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 Companion Arts, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, brings integrating, expressive

arts resources to individuals in major life transition and the organizations serving them.  
In 2011 CA is developing a new focus on the needs of caregivers.   



Vol. 1, Issue 2, May 2011


           We have lots of May breaking news and resources for all caregivers - family and healthcare professionals - so without further ado...


Note from Susan: Susan vs. Flicker
Flicker Woodpecker




Why, you ask, is there a woodpecker at the beginning of this caregiver newsletter? Explanation:


If it's spring and you live in a wood house in Colorado (as I do), you'll be subjected to a loud, pounding jackhammering (!) as the Northern Flicker woodpecker happily drills into your house (part of its mating & nesting ritual).


So what has this to do with caregiving? Caregivers are often juggling multiple priorities, and something - anything! - that's an aggravating interruption is extremely unwelcome ... you ask yourself, Why me????   


Like you, I'm a caregiver . . . and last week a Flicker flicked once too much, rata-tat-tat-ing a hole in the side of the house when I was trying to take a much-needed nap.  Suddenly I'd had Enough:  I jumped up, ran outside waving frantically, clapping my hands and shouting.  The Flicker looked at me in surprise (huh?) and flew away.Susan Osborne Then I noticed the neighbors sitting on their porch across the street. They grinned and waved ... everyone around here knows about Flickers! Something about this made me laugh deeply, and it changed everything. Laughter is truly a healing response, one of the best caregiver stress relievers ever!

Susan Signature web


Featured Companion Arts Resources 

Heart of Healing Cover


The Heart of Healing 

Both family and professional caregivers have told us they use The Heart of Healing regularly for healing and reintegration.  This audio resource is a wonderful interface of inspired music by Gary Malkin, Emmy Award-winning composer, and the spoken wisdom of Desmond Tutu, Rachel Naomi Remen, MD; Ira Byock, MD; Marianne Williamson, Thich Nhat Hanh and others.

Now available at  Companion Arts Webstore.    



Companion Arts Recommended Reading for Caregivers 

Here are two "carousels" of selected books from leading caregiving authors.You can use the controls to "spin" our latest selections - just touch the arrow to "spin" and view the available items.  


Click to open..... 

CA Carousel only  


Breaking News & New Perspectives -  Latest Links!

Cokie Roberts
Cokie Roberts, ABC News


ABC News: New Caregiving Solutions

by Cokie Roberts and Enjoli Francis  

"Person of the Week: Caregivers Allow for Dignified Living Situations for Aging Parents"


In a recent broadcast of ABC's "World News with Diane Sawyer," correspondent Cokie Roberts interviews a family regarding new solutions for caregiving of elders (solutions can be generalized to all caregivers). Be sure to click on the  

4 minute video below or read the text



Caregivers Paid to Exercise?

According to research, exercise is a major stress reducer. We thought this recent article would be of particular interest to caregivers utilizing exercise . . . "Should Insurance Pay You to Exercise?"   Read more..... 


Study Reveals Family Caregivers Want Web-Based and Mobile Technologies to Help Them Care for Their Loved Ones 

A new survey reveals that technologies transforming how Americans work, play and interact also have potential to alleviate the growing financial and emotional burdens on family caregivers.     Find out more..... 


New Caregiver Info & Resources - Latest Links!

Major State Resources for Family Caregivers

This state-by-state resourceUnited States Map
from Family Caregiver Alliance
is intended to help you locate government, nonprofit, and private programs in your area.
It includes services for family caregivers, as well as re-
sources for older or disabled adults living at home or in a residential facility.   

Remember, you are not alone! 


Click to open.....  





veteran with dog, flag 

New National Toll-Free Support Line for CareGivers of Vets!

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) now has a toll-free National Caregiver Support Line 1-855-260-3274. Caregiver support is available by licensed clinical social workers Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Social workers will answer questions, listen to your concerns, and direct you to a Caregiver Support Coordinator at your local VA Medical Center.  The National Caregiver Support Line is also available to respond to questions about the caregiver benefits associated with Public Law 111-163, Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010.

The Finale...... A Caring Moment 

Ginny & Donnis with cats

Here's a photo of my Mother, Miss Ginny and two of our kitties. I cared for her for six years until she passed in February of this year at the age of 88.  I was blessed in that she was sweet-spirited and truly appreciated my caring for her. Mother said lots of funny things that I didn't want to forget, so I would type them into an email and send it to friends under the subject of "Ginny said ..."  One day Ginny said, "If I have any more kids, Donnis, I want it to be a boy." I said, "Okay, why's that?"  She said, "Well, I already have the best girl in the world."  I'm so happy now that I have her words to remember those special times.       Donnis - Knoxville, TN


Do you have an interesting/humorous caregiving story, image, or terrific new resource?  Send it along! Each month we'll choose  one contribution to be featured in Care For the Journey newsletter, and the contributor will receive one of our bestselling audio resources. All photo contributions will be featured (with prior permission) on our new website this fall. 


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My very best to you and Happy Spring!

Susan Signature web

Susan Osborne
Companion Arts