Kilolani Masthead and Logo - September 2009
'Apelila (April) 2010
Volume 5, Issue 4
In This Issue
April Calendar
Merrie Monarch
April's Image
Member News
Keiki Programs
Museum Theater
April Skies
Maunakea Skies
New in the Planetarium
'Imiloa Astronomy Center
'Imiloa Astronomy Center Hours
Tuesday -Sunday
Closed Mondays
Front Desk
(808) 969-9703
Subscribe to Kilolani
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Sky Garden Restaurant 
Sky Garden Restaurant
9am - 4pm

5pm - 8pm
(808) 969-9753
Did You Know?
Sensei Katsuyo Iwase and her students of Shogetsudoh-Koryu School generously donates gorgeous ikebana flower arrangements to 'Imiloa!  Please visit these beautiful displays of nature as you enter our atrium.
Bank of Hawaii Museum Store
Mr. Robot Disc Launcher
This awesome robot can shoot discs from his mouth, move forward and back, slide and glide, twist his head and turn his body and dance all from one handy remote control. Control works by infrared technology. 12" tall.  For children and adults 5 years and up.  $31.
Mahalo to our New Corporate Members!
Ka Haweo Members 
HPM logo
HPM Building Supply

Robert M. and Alice K. Fujimoto Foundation
Ka Poponi Members 

Big Island Candies
Big Island Candies
Kuwaye Trucking, Inc.

