On The Record

The Monthly Newsletter from

San Diego County District Attorney

Bonnie Dumanis


July 2011

Bonnie smiling

Gang Member Convicted in New Year's Day Slaying

A San Diego gang member was convicted of first-degree murder in a 2003 New Year's Day killing that left wo women dead and a 7-year old boy injured.
James Carter
James Carter (left)
Photo: The San Diego Union-Tribune

James Carter, 37, was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder, three counts of attempted murder and one count of conspiracy to commit murder for his role in the shootout at Dr. J's Liquor store.

"Innocent victims were caught in a gang revenge shooting that shook the community and left law enforcement with very few leads," DA Dumanis said. "Over the years, investigators pursued this case with great determination.  With this conviction, Carter has finally been held accountable for his crimes."

Carter was indicted in 2009 after a years-long cold case investigation. Carol Waites, 45, and Sharen Burton, 32, were killed by gang crossfire when they stopped at the store following New Year's Eve church services.


Operation Watchdog Targets 1,000 Sex Offenders 


The San Diego SAFE (Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement) Task Force conducted "Operation Watchdog," a countywide sweep to locate registered sex offenders and make sure they are in compliance.


"We're watching, we're knocking on your door and we're holding you accountable," said District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.

Operation Watchdog 2011

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About 300 local, state and federal law enforcement officers fanned out across the county in the early mornin

Operation Watchdog
A registered sex offender is questioned during Operation Watchdog.  

g hours. More than 60 registered sex offenders were out of compliance and 14 were arrested for various violations.


Seizures including pornography, marijuana, drug paraphernalia, laptops, smart phones, digital media, alcohol and children's clothing and toys.


Reboot Workshop

District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis delivered the keynote address at a Reboot Graudation in June.  The workshops help military veterans transition back to civilian life through an intensive three-week program. Participants learn to restore relationships, set goals and prepare to leave a controlled environment.


Guilty Verdicts in Murder and Sexual Assault Case  

Philong Huynh

Philong Huynh (center)

Photo: The San Diego Union-Tribune


A San Diego Man with a history of drugging and sexually assaulting young men was convicted by a jury in June.


Philong Huynh, 40, was convicted of murder and sexual assault for his role in killing a 23-year-old Orange County man, Dane Williams. After a weeks-long trial, the jury reached a verdict in 90 minutes.  


"This verdict delivers a measure of justice to the victims in this case and their families," District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said.  "The speed with which the jury reached its verdict speaks to the horrible nature of these crimes, the strength of the evidence against the defendant and the solid trial preparation and presentation by our prosecution team."


Deputy District Attorney's Gretchen Means and Dave Hendren prosecuted the case.  Huynh faces life in prison without the possibility of parole. He will be sentenced in August.     

Grandma Scam on the Rise; Seniors Warned to Take Care 


The District Attorney's Office is warning the public about an ongoing scam targeting the elderly.  Law enforcement has seen an increase in the number of reported victims in the so-called "Grandma Scam." 


Crooks prey on grandparents by pretending to be a grandchild in trouble in a foreign country who needs money right away.  The scam is

Grandma Scam
DA Dumanis warns seniors about the "Grandma Scam." Anna (right) is a recent victim. She wired about $3,000 to Mexico.

effective because it catches seniors off guard and tugs at their heartstrings. 


"It may be hard to believe that someone would fall for this despicable scam," DA Dumanis said. "But, it happens all too often. Our office urges the public to spread the word on how the scam works so we can reduce the number of victims."    


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Thomas Everett Taylor, 65, was sentenced to 22 years in state prison for beating his sleeping wife to death with a "police-style'' flashlight.


Mark Kaczmarczyk, 59, who was found guilty in March of felony child abuse and lewd act on a child, was sentenced to eight years in prison. His wife Anita Kaczmarczyk, 45, was convicted of misdemeanor and felony child abuse and was sentenced to six years in prison. The couple operated an in-home day care.


David Thomas Blood, 51, pleaded guilty theft, burglary assault and other charges for his role in in tackling a woman in Hillcrest and trying to rape her. Blood is facing up to 48 years-to-life in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced this month.  


Mark Anthony Diaz, 50, was convicted of first-degree murder and
other charges, and faces up to 96 years to life in prison, after fatally shooting another trainer and two others at a Vista gym. He will be sentenced at the end of the month.






The Employees of the San Diego District Attorney, in partnership with the Community we serve, are dedicated to the pursuit of truth, justice and protection of the innocent, and the prevention of crime through the vigorous and professional prosecution of those who violate the law.