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In This Issue:
Featured Article
NY Times forum presents differing opinions on the Tiger Mom issue
Study tip: Feeding the world, one question at a time
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Academic Success Partner of the Month


This month we highlight developmental counselor Karen Curreri and her business, Curreri College Counselling.
 With an approach grounded in human growth and development theory, Karen has achieved incredible success rates with her college applicants, alleviating stress while developing communication, leadership and decision-making skills which have lifelong positive effects. For more information email Karen or call (310) 613-5926.

Looking for a Student Community Service Opportunity?

Meet Rickey Smith, social entrepreneur and owner of the sustainable food business Urban Green. He's started a community education venture called the Urban Green Kids Row program, creating opportunities for kids from diverse backgrounds to participate in many activities related to food sustainability, from planting seeds  to learning about how organic food is grown and harvested. For more info on a terrific community service and volunteering opportunity for kids, email Rickey, visit the website at

or call (800) 200 3320. 

Boy sitting
 The Higher Road life skill coaches work with teens in the most challenging aspects of their lives: social skills, managing stress, motivation, organization, health and wellness and oppositional behavior.

Boy sitting

Check out The Higher Road website to learn more about this dynamic program.
Check out Our  YouTube Video!


Academic Success
is very proud of the two-minute video we recently produced to give you a feel for who we are, our philosophy and the way we approach our work
How Academic Success Can Support You
At Academic Success we take great pride in finding the right coach to support the unique needs of each student we help.  Please check out the areas where we work on our web site and let us know how we can support you.

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Looking for a College Counselor or Ed Therapist?
We work and partner with excellent Educational Therapists and College Counselors throughout the L.A. area.  Give us a call and we can recommend the right fit for your child.



It's been a couple of months since

the release of "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother", Amy Chua's book detailing a sometimes controversial approach to raising and educating our children. The debate that has since arisen over the "Chinese" style of parenting found in the book has been both heated and illuminating, with strong points being made on both sides.


In this month's newsletter we'll lay out different perspectives on the issue, with the hope of illustrating that it doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing conversation. There may be elements of the Tiger Mom way that may bring about excellent results for our kids, especially as they move into the final quarter of their school year. 


We at Academic Success are always striving to keep current on all issues and news related to the continuing education and success of your children. With that in mind, we're now on Facebook! Please join our online

community and discover a new resource for parents and students alike:


Find us on Facebook


Please call with any questions at 310 823 4398.


All the best,





Education News

"Is Extreme Parenting Effective?"

That was the heading of a 
New York Times online
held soon after the release of the Tiger Mom book, featuring opinion pieces by respected writers and educators who have also raised their own children. We've included some highlights below in addition to other articles on the topic that caught our eye:
This Chinese professor of political science explores the high-pressure academic environment in China that gives rise to the Tiger approach and how it might be modified here in the US to achieve good results.

Dr.Michelle Hernandez, one of America's top college consultants and best-selling author, sees certain positive aspects in the Tiger way but says colleges are just as interested in passion and originality when choosing applicants as they are in test scores.

The editor of Psychology Today pulls no punches in talking about what she sees as the dangers and negative consequences inherent in the Tiger approach.

This article broadens the perspective in a fascinating way, looking at all asian-american academic performance in the US and reminding us that no matter what the approach might be, asian-american students struggle as well. 

Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be

"What I think it really means is: I'm a teacher. I teach all the time, as you do-  whether we know it or not. I hold nothing back because I want to see that light go off. I like to see the children say, "I never thought of that before." And I think, "I've got them!"

                                                                - Dr.Maya Angelou 

Study Tips

Studying to Help Others 


How's this for a study tip: make it fun while also feeding the hungry. 

Easy, right?


If that sounds outlandish, then you haven't visited the Freerice website. Freerice is run by the United Nations World Food Programme. The concept is simple: the student is quizzed on several topics and with each correct answer Freerice sponsors donate 10 grains of rice to the UNWFP, which the distributes the food to the world's neediest.


Finding ways to make study not just a means to an end but also a stimulating experience in its own right is a surefire way to get our students to increase study time and achieve even better results.  

Coach Profile

Meet Erinn Gansel 
Coach Profile of the Month


This month we profile Erinn Gansel, a graduate from UCLA with a major in International Development Studies. In addition to majoring in the humanities, Erinn also has a strong background in math and science, the subjects in which she now coaches at Academic Success. She is currently in the process of applying to law school while volunteering at the Legal Aid office in the Inglewood Courthouse. Erinn has always loved working with children and dedicated her college summers to volunteering for Camp Kesem UCLA, a summer camp for kids whose families have been affected by cancer. She believes that strengthening a student's confidence goes hand in hand with improving their grades and study habits. Her favorite part of coaching is when a student is proud of their work and is able to attain a goal that initially seemed out of reach. Erinn loves to travel, run and swim for exercise and practice her Spanish through travel and immersion in Hispanic countries and their culture. 

We consider it a privilege and an honor to support students and their families throughout the Los Angeles area.  Please call us at any time; we welcome your thoughts and input.  We are available at 310-823-4398.

Jamie Altshule
Academic Success, Inc.