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March 2009 
               End Hunger CT! Newsletter 
Here's to Lucy!
On March 3rd, the Food Reasearch and Action Center (FRAC) awarded EHC!'s Executive Director, Lucy Nolan, with the Dr. Raymond Wheeler / Senator Paul Wellstone Anti-Hunger Advocacy Leadership Award. This award is given to one advocate each year for their unwavering commitment to ensuring all people have resources and access to healthy food. Congratulations Lucy!
New Federal Poverty Guidelines effective April 1, 2009
Find the new guidelines at Infoline 2-1-1.
 Issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the guidelines are used to determine income eligibility for many local, state, and federal programs. Programs using the guidelines include SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as Food Stamps) and eligibility for school lunch and breakfast.
In This Issue
Better Choices for CT
SNAP Changes
CNR Actions
Simplified Summer is Here!
Resources and Events
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Make Better Choices for Connecticut to fix the state's budget
Join Better Choices for Connecticut members and friends on Wednesday, March 25 at 4:30 at the Capitol for a rally!   Let's tell our state legislators that WE have a plan that will save us from devastating cuts to programs while creating a fairer and more equitable tax stream in Connecticut.  
Connecticut legislators have a better choice for Connecticut than cutting necessary state programs that help people in their time of need.  
The Better Choices for Connecticut coalition believes the quality of our state's public structures - public schools, transportation systems, libraries, courts, public safety systems, libraries, and health care - make Connecticut a desirable place to live and ensure our economic vitality. These structures are made possible by the collective investments we make to support our communities: state revenues such as taxes, fees, and other income.

Connecticut's tax system is unbalanced and unfair. Middle-and low-income taxpayers pay a much larger share of their income in state and local taxes than the wealthiest residents - and yet, there is not enough to keep our most basic services - healthcare, human services, education, and economic development programs.  This is a time when our state's residents are counting on us the most to provide them with vital supports. Connecticut cannot cut its way to prosperity. To protect our communities and ensure Connecticut is still a good place to live, work, and raise a family, we must make better choices.
End Hunger Connecticut! is a member of Better Choices for Connecticut because too many people are struggling to put the basic necessities on their tables - now is not the time for the state government to walk away from our neighbors and friends.  Here is a plan that will work to avoid devastating budget cuts that would damage our state's economy, allow for more consistent investments in our public structures, and create a fairer tax system, Better Choices for Connecticut proposes:

-Increase income tax rates for those who can best afford it - the wealthiest. This would raise additional revenues without harming the economy and create a fairer tax system.
-Close corporate tax loopholes. Flaws in our tax code allow many corporations to avoid paying their fair share, shifting the responsibility for taxes onto in-state businesses and individuals.
-Increase the sales tax by one percentage point. Any harmful effects of this increase could be limited by created a state earned income tax credit to help working families and by creating a small business property tax credit, which would also act as an economic stimulus.
-Scale back public subsidies to the entertainment industry. In FY2009, CT will lose an estimated $117.5 million in revenues to the television and film industry through the "movie tax credit." These subsidies far surpass our public investment in any other industry or business activity through tax credits.
-Increase cigarette and alcohol taxes.
-Transfer money from the state's Rainy Day Fund.
Maximize use of dollars from the federal economic stimulus package.
These options would help fill in the gap in the state's budget by generating significant additional revenue into the state without cutting vital public services and structures when our residents need them the most.
For more information about the Better Choices for Connecticut and to join please visit:
Join us on Facebook!

