Special Edition regarding the Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 
May 2010
Consultation B&W
ACPE e-News
A publication of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.
JPC&C Archives now Available!
Members of the professional associations which sponsor The Journal of Pastoral Care Publications Inc. (JPCP Inc.) are able to search past issues of The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling (JPC&C) (previously The Journal of Pastoral Care) at the following site, made available through the Serials Project of the American Theological Libraries Association (ATLAS):  http://search.ebscohost.com.
The ATLAS Project has the full collection back to Volume 23 (1969) with some issues available between Volume 9 (1955) and Volume 22 (1968).  We are looking for persons who have the missing issues who would be willing to donate or loan them to ATLAS for digitization.  Contact:  ElectronicJPCC@jpcp.org for information about how to do this.
Volume 63 forward is available at http://journals.sfu.ca/jpcp where the electronic journal is published.  Use your association's login for new issues of the journal for this site.
You should only make use of this privilege while you are a member of one of the JPCP Inc. sponsoring associations and are eligible to access current issues of JPC&C.
ATLAS User ID:       ATL03930
ATLAS Password:    jpcc23

Thank you,
John C. Carr, Ph.D., R. Psych. (AB # 1035)
Semi-retired Pastoral Therapist & Educator
President, Board of Managers
JPCP Inc.:  www.jpcp.org
In This Issue
JPC&C Archives
Vol 64, No 1
Quick Links
Teresa Snorton
Managing Editor
Assistant Editor
Join our Mailing List!
Volume 64, No 1 (2010)
The Journal of Pastoral Care Publications Inc. has announced that the latest issue (Vol.64:1) of The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling is now available for electronic access.  You have the right of access by virtue of your membership in the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.
To access JPC&C, please go to the following URL:
Then enter the following log in information:
Username:  acpe
Password:   supervisor

Once you log-in, please do NOT change the user name and password, this will disable access for all other ACPE users.
These steps will enable you to select a font size to read JPCC and to download/print any of its articles for personal use.

Copyright reminders from JPCP Inc.: It is an ethical violation to share with any other person the access information which has been provided to you. It is also an ethical/legal violation to make material from the journal available to other persons.  If you wish to share an article with others, you must follow the copyright guidelines at the website of JPCP Inc. This is not intended to limit the ability of members of the professional associations which are sponsors of JPCP Inc. and of individual subscribers to make copies of individual articles (maximum of 6 copies) to share with colleagues or small groups of students. When this is done, information is to be provided with the article copies concerning how the recipients may subscribe to JPC&C.
Please note, also, that you will be able to access archived issues of JPC&C in perpetuity even if you cease being a member of a sponsoring professional association. Note, also, that if you cease being eligible to receive JPC&C through a sponsoring professional association, you can enter an individual subscriptions.

If you have any further questions regarding JPC&C, please contact the publisher, Journal of Pastoral Care Publications, Inc.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Dr. Terry R. Bard, Editor. Phone 617-969-2697. Fax 617-964-0118. MngEd@jpcp.org.