Hudson Pacific Capital Partners LLC


SaaS for Computer-Based Work

Update May 2012
Contacts for this Opportunity

J.M. Stepp

904-310-6572 (tel/fax)

704-517-7342 (cell)

Mary E. Sigler, CFA 
562-598-9569 (office)
562-260-5552 (cell)
562-286-8989 (fax)
Featured Financials 

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Alex Konanykhin, CEO

  • Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Business Expert, MBA

Silvina Moschini, President

  • Expert in Internet and Social Media - frequently consulted by CNN Espanol, NTN 24 and other networks, BS in public relations

Alexandros Hinchliffe, Vice President

  • Information Technology and Project Management Professional, MBA and an MS in Engineering

Karina San Juan, Vice President

  • Fifteen Years experience in corporate affairs, Communications Sciences degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology
For further information:

Please download the Transparent Business business plan.  
cover page business plan
Download business plan
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A major stake in TransparentBusiness - a robust cloud based software-as-a-service ("SaaS") system for overseeing the workforce, projects and tasks in real time, screenshot by screenshot.  Since launching March 12 this year, the Company now has 1,250 registered users, 20,000+ Facebook followers and continues to have many high profile media interviews.


Funding Sought


The Company is offering up to 8.5 million shares at $1.00 each, minimum investment $250,000, to qualified investors at a post money valuation of $25 million.






Transparent is a robust cloud based software-as-a-service ("SaaS") system for monitoring and managing computer-based work that was developed by KMGi (http://www.kmgi.comfor in-house use.  Individual users sign in to the program and note which project they are working on from time to time.  The computer keeps track of the time spent on each project, and a screen shot is taken of each active workstation every three minutes.  Workers can collaborate on projects on-line using the system. Managers can access the information from the web from any location in real time, provide feedback and guidance on the employee's work, view the history of work being done, track the project cost using individual billing rates, track the project progress against plan and forecast total cost for the project.  Additionally, the manager can view the activity of individual workers and for teams for any period from the hiring or project inception date. Customers can access the system to track the progress and execution of work being done for them, and provide feedback and guidance. Project invoices and individual payroll information are produced automatically by the system according to the terms of the project contracts and individual billing rates.






The market is unlimited and ranges from small web-based businesses to multinational corporations with remote based workers and large cadres of telecommuters.  Transparent can also be an effective way for companies or government agencies employing outside contractors to monitor that work and avoid over billing.






Certain products in the marketplace provide elements of the capabilities of Transparent; however there is none that offers Transparent's comprehensive approach to the efficiency of remote employee management and control, and over-billing.  Transparent includes such integrated project management tools as Gantt charts, and gives management the ability to not only monitor, but also forecast project costs, and Transparent is interactive, allowing customers to monitor the work being performed for them.  In KMGi's own experience, this has greatly increased customer satisfaction and resulted in significant repeat and increased business from existing customers.

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