Richard M. Okuna, CPA
Have a question about becoming a member? Click here to visit our FAQs section. 
In the Planetarium:
Tycho to the Moon 
Tycho to the Moon Saturdays at 10am
Meet Tycho, a dog who doesn't just howl at the moon, but wants to go there.  Blast off on an amazing ride into space with Tycho and his young friends Ruby and Michael.  Learn about night and day, space travel, the phases of the Moon and features of the lunar surface. Take a close-up look at the Sun, watch the effects of gravity, see the Earth from space and watch meteors shoot across the night sky.  This fun family program will inspire you to look at the Moon in a new way.  The program includes a live sky show featuring stars, planets, constellations, and of course,
 the Moon!  45-50 minutes in length.
In the Planetarium:
Caltech Observatory with rainbow 
Awesome Light 2:   Seeing the Invisible
 (in 3D) 
Tues - Sun at 2pm
How do we see the invisible?  By looking using different kinds of eyes!  Awesome Light 2 takes the audience to Maunakea and the radio and submillimeter observatories located there.  In this episode we see the remnants a comet collision with Jupiter using the Smithsonian Submillimeter Array, fly into the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy an see gas flows there from James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, study star formation in the famous Whirlpool Galaxy from Caltech Submillimeter Observatory, and explore at the largest black hole and jet in the Universe with the Very Long Baseline array.  The program uses dramatic footage of each of these observatories and displays their science results in spectacular 3D.  The program includes a live sky tour featuring stars, planets, and constellations as viewed from Hawaii!  45-50 minutes in length.
In the Planetarium:
3D Sun 
Tues - Sun at 1 and 3pm
From Earth, the Sun cannot be looked at with human eyes.  3D Sun allows audiences to see the Sun up close in startling 3D.  Stand above the Arctic Circle and witness the most brilliant auroras on Earth; take a ride on a solar blast from Sun's surface to Earth's Magnetosphere, and come to a deeper understanding of what this vast sea of fire means to life here on Earth.  Dramatic imagery from the NASA STEREO (Solar and Terrestrial Observatory) is used to show the audience the Sun in a whole new light.  The program includes a live sky tour featuring stars, planets, and constellations as viewed from Hawaii!  45-50 minutes in length. 
Sign Up!
Click here to become a member or renew your membership!
Mahalo to our New and Renewing Members!
January 2010
Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Fujimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Polloi
Dr. Aron Goldberg
Mrs. Barbara J. Renaud
Ms. Beverly Halling
Mrs. Beverly S. F. Dodo
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Ogawa
Mr. Brooks Bauer
Ms. Carlynne L. Ellamar
Mrs. Caroline E. Davis
Mr. Charles C. Cartwright
Mr. Christopher J. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Kanazawa
Mr. Daniel Kunert
Mr. & Mrs. David Bartock
Mr. & Mrs. Desmond K. Wery
Mr. Donald Y. Enoki
Ms. & Ms. Elizabeth Schick
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Y. Tao
Ms. Evalani K. Hirano
Mrs. Felicia E. Friend-Betlach
Ms. Gail A. Ericson Madie
Ms. Gail L. Mashburn
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Y. Kuroyama
Ms. Gayle A. Crosley
Dr. George D. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Makino
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon N. Ishikawa
Mr. Jack H. Ott
Mr. & Mrs. James Gannon
Mr. James R. Sevcik
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Yagi
Mr. & Mrs. James Y. Sadayasu
Mr. Jeffrey H. Nishimura
Mr. Jeffrey L. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Shepard
Mr. Jeffrey Sue
Ms. Jennifer A. Cass
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Crawford
Ms. Joanne Totten
Mr. & Mrs. John C. FitzGerald
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Swatek
Johnie Judd
Ms. Josephine M. Crawford
Ms. Judith A. San Filippo
Mrs. Julann M. Sonomura
Mrs. Katharine T. McLeod
Ms. Katherine S. Tolentino
Ms. Kathleen M. Hammaker
Miss Kelli Makino
Mr. Kenneth T. Kumasaki
Mr. Kenneth J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Kolin K. Kettleson
Ms. Kristie-Lee P. Oshiro
Drs. Leonard & Cecilia Mukai
Ms. Linda F. Nelson
Ms. Linn L. Solomon
Ms. Lisa K. Taniguchi
Ms. Lois A. Cecil
Mrs. Lorna Sue
Ms. Maria C. Paul
Mrs. Merle L. Dendinger
Mr. Mitchell M. Dodo
Mr. & Mrs. Myron O. Isherwood, Jr.
Ms. Nancy A. Kunert
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert P. Correia
Mr. Paul B. Mount, II
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Whitman
Mr. Peter Golden
Mr. Peter K. Kubota
Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Black
Ms. Phyllis E. Segawa
Ms. Priscilla V. Escritor
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Gandy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bethea
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Y. Kawachika
Dr. Rollie J. Litteral
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Haskin
Mr. Ryan K. Ka'awaloa
Ms. Sigrid Wilson
Ms. Stacey K. Kaaua
Ms. Stella M. Bernardo
Ms. Suzette S. Shigemasa
Ms. Tanya L. Escritor-Yamada
Ms. Tracey E. Kaneshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Welden Ahuna
Mr. Wendell D. Paiva
Mr. Wesley A. Wenhardt
Mr. Wesley R. Segawa
Mr. Wilfred H. Paul, Jr.
Mr. William L. Bethea
Ms. Vicki L. Nelson
Mr. & Ms. Victor V. Vierra
Mahalo to our New and Renewing Members!
February 2010
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Barcena
Mr. & Mrs. Alan A. Kusunoki
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Liwai
Mr. & Mrs. Bennett A. Uyetake
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Roman
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Barash
Cita Maignes
Ms. Cynthia Kerrigan
Ms. Darla Cash
Mr. David G. Schell
Mr. David Panoff
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne T. Mukai
Mr. Edward E. Berney
Mr. & Mrs. Frances K. Liwai
Mr. & Mrs. Gil Silva
Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Freitas
Mrs. Helene H. Hale
Ms. Iva R. B. Goldman
Mr. James M. Lindenmuth
Dr. James N. Thomas
Ms. Jana Silva
Ms. Jaymelyn Ingman
Ms. Jayne K. Fujioka
Mrs. JoAnn Baird
Ms. Jodee K. M. Haugh
Mr. & Mrs. Joe T. James
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Kelley
Mr. John Toulze
Mr. Johnson Kahili
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Thorpe
Ms. Julie A. Ingman
Mrs. Kaori Bothell
Ms. Kathleen Dailey
Mrs. Kelly Harrison
Mrs. Kimberly E. A. Pua
Dr. Leon Hyman
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Tanaka
Ms. Lillian N. Takemura
Mrs. Mae N. Morita
Mr. & Ms. Malcolm Bevington
Ms. Marianne Panoff
Mr. Mario J. Patino
Dr. Mark A. Goldman
Mrs. Marlynn C. Border
Mr. Martin Border
Ms. Mary F. Nielsen
Mr. Melvyn Y. K. Choy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Polido
Mr. Michael T. Omija
Mr. Norman A. Skinner
Mrs. Patricia A. Thorniley
Ms. Patricia L. Walters
Mr. & Ms. Paul Ducasse
Ms. Peggy Saunders
Mr. & Ms. Perry Thornhill
Mr. & Ms. Randall Eckart
Mr. Randall K. Monaghan
Mr. Richard D. Fetchen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Fiske
Dr. Robert M. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Elcock
Mr. & Ms. Rodney M. Aurello
Mr. Roy K. Kawamura
Mr. Roy S. K. Kuahuia, Jr.
Ms. Sarah Drapesa
Mr. & Mrs. Stacey G. K. Chun
Mr. & Ms. Stacey A. Jarneski, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nemeth
Mr. Stephen K. Yamashiro & Ms. Della E. Allison
Ms. Susan C. Dordal
Ms. Terri Ann R. Otani
Mr. Warren J. Ferreira
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Kaneshiro
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne K. Kanemoto
Ms. Wendy S. Westlake
Mr. William L. Bothell
Mr. William Lyman & Ms. Eileen Tredway
Mr. William M. Yoeman, Sr.
Find us on...
'Imiloa Astronomy Center is part of the 
 University of Hawai'i
at Hilo
University of Hawai'i at Hilo logo 


