Mohonk Mountain Stage Company, Inc.
Mohonk Mountain Stage Company
Raw, powerful, visceral.
Sweet, tender, quiet.
Rowdy, funny, bawdy.

It's the energy that draws you forward in your seat.
It's the pulse that makes you engage.
It's the spark that makes you think.


Wow! Our MMSC Spring Season continues next weekend with the Hudson Valley Premiere of Sarah Ruhl's fantastical comedy Dead Man's Cell Phone.!

Post No Bills'Somehow Ms Ruhl turns the intrusive and ubiquitous apparatus of her title into a kind of magical instrument for good' - The New York Times

Charles Isherwood of the New York Times goes on to  say "That commonplace gadget you are advised to turn off when the lights in the theater go down, or when the plane takes off, becomes a mysteriously powerful totem of transformation in Dead Man's Cell Phone, the beguiling new comedy by Sarah Ruhl. She writes surrealist fantasies that happen to be populated by eccentrically real people, comedies in which the surface illogic of dreams is made meaningful - made truthful - by the deeper logic of human feeling.Her theme in Dead Man's Cell Phone is the paradoxical ability of the title device (and the people who use it) both to unite and isolate."


So, that's Dead Man's Cell Phone, this coming Friday and Saturday, May 14 & 15, performances starting at 8 PM  at Unison in New Paltz.

And then, in June,  we move on to Oscar Wilde (June 11 & 12) and then a mystery thriller about stampcollecting (June 25 & 26).

Can't wait. Join us and bring a friend. Hope to see you for Dead Man's Cell Phone.

And remember, if the cell phone rings, answer it.

And all of the good folks at MMSC
Next Up ...

'Watching a Ruhl play ... is like being whisked into a smartly observed fun house. Give yourself over to it, and it's a helluva ride' - The Miami Herald

Dead Man's Cell Phone logo
May 14 & 15
8 PM
Unison Arts Center

Another Hudson Valley Premiere for MMSC!

An incessantly ringing cell phone in a quiet caf�. A stranger at the next table who has had enough. And a dead man - with a lot of loose ends. So begins Dead Man's Cell Phone, a wildly imaginative new comedy by MacArthur "Genius" Grant recipient and Pulitzer Prize finalist, Sarah Ruhl, author of "The Clean House" and "Eurydice." A work about how we memorialize the dead - and how that remembering changes us - it is the odyssey of a woman forced to confront her own assumptions about morality, redemption, and the need to connect in a technologically obsessed world.

Directed by Christine Crawfis.
Featuring Janet Nurre, Elizabeth Barrows, Rosemarie Navarra, Michael Frohnhoefer, Zsuzsa Manna and Rich Hack


"... beguiling new comedy ... Ms. Ruhl's work blends the mundane and the metaphysical, the blunt and the obscure, the patently bizarre and the bizarrely moving." - The New York Times

"Ruhl's zany probe of the razor-thin line between life and death delivers a fresh and humorous look at the times we live in." - Variety

Co-sponsored by Auerbach and Company
June 11 & 12
8 PM
Unison Arts Center
Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde
Wilde and Untamed

An Evening of the words of Oscar Wilde, poet, playwright and author.
Selected and edited by William Connors
Featuring William Connors, Zsuzsa Manna, Janet Nurre, Gerard Brooks and Thom Webb
Co-sponsored by Mayo Consulting.

Unison Arts Center
More info

June 25 & 26
8 PM
Unison Arts Center

by Theresa Rebeck

Stamp collecting is far more risky than you think. Two estranged half-sisters discover a book of rare stamps that may include the crown jewel for collectors. One sister tries to collect on the windfall, while the other resists for sentimental reasons. In this gripping tale, a seemingly simple sale becomes dangerous when three seedy, high-stakes collectors enter the sisters' world, willing to do anything to claim the rare find as their own.

Directed by Christine Crawfis

Featuring Janet Nurre, Elizabeth Barrows, Rich Hack, Thom Webb and Joseph Jervais-Gayton.

Unison Arts Center
Co-sponsored by Auerbach and Company
More info