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Addgene Newsletter, December 2011
Big Parka Man 2011Season's greetings to our entire community- our depositors,
requesters,  board of directors, collaborators,
employees, friends, and family- and best wishes for the New Year!


~The Addgene Team


Q&A with Dr. Adam Bogdanove

Adam Bogdanove, PhD Dr. Adam Bogdanove is a professor at Iowa State University and is a co-creator of the Golden Gate TALEN and TAL Effector Kit , along with Dr. Daniel Voytas form the University of Minnesota.  


Q: Thinking long term, do you see TAL effectors as a potential tool in gene therapy?


A: Yes absolutely. I think that is one area in which they hold great promise. Imagine being able to sidestep all the complications of transplanting healthy stem cells from a donor (immune rejections, etc) and instead engineering ("fixing") cells from the patient and reintroducing them.  

 > Read Full Interview 

Hot Papers and Plasmids
    • Genetically Engineered Ca2+ Indicators (GECOs)
    • TFs for reprogramming of fibroblasts into motor neurons (iMNs)
    • Zinc Fingers in Zebrafish
    • Multicistronic Expression in Drosophila  

 >Read More 

A TALe to Remember
by Eric J Perkins

TALEs 2011
Imagine being able to manipulate a specific region of DNA in the genome of your favorite species almost as easily as correcting a typo in the latest draft of your dissertation. Well, that will probably never happen. Yet with transcription activator-like (TAL) effectors, scientists in several biological disciplines are coming closer to this DNA targeting ideal.

 Learn more about TALes in this month's technology feature.   

Holiday Gift Guide 2011

musical note 

It's the most wonderful time of the yearDNAChew_Toy

It's the hap-happiest season of all


There'll be seminars for hosting

Grad students for roasting

And traffic out in the snow

There'll be scary grant deadlines

And tales of the glory of

Funding long, long ago 


Need some inspiration this holiday season? Try our last-minute gift guide- sure to put a smile on your face! 

> Read More 

Addgene depositor Bruce Beutler shares the 2011 Nobel Prize in medicine with Jules Hoffmann and Ralph Steinman.

Photo Contest
You're invited to participate in our 1st ever photo contest! We're looking for the following types of images:

-Addgene plasmids "in action"
-Fun or creative lab shots
-Photos of your lab members supporting Addgene

Five winners will each receive an Addgene T-shirt and a Starbucks Gift card and will be announced on the Addgene website. Submit your photos to: news@addgene.org 

with a brief (1-2 sentence) description by January 31, 2012.

We look forward to seeing your entry!

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 About Addgene

Addgene is a non- profit plasmid repository dedicated to improving scientific sharing.

to learn more.




Happy Holidays from Addgene!   

We're offering a discount of $20 off your next plasmid order*.  Use the following discount code during the checkout process:  



 *Coupon Expires January 31st, 2012