Aloha mai!  

Welcome to 'Imiloa's monthly membership e-newsletter, Kilolani.  Please send your comments and feedback to our Membership and Development Office at or call (808) 969-9732.
'Apelila (April) Calendar
April 6-9         Merrie Monarch Events at 'Imiloa
April 7            Science Rocks! after-school program
April 14          Science Rocks! after-school program
April 17          Maunakea Skies lecture series at 7:00 pm
April 21          Science Rocks! after-school program
April 28          Science Rocks! after-school program
Daily Planetarium Shows (Tuesday through Sunday)
11 am             Mauna Kea: Between Earth and Sky
1 pm              3D Sun
2 pm              Awesome Light 2: Seeing the Invisible (in 3D!)
3 pm              3D Sun
Thursdays      3D Hitchhikers Guide to the New Universe at 7:30 pm
9:30-11 am     Keiki Kilohoku Korner activities in the atrium
10:00 am        Tycho to the Moon planetarium shows 
Free Merrie Monarch Events at 'Imiloa
Merrie Monarch at 'Imiloa
Merrie Monarch 2010
Tuesday, April 6
Pearls of Knowledge: 
An Academic Overview of Keaomelemele
10:00-11:30 am
Hawaiian scholar Hiapo Perreira has been working all semester with the students of Ke Kula Nawahiokalani'opu'u on the study of the traditional stories of Keaomelemele.  He will share with the public the pearls of knowledge culled from this research.  This presentation will be offered in Hawaiian, with English simultaneous translation via headphones (translator: Kaliko Trapp).
by Na Haumana o ke Kula Nawahiokalani'opu'u
1:00-2:30 pm
Under the guidance of kumu Ha'amauliola Aiona, students of Nawahiokalani'opu'u Hawaiian Language Immersion School have studied the traditional stories of Keaomelemele throughout this school year.  Their research has been compiled and shaped into a dramatic presentation telling this epic story of gods, humans and hula.  This performance will be presented in Hawaiian, with an English printed translation available. 
Wednesday, April 7
: Honoring the Elements
10:00-11:30 am
Kumu hula Leina'ala Heine will showcase the life lessons within the story of Keaomelemele.  The presentation will highlight the elemental connections, the genealogical ties, and the hula traditions of the wahine 'eu'eu who was raised as the punahele of Mo'oainanea in Ke'alohilani.  Includes performance by her halau, Na Pualei o Likolehua. 
Miss Aloha Hula Panel
1:00-2:30 pm
A panel of former holders of the coveted title "Miss Aloha Hula" from Halau o Ka Ua Kani Lehua will discuss their experiences in working with the innovative kumu hula Johnny Lum Ho.  Moderated by Kawelo Kong Kee. 
Thursday, April 8
Collaboration in Hawaiian Song Composition Today
10:00-11:30 am
Twelve-time Na Hoku Hanohano Award winning composer, performer and producer Kenneth Makuakane and assistant professor Keola Donaghy of Ka Haka 'Ula O Ke'elikolani will discuss their experiences with collaboration in contemporary Hawaiian language and musical composition.
Contemporary Hawaiian Music with Kainani Kahaunaele
1:00-2:30 pm
Three-time Na Hoku Hanohano Award winner Kainani Kahuanaele is a Hawaiian language instructor known for her beautiful voice, her traditional compositions with contemporary flair, and her knowledge of Hawaiian culture.  Her debut CD Na'u  'Oe won the Hawai'i Music Award for Best Traditional Hawaiian Album.  Join her as she shares her latest compositions from her newest CD release, 'Ohai 'Ula.
Friday, April 9
Hula Workshop
10:00-11:30 am
Participants will learn basic movements and a simple hula taught by Kumu hula Nani Lim Yap of halau Na Lei O Kaholoku.  First come, first served.  Space is limited.
Na Palapalai
1:00-2:30 pm
Multi Na Hoku Hanohano Award winners, Kuana Torres Kahele and Kehau Tamure of Na Palapalai will feature their trendsetting leo ha'iha'i (falsetto) harmonies as they debut mele from their newest CD, Nanea.
Image of the Month
Credit: R. Kennicutt (Steward Obs.) et al., SSC, JPL, Caltech, NASA
Image of the Month
The Sombrero Galaxy in Infrared
This floating ring is the size of a galaxy. In fact, it is part of the Sombrero Galaxy, one of the largest galaxies in the nearby Virgo Cluster of Galaxies. The dark band of dust that obscures the mid-section of the Sombrero Galaxy in optical light actually glows brightly in infrared light. The above image shows the infrared glow, recently recorded
by the orbiting Spitzer Space Telescope, superposed in false-color on an existing image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in optical light. The Sombrero Galaxy, or Messier 104, spans some 50,000 light years and is 28 million light years away.
Membership News
Member Appreciation Night
A big MAHALO! goes out to all of you who attended our recent Member Appreciation Night!  It was a blast!  We had over 250 members come through our doors for the worldwide premieres of Sky-Skan Inc's 3D Sun and our very own Awesome Light 2.  The Museum Theater presented a wonderful play entitled Maui and the Sun.  Visiting keiki created their own solar bead bracelets and star watercolor paintings and learned about spectrophotometry and stars.  Grayden Ha'i-Kelly's beautiful Hawaiian music was enjoyed by all, as was the Sky Garden Restaurant's delicious fried noodles.  Thank you for coming and thank you for your support of 'Imiloa!    
New Corporate Membership Program
Businesses and companies have a new opportunity for helping to perpetuate 'Imiloa's journey of exploration and pursuit of knowledge.  Our Corporate Membership program supports 'Imiloa's educational offerings such as our dynamic Science Rocks! afterschool sessions and stimulating Furlough Friday activities.  Plus, members receive a great benefits package including tickets, facility rental discounts, free days and business logo showcasing opportunities. 

