

    Recent news contrast two local scenarios of electricity generation in our area. On one hand a coal fired power plant - filthy, negatively impactful, unsafe, uhealthy vs. wind power - clean, soundly ecomonic, safe, healthy. Articles follow.
Salem Power Plant ranked #3 on list of polluters
Salem News - March 21, 2009
SALEM - Salem Harbor Station released the third highest amount of toxic chemicals in the state in 2007, according to a report released yesterday by the Environmental Protection Agency.
    The power plant, which burns coal and oil, generated 276,492 pounds of chemicals in 2007, the most recent year for which statistics are available, according to the agency's Toxic Release Inventory data...
Read the full article.
Lynn wind turbine gaining steam 
Daily Item - March 20, 2009
LYNN - Years of research and feasibility studies to erect a wind turbine at the Lynn Waste Water Treatment plant have prepared officials to move forward with a plan that would ultimately save ratepayers some money.
    At a Renewable Energy meeting Tuesday, Robert Tina, director of operations at the treatment plant, said the cost of wind turbines have come "way down" in the past few years, making the project possible...
Read the full article.

P.S. Do you have an old camera you could donate to HealthLink? We are specifically looking for an Olympus C8080, SP 350 or SP 500 to set up a webcam for photos of the power plant. Email HealthLink@Healthlink.org if you can help out.
P.S.S. If you haven't already, please take the survey complied by a Salem State College student on sustainability viewpoints. Thank you! 

Box 301
Swampscott, MA 01907
HealthLink mission: To protect and improve public health by reducing and eliminating toxins and pollutants from our environment through research, education and community action.