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In This Issue:
Hitting the Ground Running
Study Tip: Creating A Wellness Plan
Coach of the Month: Susan Chung
Quick Links


Academic Success Partner of the Month


This month we highlight 826 LA, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting students with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. 826 LA structures its service around the understanding that great leaps in learning happen with one-on-one attention and that good writing skills are essential to long-term success for our kids. Its programs aim to be both challenging and fun, with the goal of strengthening each student's power to express themselves effectively, creatively and, most importantly, in their own voice. 826 LA has a branch on each side of LA, in Echo Park and Venice.
For more info go to their website or call (310) 305 8418.  

Looking for a Student Community Service Opportunity?

Meet Rickey Smith, social entrepreneur and owner of the sustainable food business Urban Green. He's started a community education venture called the Urban Green Kids Row program, creating opportunities for kids from diverse backgrounds to participate in many activities related to food sustainability, from planting seeds  to learning about how organic food is grown and harvested. For more info on a terrific community service and volunteering opportunity for kids, email Rickey, visit the website at

or call (800) 200 3320. 

Check out Our  YouTube Video!


Academic Success
is very proud of the two-minute video we recently produced to give you a feel for who we are, our philosophy and the way we approach our work
How Academic Success Can Support You
At Academic Success we take great pride in finding the right coach to support the unique needs of each student we help.  Please check out the areas where we work on our web site and let us know how we can support you.

green logo
Looking for a College Counselor or Ed Therapist?
We work and partner with excellent Educational Therapists and College Counselors throughout the L.A. area.  Give us a call and we can recommend the right fit for your child.



The summer is coming to an end which means a return to fulltime academic life for our students! 


While some may bemoan the end of summer, September also brings its rewards: reconnection with one's peers, engaging once again in school activities and, of course, the opportunity to continue pursuing academic goals with a view to living a fulfilling and successful life.  


Getting a good start is an absolute must. It has become accepted fact that students who begin their fall studies at a high level have a much greater chance of success throughout the school year. Those who find a way to tackle today's challenges today, instead of putting them off until tomorrow, usually end up ahead.  


At Academic Success, we've put a team in place with the techniques necessary to put your student in the best possible position to achieve success.   


Please call with any questions at (310) 823 4398, or


Find us on Facebook 


All the best,




"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.      Willing is not enough; we must do."

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Education News

                Hitting the Ground Running

Stress cartoonWhile some students can't wait to get back to school to see old friends, pick up their studies or engage in any number of school activities, there are some students for whom the end of summer can bring differing levels of anxiety, which can often get in the way of academic progress. This informative piece raises many of the issues and attempts to alleviate some of the stress.


Equipped For Success 


No matter what field of endeavour

one may pursue, having the right tools is critical.  Showing up to school adequately stocked with the necessary supplies makes classes and study that much easier.  Check out this fun list which could make a big difference.


Celebrating Achievement  

It has long been noted that success in sport seems to be celebrated more often and proudly than high achievement in the academic arena. This fascinating op-ed written by champion golfer Phil Mickelson makes the case for greater acknowledgment of academic milestones in our schools and society as a whole.   


A Quick Look Back 


As our kids head back to school hopefully refreshed and ready to go, there are those who consider the break to be too long. This Canadian Globe & Mail article makes the case for leaving kids' summer breaks at their full length through the relating of positive experiences of summer break from kids and parents alike.


Study Tips

Creating A Wellness Plan    


Although we are all bombarded by commercials for diets and exercise plans on a daily basis, a more achievable and wholistic approach to health which can produce huge benefits for students returning to school is to create an overall Wellness Plan. 


There is now little debate over the fact that the Big Three for our health - good food, quality rest and regular exercise - can markedly improve a student's grades through increased alertness, better brain function and overall emotional stability. This should be a fun process, beginning with the purchase of a Wellness Planner, where the student can create a daily, weekly and monthly set of goals, from planning delicious, healthy meals, to making exercise dates with friends through to putting aside time purely for sleep. 


Creating a sense of anticipation is also enormously helpful. When a student looks forward to quality time they have set aside for themselves, they usually end up following through. Designing a Wellness Plan sets them up with the best chance for success.


Coach Profile

 Meet Susan Chung,

This month we're pleased to profile one of the newer members of our coaching team, Susan Chung. Susan was born and raised in New York before moving to Los Angeles to attend graduate school at USC. Susan has a passion for educating kids of all ages, having acquired seven years of teaching English at charter and private schools alike. Being an educator herself, Susan also loves to improve her knowledge and continue to be a student of teaching, having attended many professional development programs to better her tutoring and instruction style. She has been a private tutor for ten years, helping students from elementary to college level. Susan is a fervent believer in strong study and organizational habits being the foundation of success for her students.  Susan has a passion for all things literary which she imparts to her students. She is delighted to join the Academic Success team.  



We consider it a privilege and an honor to support students and their families throughout the Los Angeles area.  Please call us at any time; we welcome your thoughts and input.  We are available at 310-823-4398.

Jamie Altshule
Academic Success, Inc.