'Imiloa membership is an important investment in the future of our island and state.  If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Member, please contact Nico Verissimo at (808) 969-9732 or  
Keiki Programs and Opportunities
Keiki Kilohoku Korner
Keiki Kilohoku Korner
Saturday's Keiki Kilohoku Korner
Bring your keiki to 'Imiloa on Saturdays!  From 9:30-11am, come meet Ka`imi the Traveler.  Create your own Ka`imi puppet and take him on your own Journey.  Allow 15 minutes for this hands-on, creative activity. 
Science Rocks! at 'Imiloa
'Imiloa's Science Rocks! is an educational and interactive after-school program that runs every Wednesday from 2:30-5:15pm.  Tailored for students grades 4-6, each Science Rocks! session is $15 and limited to 20 students.  Snacks are provided.  Click here for the brochure, and here for the enrollment form.  For more information, please call our School Programs Coordinator, Gail Loeffler, at 969-9729. 
April 7     Slime & Polymer Chemistry
April 14    Human Body
April 21    Earth Science
April 28    Weather
Camp 'Imiloa Science Rocks! for Boys and Girls
Camp 'Imiloa
Camp Imiloa
Give your keiki the opportunity this summer to explore science, math and culture while having FUN!  Our Camp 'Imiloa Science Rocks! programs are totally hands-on, as campgoers will be building with wind tubes, constructing functional engine models, examining the world around them using telescopes and microscopes and even learn about sound while playing in a marimba performance!  Camps are open to students grades 3-6 (as of January 1, 2010). 
Camps are 4 days long, from 8 am to 12 noon.  $100 for members, $110 for non-members.  Daily drop-ins may be available at $30 per day.  Tuition includes science supplies.  Click here for a camp brochure.  For more information, please call Gail Loeffler at 969-9729.
June 1-4     Camp 'Imiloa Science Rocks! for Girls
June 8-11    Camp 'Imiloa Science Rocks! for Boys
STARBASE HAWAII Comes to 'Imiloa
Photo courtesy of STARBASE HAWAII
Calling all future aviators!  STARBASE Hawaii will be coming to 'Imiloa in June and July for their FREE Summer 2010 FSX 3-Day Intro to Flight programs.  Soar above the Hawaiian Islands with STARBASE's flight simulators and learn about mission planning, flying safety, aircraft design, and so much more!
Intro to Flight is open to the first 15 students grades 6-8.  Students need to bring their lunches, snacks and drinks.  To register, please call STARBASE Hawaii at (808) 982-4298 or email

