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To manage Foundation expenses, you are receiving an email invitation to financially support the Foundation for CPE and its work on behalf of ACPE.
2010 has been an exciting year for the Foundation for CPE and the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education!
In April, the ACPE purchased property in downtown Decatur for a new headquarters for ACPE and the ACPE Academy for Continuing Education.  This summer, two members of the ACPE Board of Representatives joined the Foundation Board of Directors.  Before the year's end, the Foundation office will move to Decatur.  We are grateful for your support of the Foundation Annual Fund that undergirds these operations and campaigns.
2010 Annual Fund Thanksgiving Gift

In the spirit of Pastoral Care Week and Thanksgiving, we invite you to consider making a gift to the 2010 Annual Fund in honor of a significant person in your life.  The individual will be notified of your appreciation for her or him by your Foundation donation.  You may make your gift online at www.foundationforcpe.org.  Click the Donate Now button on the home page and follow the instructions.  If you make the gift online, you will also need to send an email to info@foundationforcpe.org with the following tribute information:  Your Name; Your Address; Name of Honoree; Honoree's Address.


Or you may send a check to Foundation for CPE, Inc., PO Box 961, Decatur, GA 30031.

We are truly grateful for your ongoing financial support of the Foundation for CPE.  Your contributions help the Foundation to carry out the mission of the ACPE - advancing experience-based theological education for seminarians, clergy and lay persons of diverse cultures, ethnic groups and faith traditions.



Janet Lutz signature                                       Stu Plummer signature

The Rev. Janet Lutz                                         The Rev. Stuart A. Plummer

Chair, Annual Fund                                          Co-Chair, Campaign Cabinet