Small Business Connections                                    February 2012 

Welcome to Small Business Connections! 


The Illinois Small Business Development Center at Waubonsee Community College is here to serve your small business needs. We offer free business counseling to entrepreneurs and business owners, as well as a variety of small business workshops.


Call us today at (630) 906-4143 to learn how we can help you start or grow your business.
Small Business Spotlight
Gaspardo & Associates 

Steve Gaspardo is President and Founder of Gaspardo & Associates, a full service 3D metrology laboratory based in Batavia, IL. Founded in 1996, the company delivers high accuracy computer aided measurement, inspection, verification and reverse engineering services to a variety of industries, from industrial and engineering firms, to automotive and aerospace manufacturers.


Steve recognized that today's manufacturing plants are faced with increasing delivery schedule demands, and need a faster way to inspect components before they are placed in higher-value assemblies. Over the last decade, the implementation of scanners and color mapping software has offered an improvement over older technologies; however the process of repositioning the scanners for each new scan is still a manual process. Repositioning is also required to eliminate shadows that can affect measurements.


Last year, Steve launched his newly patented product, ComScan, to solve these problems. ComScan, or Robotic Component Scanning System, allows metrology services to be delivered with significantly reduced time and increased accuracy. ComScan is designed to work with existing scanners on the market, offering other metrology and manufacturing companies a way of delivering their products and services more efficiently and effectively


Steve also took advantage of services funded by a Small Business Jobs Act grant through the IL SBDC at Waubonsee to help take his business to the next level. Working with both the IL SBDC and the Center for Business Education and Development (CBEID), Steve was able to procure a private investor, as well as some bank financing to fund the ComScan launch. He also received assistance in improving his back office operations to allow him to focus on growing the business.

ComScan was recently exhibited at the Quality Show in Chicago, where Steve received over 150 inquiries about his product.


You can learn more about Gaspardo & Associates and ComScan at www.gaspardo.com and www.comscan.biz 


Biz Buzz

Business Planning for REAL Business 


It seems that everywhere you look there are business plan guides, software, tips and shortcuts. The business plan (or strategic plan) is one of the most vilified tasks that business owners love to put off, ignore, or skim over.


There are many opinions about the value of preparing a plan. In the 25 years I have owned or managed a business, and the six years that I have been coaching small business owners, here is what I know, for sure, about business plans:


One size does not fit all. If you search the Internet for sample plans, they may or may not be helpful for your business. Get "custom" coaching to help craft a business plan that fits your business.


Demographics ≠ Market Research. Don't get me wrong - you do need to understand the demographics of your market. But loading your plan with population figures, traffic counts and other big picture numbers is often not helpful information when it comes to forecasting unit sales. If you have a storefront - gather market information by observing surrounding businesses. Get industry data and trends from industry associations. And by all means, research your competitors thoroughly. A SWOT analysis is critical.


Constructive criticism could save your business. Friends and family often aren't the best place to go for meaningful feedback on your plan. You'll probably get "that sounds great" or "that will never work", neither of which offers very substantive feedback that will allow you to modify your plan. Seek input from an expert. We read and edit hundreds of plans every year, and know what to look for. Find a mentor - someone you respect who has walked in your shoes and can share their mistakes and secrets.


It's all about the numbers. You can make the best "pitch" in your business plan, but the numbers never lie. And numbers need to be supported by believable assumptions. An assumption is data that provides substantial evidence that you will be able to sell those 5,000 doodads, or 40 hours of expert service, each month that will allow you to pay yourself a handsome salary and make a tidy profit.


Plan B will probably become Plan A. That means you need to have a Plan B. 90% of the forecasts I review are not met according to the original plan.


Plan B will need to be revised. Maybe immediately, maybe in six months, maybe in two years. But if your business isn't evolving, it's probably dying. Intentional business planning is an ongoing activity in a thriving business.


One of the most often asked questions is: How long will it take my business to reach consistant profitability? The answer: Three years.

  • Year one - get customers to know you exist; try marketing techniques that don't work; spend more money than you bring in (Dig the hole)
  • Year two - refine your marketing techniques; start to build a customer base; recover from the first year's losses (Fill in the hole - or, fall in the hole, if the first year's hole is too deep)
  • Year three - customer referrals build steam; the marketing engine is humming; the P&L shows black ink (Build the mountain)

Almost every new business owner argues this with me. Almost every existing business owner agrees. Your business may be an exception. But, what if it's not.


The bottom line - we want to help you do everything possible to plan for and run a successful business. Here's another good list of tips for business planning from Tim Berry, the business plan guru.



Biz Bitz

Ready! Set! Grow!: National Small Food Manufacturer Conference


A networking and educational event for small food companies throughout the county.  This conference is the fourth annual national conference designed specifically for small food manufacturers throughout the nation. It includes current topics and industry recognized national speakers which will educate and motivate participantsIn Omaha, Nebraska April 2-3, 2012 presented by The Food Processing Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. To learn more visit their website. 

Brave New Work: The Office of Tomorrow 

Ever wonder what the business office will look like 10 years from now? Imagine a technology wonderland filled with cool toys like 3-D printers, hologram tables, and office windows that turn in media screens. The best part? It's your office, circa 2022. To read more on your office 10 years from now click here!


Renovation, Repair, & Paint Rule: US Environmental Protection Agency


Common renovation activities like sanding, cutting, and demolition can create hazardous lead dust and chips by disturbing lead-based paint, which can be harmful to children and adults.To protect against this risk the EPA issued the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule. There will be informational meetings throughout Illinois during this February and March. Click here to see when the informational meeting will be held in your area.



Get Smart: Small Business Workshops at Waubonsee
Starting Your Business in IllinoisWorkshops

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 6 - 9 p.m., $30 (Plano)

Thursday, Mar. 22, 6- 9 p.m., $30 (Aurora)


Marketing for Small Business

Tuesday, Mar. 27, 6 - 9 p.m., $30 (Sugar Grove)


Social Media Marketing for Business

Thursday, Feb. 9, 6 - 9 p.m., $30 (Aurora) 


Step Into Retail

Tuesday, Mar. 6, 6 - 9 p.m., $30 (Aurora)


Is Franchising Right for You?

Wednesday, Mar. 7, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (Aurora)


Facebook for Business: Secrets to Success

Thursday, Feb. 16, 7 - 8 p.m., $30 (Online Webinar)   


Google for Business

Thursday, Apr. 5, 6 - 9 p.m., $30 (Aurora)


Check seminar details for the full list, class descriptions, locations, ticket numbers, and pricing. To sign up, complete and submit the registration form. For additional  information call the Illinois SBDC office at (630) 906-4143.   


QuickBooks and Excel

A variety of QuickBooks and Excel classes are available to meet your small business accounting needs. Click here for complete class descriptions, locations, dates, times and costs. 

Illinois SBDC at Waubonsee Community College  

Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.  All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA or DCEO.

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