In This Issue
Top 10 Reasons to Choose Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 Release Announced
Keep Warehouse Accidents at Bay: Effective Warehouse Management
Making Business Dynamics With Microsoft Dynamics
Recession Intervention: Why ERP Is Critical Now
Microsoft Dynamics
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Itasca, IL  60143



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The Economics of the Cloud - Microsoft Whitepaper

Cloud Economies Of Scale
Deep dive into the economic realities of on-premise vs. Cloud based computing. Grab your favorite beverage and be prepared to put on your thinking cap ;-)
Read more here

Learn more about Check Imaging and Remote Deposit Solutions from IDT and Eastman Kodak

With the changing landscape of payment processing, just about any type or size business that processes checks can now seize the opportunity of electronic check presentment to improve customer service, reduce fraud, accelerate cash flow, lower costs and increase efficiency of check processing. The stage is now set for checks to clear-and money to be moved-in a matter of hours instead of multiple days.

For more information on How IDT can help you.
Click Here

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Looking to Migrate or Convert from Paper Documents to Digital?

Document Imaging is for Work, Paper is for Play. IDT's Digital Document Scanning & Conversion Services can quickly reduce your paper document backlog.


Turn to IDT Conversion Services for help.

Has Your Mail Server Been Blacklisted?
Before you send out your next email campaign, make sure that your mail server has not been blacklisted which could prevent your emails from being delivered. Go to www.mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx and type in your server's IP address to check. If you don't know your mail server's IP address go to www.mxtoolbox.comand type in your domain name, or you can simply send an email to ping@mxtoolbox.com and they will help you find it.
Fun Facts
Bad Santa? According to the British Medical Journal, countries that celebrate a full-figured St. Nick have higher rates of childhood obesity.

Eat Dark Chocolate! One to two weekly servings of dark chocolate lead to a 32% reduction in heart failure risk for women in a study published in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart Association journal. One serving of dark chocolate consists of about 1 ounce.
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December 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

As the year end quickly approaches, we hope that you will take the time to reflect on the accomplishments your company has achieved this year. In this economy, we understand it may have been difficult to grow or earn the revenue that you had forecasted, but that is all the more reason to celebrate your personal and professional highlights. No matter how big or small your achievements might have been, it is essential to not let them go unnoticed.

As you begin your business planning for 2011, it is time to consider what objectives you would like to see your business achieve. Perhaps one of your goals it to gain greater efficiency throughout your organization? Or to reduce your overhead?  If so, do you have the tools in place to achieve this? Good questions to ask as you review 2010 and plan ahead for 2011. As you assess the tools you need, we are here to help you answer the tough business process questions.

We wish you a blessed Christmas season and a very prosperous new year!

Thank you,

Michael Ciabattari
Gold Partner Logo
Top 10 Reasons to Choose Microsoft Dynamics CRM
If you or your management teams are evaluating the investment in a customer relationship management solution (CRM), here are 10 good reasons to look at Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

  1. Affordability: Not only do you get competitive pricing for both on-demand and on-premise deployments, Microsoft provides several CRM Accelerators that are available to customers at no additional charge.

  2. Industry Leadership: See Analyst Reports and Awards on why Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one of the top CRM solutions.

  3. Great Fit: Because Microsoft Dynamics CRM is based on a service-oriented architecture (SOA), it easily integrates into your existing systems using industry-standard Web services. Its exceptional customization feature also simplifies adapting it to your processes, models, and technology infrastructure. Learn more about the technology.

  4. Operational Insight: The reporting engine generates compelling data reports within Microsoft Dynamics CRM to help you make informed business decisions. Get deeper insights by integrating Microsoft Dynamics CRM with Microsoft Business Intelligence products for performance management, scorecards, data mining, and OLAP reporting.

For reasons #6 through #1, which includes Rapid Innovation, High User Adoption Rates, Unmatched Value and more, check out the rest at http://crm.dynamics.com/en-us/whycrm.aspx. Then contact us here at IDT. We can help you make a well informed decision for your company's needs.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 Release Announced

With the recent press release from Microsoft about the upcoming Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 there are some great new features you will not want to miss! 

  • Contextual business intelligence will now allow "light" and full users to be presented with a dashboard of information relevant to the action they are taking or in relation to the information they are viewing. Other competitors require a full user license to access dashboard information.
  • Utilizing Microsoft Lync 2010, users can now have access to company information of the clients and vendors they are working with as well as initiate sales orders, purchase orders or sales invoices directly from Microsoft Lync. Competitor solutions simply enable awareness of collaborative presence.
  • Reporting has also been enhanced with more than 400 Excel and SQL Reporting Services Reports and 600 Report Writer Reports.
  • Further utilization of the Microsoft Suite of business products, a user friendly form generator using Microsoft Word will be available to pull data directly from Microsoft Dynamics GP, allowing you to create professionally formatted customer and vendor facing invoices, picking lists, AP documents and more.

Read the full press release here, then contact us to find out more information on how we can get you started using Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and what we can do for your business.
Keep Warehouse Accidents at Bay: Effective Warehouse Management
Although overall injury rates for distributors are just average, injuries in their warehouses are 75 percent higher than for the average US worker.

Warehouse injuries also tend to be severe; injuries that require at least five days away from work are nearly twice the national average. Lifting, falling objects, and forklift accidents are the major causes of injury.

Microsoft Dynamics� solutions help create sophisticated inventory and shipment management in your warehouse. Accidents can happen when things are in disarray and Microsoft Dynamics helps eliminate confusion and enhances insight by providing easy, real-time visibility into inventory, sales, purchasing, and financial information across multiple locations.

Contact us to learn more about how Microsoft Dynamics can streamline your warehouse management.
Making Business Dynamics With Microsoft Dynamics
Dy�nam�ic: Of or relating to energy or to objects in motion.

According to this definition, it makes sense why Microsoft would choose the brand name, Microsoft Dynamics, since their solutions adhere to the philosophy to change and move with your business, ensuring growth and vitality. After all, what business doesn't change?

Dynamic businesses are fearless and able to anticipate and embrace change while sustaining competitive advantage. Download this informative whitepaper on how Microsoft Dynamics Solutions enables your business in the quest to be dynamic.
Recession Intervention: Why ERP Is Critical Now
Did you know that timely technology investments can help businesses battle a down economy and spur recovery? Cuts alone don't cut it. Increase operational processes, improve employee productivity and align with compliance standards are not just empty buzzwords. Here's your chance to download the complimentary whitepaper titled Recession Intervention: Why ERP is Critical Now. You'll learn...

  • Why technology investments make sense
  • How other businesses have benefited and how you can too
  • Surprisingly low upfront and ongoing costs are a reality
  • And how you can leverage your current systems vs. a "rip and replace" model

Download the whitepaper to learn more, and share it freely with your executive team. Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions can help control costs and boost efficiencies during hard times. Give your business the competitive edge it deserves.
The companies of IDT (Integrated Document Technologies, Inc.) support small, mid-market and enterprise firms in achieving maximum efficiency by offering fully integrated ECM, ERP and CRM solutions.

Founded in 1992, IDT's initial focus was helping companies effectively apply automated enterprise content management solutions to eliminate paper and better manage every business transaction. With the inception of IDT Consulting in 2001, the company offers ERP and CRM solutions and in-depth knowledge of how financial systems work and how to streamline the accounting process. Today, IDT Consulting is a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner specializing in Dynamics GP, Dynamics CRM, and Microsoft SharePoint.  Visit our website at www.idtconsulting.com.