SNAP logo
New and IMPORTANT changes in SNAP
The SNAP program is also changing on April 1st. Each person in each household will receive an increase due to federal stimulus monies.  This increase represents the greatest ever increase in the SNAP program.  Currently there are 30,000,000 people using the SNAP program each day and the stimulus monies will add $20 billion to the program over time. 
EHC! is working with the DSS and regional offices and service providers to educate people about the change.  It is critical everyone gets the increase as it is advertised and that people are not alarmed by an increase in SNAP on their EBT cards.  As always, EHC! outreach workers are available to answer questions,  pre-screen and help people apply to their regional DSS office. 
Outreach Workers and e-mails:
Windham County: Carl Asikainen
New London County: Phyllis Cappuccio
Hartford County: Suzette Strickland and Yaraliz Arroyo
Spanish translation services are available
EHC! in DC!
Sen Harkin Lucy and Senator Tom Harkin

On March 4th, Lucy Nolan Executive Director of End Hunger CT! testified before the Senate Committee on Agriculture for increased funding and accessibility for the Summer Food Service Program and after school snacks. Lucy was part of a panel of experts addressing programs being renewed in Child Nutrition Reauthorization 2009. The following child nutrition programs are addressed every five years.
National School Lunch Program (including the School Breakfast Program)
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Summer Food Service Program
WIC (Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children)
Read Lucy's Testimony
This is the year to make changes to these programs that will increase the health and safety of our nation's most vulnerable children. EHC! representatives met with our Congressional offices and have provided them with resources that outline legislation to support this goal.
Follow this link for basic information and history about  CNR.
Three easy things you can do NOW:
1.) Make sure your organization has signed on to the Child Nutrition Forum's "Statement of Principles". Found here. This document was developed collaborative through various agencies and specifies the importance for a strong Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill to ensure we end childhood hunger for good!
2.) Share your wishes for Child Nutrition Reauthorization on EHC!'s blog.
3.) Contact EHC! about organizing site visit with your congressperson to your model program.
Summer Food USDA
Simplified Summer Food Program
Feeding children during the summer time just got easier 

 Summer may seem a long way off, but now is the time to start thinking about using the Simplified Summer Food Program to serve healthy snacks and meals to the children in your program. Simplified Summer Food was previously only available in select states but is now available nationwide. Your program can take advantage of this exciting new opportunity, which makes it easier for schools, local government agencies, and private nonprofit organizations to feed children during the summer months.
The Simplified Summer Food Program:
-       Dramatically cuts paperwork
 -      Eliminates complicated accounting requirements  
 -      Ensures that all sponsors receive the maximum federal reimbursement
The funding your program can receive really adds up. A summer program serving both breakfast and lunch to 50 children for eight weeks could receive approximately $8,700 over the course of the summer.
The Simplified Summer Food Program provides reimbursement for meals served to children at sites throughout the community, such as schools, summer programs, parks, swimming pools, churches, apartment complexes, or anywhere children congregate.  Most sites can serve up to two meals per day.
If you have considered participating in summer food in the past, the Simplified Summer Food Program now provides an easier way to feed children during the summer. There could not be a better year to start using it. To participate in the Simplified Summer Food Program, contact Dawn Crayco at (860) 560-2100. For additional information visit

Trust for America's Health
By The National Center on Family Homelessness

Upcoming Events:
Better Choices for CT Rally
Wednesday, March 25th 4:30 at the Capitol
Share our Strength's Taste of the Nation New Haven
Thursday, April 23 5:30-8:00
Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale
More information here
Share our Strength's Taste of the Nation Hartford
Thursday, May 7th 6:00-9:00
960 Main Street Hartford
More information here
Two nights of fun and food with CT's top restaurants. Funds support local organizations working to end childhood hunger.
Foodshare's Walk Against Hunger 
Sunday, May 3rd 2:00
Now in its 26th year, the Walk is the single largest anti-hunger fundraiser in the state of Connecticut. Last year, 3,000 walkers were able to raise over $450,000... and this year the goal is even more impressive: $475,000! Please consider becoming a part of this fun and important event. Click here for more information or call Foodshare at (860) 286-9999.

Connecticut Food Bank's Walks Against Hunger
Sunday, April 26, 2009-Library Park-Waterbury, CT Sunday, May 3, 2009-East Rock Park-New Haven, CT
The goal is to raise $160,000!
Click here for more information or call CT Food Bank at (203) 469-5000.

Look for our Legislative Alert! Coming next week...
                                  Find my legislator   

Lucy Nolan
End Hunger Connecticut!