful meeting opener features engaging quotes from philosophers, historians, and world-famous leaders accompanied by an original score. It's a perfect way to set the mood for your meeting on ethics.
For more information contact Kroon Training Services