Intro to Flight (9am - 2pm)
June 22-24
June 29-July 1
July 20-22
'Imiloa's Furlough Fridays: Making a Difference
A Letter from Parent Members 
Furlough Fridays at 'Imiloa
Furlough Fridays
At a time when school days were vaporized by Furlough Friday's and the epic light saber battle of finger pointing between the government, legislators and unions was daily news,  Imiloa Astronomy Center stepped up to provide two amazing educational programs.  On Wednesday's Imiloa hosts an after-school science program for students in grades 4 to 6 and on the 17 days the Department of Education declared as Furlough Friday's, Imiloa provides a full-day of science enrichment activities for children in grades K-8.
To witness my child's interest in education and personal awareness soar to new heights is truly exciting! The resources, skills and energy the enrichment programs at Imiloa utilized to inspire the children is a great benefit to the education community. My child is provided a turbo boost of supplemental education through the Imiloa enrichment program when his basic education was short-changed by circumstances imposed by the State reaction to its budget crisis.  He also experienced the true meaning of Imiloa, the "exploration driven by a sense of wonder and imagination."  Thank you.  My son and I can't wait for your summer camp.
 -Ian and Sue Lee Loy
'Imiloa Museum Theater Performances
'Imiloa Museum Theater Performers
Pocket Theater
'Imiloa is currently hosting UH Hilo student interns as Museum Theatre Performers. These interns present various topics through skits, lectures, and theatre.  
Come and learn about an exciting topic - FREE with paid admission.
'Imiloa Museum Theatre Performance Schedule
The Hawaiian Star Compass                            Tuesdays 12:15 pm 
This 15 minute presentation introduces the concept of the star compass used in Polynesian oceanic navigation.

Finding Hokupa'a (the North Star) in Hawai'i  Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:45 
A ten-minute presentation about how ancient Hawaiians navigated by the North Star, and how you can find the North Star in the sky at night here in Hawai'i.
Na Anuenue o Hawai'i nei: The Rainbows of Hawai'i 
Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:30 pm
A short presentation about how rainbows are formed and the meaning of rainbows in the Hawaiian culture.   Discover how you see rainbows here in Hawai'i.
Lauhala Gathering & Preparation                                                                      Thursdays 12:15 pm
A 10-20 minute participatory session shares techniques for gathering and preparing lauhala for weaving.  Materials will be provided.  Weave your own lauhala fish!
A Brief History of the 'Ukulele in Hawai'i                                                      Saturdays 12 noon & 1:30 pm, Sundays 1:30 pm
Discover where the Hawaiian instrument came from and where it's gone.
Poor Pluto                                                                                                            Fridays 12:45 pm, Saturdays & Sundays 12:30, 12:45, & 1:45 pm 
A brief presentation on the main planets of the Solar System , including Pluto. 
'Apelila (April) Skies 2010
April 2010 Night Sky
Highlights from the Night Sky 
  • Mercury is at its best this month on April 8th, look for it just after sunset.
  • Venus is in the west at sunset.  Look for it within 1 hour of sunset.
  • Mars is visible for a good portion of the evening and is dimming significantly from its bright appearance in January.
  • Jupiter is visible just prior to sunrise, look for it early in the morning sky.  Try using binoculars to spot the four Galilean Moons - Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
  • Saturn is visible most of the evening.  The rings continue to open up making them more and more spectacular each month this year.

