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TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
Issue: Communication SkillsJuly 2010

Training and Developing your people is crucial in today's business environment. Like sunflowers they need watering and fertilising to grow and reach their full potential.
In this newsletter we have focused on our Communication Skills course, which is sure to develop people's skill in this area. This course is part of a suite of courses, which are also listed.
Our guiding principle is to assist with the growth and development of people, which as a result, improves individual and organisational effectiveness.
whyWhy Improve Communication Skills?
Kahi Puru 
"The problem with communication...is the illusion that it has been accomplished"
Rudyard Kipling
Communication is an activity that we must do, but we are given very little instruction about how to do it well. It is just expected that when we leave school and go into the workplace that we have the skills to communicate effectively.
Communication goes beyond words, so imagine how powerful it is. It affects many aspects of people's lives, so when we increase our awareness and develop the power of communication we benefit in so many ways, both at work and at home.
CourseCommunication Skills - The Course
This one-day course, which uses Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques, will help people improve their interactions with other people in the workplace and at home. They will gain an understanding of how people communicate and why they communicate the way they do.
The workshop is highly interactive with various activities, which allows participants to practice the techniques covered during the day. 
At the end of the course participants will:
  • Have strategies that they can use to improve their interaction with others.
  • Be aware of what barriers affect communication.
  • Be able to communicate clearly and effectively and as a result improve their relationships both at work and at home.
  • Have an understanding of their preferred communication style and be able to adapt to different communication styles.
  • Be able to deal with situations assertively.
  • Be aware of their body language and the impact it has on their communication
  • Know how to build rapport with others.
  • Understand the importance of effective communication and feedback in a team environment.
People globe
OthercoursesOther Courses Available
  • Time Management
  • Presentation Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership Skills
  • Conflict Management
  • Active Negotiating Programme
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Empowerment in Action
For complete course outlines just give us a call on (08) 9304 8214 or email trainingtools@bigpond.com
All courses will be customised, so the training is relatable for the participants, and 'real' learning takes place.
FacilitatorsYour Facilitators
Yvonne KroonYvonne Kroon
Yvonne Kroon has been providing training services and resources to WA industry for over twenty-three years. Her client base is broad; she has worked for large institutions and SME in public, private and the not-for-profit sectors. She has been involved in the design, co-ordination and delivery of many successful training programmes and through this has gained a wealth of experience and knowledge. 
Robert HounsellRobert Hounsell
Robert Hounsell has over twenty-five years experience in creating and facilitating management, leadership and personal development programmes. He has run programmes in fourteen different countries in Africa, UK, Europe, the Middle East and Australia for a variety of seventy-two different organisations.
Kroon Training Services "walks the talk" in all areas of our operations. All courses will be customised, so they are timely and relevant for the participants and 'real' learning takes place.
You, our customer will always come first. We will listen to you to really understand your needs and offer you solutions that are built to link seamlessly with your current strategies and processes. 
For complete course outlines and to discuss your training needs, give us a call on (08) 9304 8214 or email trainingtools@bigpond.com
We value ongoing relationships and that's why we will work hard to deliver a strong return on your investment in training.
We look forward to assisting you and your organisation.
Yours sincerely,

Yvonne Kroon
Kroon Training Services