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In This Issue:
Community Service: A Great Opportunity For Our Kids
Study Tip: Creating A Reading Plan
Coach of the Month: Dave Berube
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Academic Success Partner of the Month

   This month we highlight Jessica Pashkow, College Counselor and former Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at USC. Having counseled students from all backgrounds in the application and admissions process for over ten years, Jessica has developed a method of counseling students and their families which makes the most of her relaxed, pragmatic approach. Jessica wants her students to be passionate about and fully committed to the college application process itself, knowing that a school's status alone doesn't ensure that a student will have their academic and personal needs met. She believes in empowering her students to explore the vast opportunities that many colleges provide to find which one is the perfect fit for them, bringing a deep knowledge of the college landscape to the process, from the most selective schools right through to the less-selective. For more information on this College 'Navigator', email Jessica 
or call at 

(310) 779 6861.

Looking for a Student Community Service Opportunity?

Meet Rickey Smith, social entrepreneur and owner of the sustainable food business Urban Green. He's started a community education venture called the Urban Green Kids Row program, creating opportunities for kids from diverse backgrounds to participate in many activities related to food sustainability, from planting seeds  to learning about how organic food is grown and harvested. For more info on a terrific community service and volunteering opportunity for kids, email Rickey, visit the website at

or call (800) 200 3320. 

Boy sitting
 The Higher Road life skill coaches work with teens in the most challenging aspects of their lives: social skills, managing stress, motivation, organization, health and wellness and oppositional behavior.

Boy sitting

Check out The Higher Road website to learn more about this dynamic program.
Check out Our  YouTube Video!


Academic Success
is very proud of the two-minute video we recently produced to give you a feel for who we are, our philosophy and the way we approach our work
How Academic Success Can Support You
At Academic Success we take great pride in finding the right coach to support the unique needs of each student we help.  Please check out the areas where we work on our web site and let us know how we can support you.

green logo
Looking for a College Counselor or Ed Therapist?
We work and partner with excellent Educational Therapists and College Counselors throughout the L.A. area.  Give us a call and we can recommend the right fit for your child.




With summer break upon us and students making 

choices about how to spend their time, we've decided to focus this month's newsletter on the many positive aspects of community service for our kids.


We know how vital it is for kids to get some quality recreation time during which they leave thoughts of school behind. At the same time, summer community service can be a great opportunity for kids to gain an education in areas that will serve them later in their professional lives, not to mention feeling the satisfaction of contributing to the common good.


It's never too early for our kids to begin to learn what it is to be part of a team, to have responsibility and to experience the rewards that come with simply helping others. We hope this issue provides some options for your kids this summer. 


At Academic Success, we're interesting in all aspects of a student's development.  


Please call with any questions at (310) 823 4398, or


Find us on Facebook 


All the best,




"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."

                                  - Ralph Waldo Emerson  

Education News

A Great Opportunity Available To All

Community service can take an infinite number of forms, large and small. Although many organizations offer ready-made possibilities, kids can also come up with their own ways of serving the community. This list of simple ideas, produced by the university of Nebraska, is a great place to start.   


Bringing Kids Together


Best Buddies is a California-based volunteer organization which, among other things, pairs high school & mentally disabled students in order to create new community bonds and give students who might never have met a chance to learn from each other. Students can get in touch with the Southern California branch here.  


Service On A Global Scale


While sending a student overseas to help others might not always be a viable option, teen volunteer abroad programs are a fantastic way for kids to mature and learn about others who may not have the same opportunities for advancement in life. This is one of many such programs.  


Learn & Serve America 


This national organization currently enables more than one million students to contribute to their community while building their academic and civic skills. Its website is a fantastic community service information resource for students and adults alike.


Study Tips

Creating A Reading Plan    


Reading can serve different purposes for students during summer break. It can be light entertainment, a way of escaping everyday life; it can also be a way for students to get in extra study while on vacation. But a third option can be to expand one's imagination, language skills and experience of the world by reading acclaimed books by great authors. There are many book sellers, forums and other places online to get recommendations.    

The first step is to know your reading speed. For example, if a student usually takes a month to read a 200 page book, maybe they could set themselves a plan to read 3 over the summer.  

Next, maybe the student could explore different genres, or pick an award to focus on- books, for instance, which have won the Pulitzer or Booker prize. While reading great authors can take time and be challenging, it can often provide much greater satisfaction and entertainment over the long term in addition to helping a student's confidence and maturity.


Coach Profile

 Meet Dave Berube,

Dave Berube is one of a kind. Having grown up in New York and moved to Los Angeles to attend college, Dave got his undergrad degree in physics from LMU and his PhD in space physics from UCLA. Dave often jokes that his thesis, "Using Ultra-Low Frequency Field Line Resonances to Study the Inner Magnetosphere" isn't about to be optioned as a major motion picture. However, this innovative paper did earn Dave his doctorate, and later, his job as a professor of Physics at LMU.

Dave's passion for math and science is infectious and, whether he's helping a seventh grader with algebra homework or a junior on a physics exam, he loves to help students to see the beauty behind numbers.

Dave also loves to hike, exploring many of the local trails in the greater LA area and dreams of one day owning a brewery. He also wants it known that he loves peanut butter.



We consider it a privilege and an honor to support students and their families throughout the Los Angeles area.  Please call us at any time; we welcome your thoughts and input.  We are available at 310-823-4398.

Jamie Altshule
Academic Success, Inc.