'Apelila Celestial Calendar 

  Monday, April 5        Kaloakukahi (Last quarter moon) 11:37 pm
  Wednesday, April 7   Hokuloa (Venus) appears stationary
  Thursday, April 8      Ukaliali'i (Mercury) at greatest Eastern Elongation 
  Sunday, April 11       Ka'awela (Jupiter) 6� south of the Moon
  Wednesday, April 14  Muku (New Moon) at 2:29 am HST
  Thursday, April 15     Ukaliali'i (Mercury) 1.5� south of the Moon
  Friday, April 16         Hokuloa (Venus) 4� south of the Moon
  Sunday, April 18       Ukaliali'i (Mercury) appears stationary
  Wednesday, April 21  'Olekukahi (First Quarter Moon) at 8:20 am HST Lyrid Meteor
  Sunday, April 25       Makulu (Saturn) 8� north of the Moon
  Wednesday, April 28  Hoku (Full Moon) at 2:18am HST
                               Ukaliali'i (Mercury) in inferior conjunction
April Maunakea Skies:
Learning Astronomy on Mauna Kea with Trading Cards
Mauna Kea Brand Astronomy Trading Cards
Astronomy Trading Card
Saturday, April 20 at 7pm
'Imiloa Planetarium Manager Shawn Laatsch will host April's Maunakea Skies program.  His guest lecturer will be Kumiko Usuda, Subaru Telescope's Outreach Specialist, who will present Learning Astronomy on Mauna Kea with Trading Cards.
Kumiko Usuda's Mauna Kea Brand Astronomy Trading Cards is a wonderful tool that uses beautiful astronomical images and photos of the grand Maunakea telescopes to help share information about the Universe and the magnificent facilities we use to study it.  Participants will fly into the Solar System and Milky Way in 3D, learn how to use the cards and receive a set to take home!  Find out more about these cards at
Kumiko Usuda is a Japanese outreach scientist whose research involves studying gasses in the Milky Way.  She loves to talk astronomy to preschoolers and students grade K-12 in Hawai'i and Japan.  In 2009, the international year of astronomy, she led four projects: The Cosmic Poster Contest, Mauna Kea Brand Astronomy Trading Cards, the Galileo Block Party and Japan's 400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes poster.  Visit for more details about her outreach activities and IYA projects.
New In the Planetarium
3D Hitchhikers Guide to the New Universe
3D Hitchhikers Guide to the New Universe
3D Hitchhikers Guide to the New Universe
Thursday evenings from April 8 to May 13, 3D Hitchhikers Guide to the New Universe will be presented at the `Imiloa Planetarium.  Shawn Laatsch, `Imiloa's planetarium manager, will host the evening presentation and will "fly" participants out into space on a unique and engaging tour through The New Universe. The shows will be on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
Laatsch will utilize the newly updated software and datasets in the planetarium to take the audience on a journey through the Solar System, exploring planets, their moons, asteroids and the Oort cloud.  Continuing outward we visit other star systems with planets, explore the Milky Way Galaxy and its components,  journey into intergalactic space exploring galaxies, and travel to the farthest extent that our astronomical instruments are able to show us.  This virtual 3D flight through the cosmos will awe and inspire audiences with the wonders of exploration.  The program highlight the newest datasets and discoveries in astronomy from numerous sources.  The show is presented in stunning 3D making audiences feel as if they can reach out and touch the universe.  45-50 minutes in length.  $8 for members, $10 for non-members.
Every Gift Has a Story to Tell...Yours

Your giving tells the story of what you value most in life. 
Through the UH Foundation Office of Estate and Gift Planning, you can design and implement your most impactful gift and, at the same time, receive substantial income tax deductions, avoid capital gains taxes and enjoy lifetime income.
We are committed to helping you fulfill your vision for 'Imiloa Astronomy Center at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo through charitable estate and income tax strategies.  There are more unique ways to support 'Imiloa's mission than you've ever imagined!
Please call or e-mail the UH Foundation Estate and Gift Planning staff to receive the complimentary brochure, The 5 Most Popular and Strategic Ways to Give.
You can also visit, and use the gift illustrator to see the impact a gift will make.
Start your story today!
Office of Estate and Gift Planning � � (808) 956-8034
Toll Free: 1-866-UH-OHANA (846-4262) _________________________________________________________________________
UHFThe University of Hawai'i Foundation, a nonprofit organization, raises private funds to support the University of Hawai'i System. Our mission is to unite our donors' passions with the University of Hawai'i's aspirations to benefit the people of Hawai'i and beyond. We do this by raising private philanthropic support, managing private investments and nurturing donor and alumni relationships.
Please visit www.uhf.
Please send your comments and feedback to:
Membership & Fund Development Office
600 'Imiloa Place
Hilo, HI 96720
Nico Verissimo
Membership & Fund Development Manager
(808) 969-9732

Carla Kuo
Membership Assistant
(808) 969-9719 
imiloa logoCelebrate Hawaiian culture and Maunakea astronomy, sharing with the world an inspiring example of science and culture united to advance knowledge, understanding and opportunity.