June 10, 2011


Prostate Health

Prostate Diet

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FDA Warning on Prostate Health Drugs

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The FDA this week warned that popular drugs prescribed for BPH may actually increase the chance of prostate cancer!
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Eating These Nuts May Improve Your Sex Life

  Pistachio nuts photo  

Men with erectile dysfunction who consumed certain nuts daily as part of their normal diet for three weeks experienced a significant improvement in ED symptoms according to a recent study. Levels of three cholesterol values also improved after the diet.
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  Men's Supplement Reviews
  Green tea photo  

Why Green Tea Should Be Part Of Your Day
Green tea is a popular herbal remedy whose potent antioxidants (catechins) have shown the ability to enhance the immune system, fight prostate cancer, treat prostatitis, reduce DHT levels, and possibly prevent you getting an enlarged prostate as well!

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  Ask Dr. Geo

I have friends who grill every single day in the summer. Is that a good thing?

See Dr. Geo's answer


About Dr. Geo

Dr. Geo Espinosa, N.D., L.Ac, CNS, RH (AHG). Dr. Geo is the Director of the Integrative Urological Center at New York University Langone Medical Center. More on Dr. Geo

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  Healthy Living
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Exercise and Prostate Health
Exercise and weight loss have a significant impact on overall prostate health including reducing your risk of cancer, BPH and prostatitis.

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Kegel exercises for sexual health. Not just for women!
Doing these exercises every day will increase your sexual stamina as well as aid in recovery from prostate surgery.

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