



Dear Links, 
     Did you know....Massachusetts imported all of the coal its power plants burned in 2008, primarily from Colombia - including coal burned at the Salem Harbor Station? And that we sent $252 million out-of-state to pay for that coal? 
      Did you know...about the exploitation of the workers in the Colombian coal mines as well as the degradation of their farm lands and local environment due to mining practices?
     Join HealthLink and SAFE for the upcoming forum - The Real Costs of Coal!
     The featured speaker will be Jeff Deyette, author of the special report Burning Coal, Burning Cash and senior energy advisor to Union of Concerned Scientists. Also, we are pleased to welcome two union workers from the Colombian mines as well as Professor Avi Chomsky to translate their stories. Save the date and plan to join us!
coal pile cropped
The Real Costs of Coal:
Colombia to Salem
Sunday, November 7 at 7:00 p.m.
First Church Salem - Unitarian
316 Essex Street, Salem

Featured speakers:
Jeff Deyette - Union of Concerned Scientists;  Professor Avi Chomsky, Salem State University, noted expert on Colombia and the coal mining operations that supply coal to the Salem Coal Plant; and Raul Sosa and Jose Brito, union representatives from the Drummond and Cerrejon coal mines in Colombia. Forum is free and open to the public. Students are welcome. Light refreshments. For more information, go to www.salemsafe.org or read about it in the news.

We'd like to inform you of other upcoming events, too!

MCAN logo 2010Sunday, October 24 
9 to 5 p.m.
Clark University
 Worcester, MA  

Contact HealthLink if you plan to attend, and we'll arrange a carpool.
Update by HealthLink 
Swampscott Rotary Club
Wednesday, November 17 at 12:15 p.m.
Red Rock Bistro
Humphrey Street, Swampscott

Annual Meeting
Saturday, December 9, 6 - 9 p.m.
Northeastern University
Boston, MA
Details forthcoming! Contact HealthLink to carpool.

Box 301
Swampscott, MA 01907
HealthLink mission: To protect and improve public health by reducing and eliminating toxins and pollutants from our environment through research, education and community action.