Synews small

This issue of the Synews is for: 

August 9 - August 22 


 Line 1

Southwest California

Synod Staff


 Dean W. Nelson



 Assistants to the Bishop
 AIM Nancy J. Ackerman 
 Mission Support
 The Rev. Laurie Arroyo
 Lay Mission Leadership


 AIM Agnes S. McClain
 Rostered Mission Leadership


 Maria Paiva
 Director of Evangelical

 The Rev. O. Dennis Mims
 African Descent Ministry
 The Rev. Alexia 
 Support Staff
 Andreas Hirsch 
 Melissa Onnen Chaddick
 Administrative Assistant
 Sherri Miller
 Administrative Assistant
 Courtney Bassler
 Communications Assistant
 1300 E. Colorado Street
 Glendale, CA 91206
 (818) 507-9591 Phone

 (818) 507-9627 Fax


 Line 1

Synod Meetings & Events

Held at Synod Office unless otherwise noted


Thursday, August 9

Greater Long Beach Colleguim

11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.


Monday, August 13

Multi-Synodical Candidacy Committee (MSCC)

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Pacifica Synod 


Thursday, August 16

Executive Committee

12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Synod Board Room


Saturday, August 18

Synod Council New Member Orientation 

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

Synod Board Room


Kelli Garretson Ordination

2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Ascension, Thousand Oaks

Sunday, August 19

Reginald Hansome Installation
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Ascension, Los Angeles


Wednesday, August 22 
Chapel with Bishop Dean Nelson
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

 Synod Trinity Conference Center


  Line  2

Synod Council 


Vice President

 Dr. Joyce Thompsen



The Rev. Keith G. Banwart, Jr.



Dr. Jim Gilbert



The Rev. Terry Tuvey Allen

Ms. Tempie Beaman

The Rev. James L. Bessey

Mr. Robert Chillison

The Rev. Rustin Comer

The Rev. Lynn J. Enloe

Mr. Jeremy Hovland

Ms. Vickie Kropenske

Mr. Paul Muller

Ms. Kristal Shipp

The Rev. Dr. George Villa


Conference Representatives


LA Metro

Mr. Eugene Williams


South Bay

Mrs. Margarita Gonzales


Twin Valleys

Ms. Jan Smith


Central Coast

Ms. Mary Bankert


Greater Long Beach

Ms. Nancy Neyer


San Gabriel Valley

Ms. Gladys Chow 



The Rev. Glen K. Egertson



Mr. Ross McConnell


Channel Islands

Mr. Ted Jensen


Youth Representative

Mr. Caleb Arndt


 Line  2



Please pray for the following:


 The family and friends of  

The Rev. Dr. Vernon Jahnke

 Aida Arroyo 

Jerry Frantz

 AIM Barbara Hoffman & family

Pastor Charlie Kurtz 

 Pastor Ray Kibler

George Liesenberg

Pastor Chris Lindstrom

Pastor John Miller

Pastor Dan Parr
Pastor Carlos Paiva
Lori Splinter
The Rev. Dr. Jarvis Streeter
Susan Tapia
AIM Gerri Wilkowski
AIM Karen Wilson
Line  2
Save the Date!

 Mark your calendars for these

 future events.


Bishop's Fall Stewardship Events

 We look forward to seeing you

 at your conference Stewardship

 event. Congregational councils

 should attend along with all congregational stewards!


Central Coast and Channel Islands Conferences

Saturday, September 22

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Trinity, Santa Barbara


Foothill Conference

Monday, September 24

6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Location - to be announced


Twin Valleys Conference

Tuesday, Sept. 25

6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

All Saints, Sun Valley


LA Metro Conference 

Thursday, September 27

Ascension, Los Angeles

6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.


South Bay Conference

Monday, October 15

6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Olivet, Hawthorne


Tehachapi Conference

Tuesday, October 16

6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Location - to be announced


San Gabriel Valley Conference

Thursday, October 18

6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.


Greater Long Beach Conference

Date, time and location to be announced.  



Equipping Leaders for Mission (ELM) Fall 2012 Dates

 ELM is a two-year process of

 spiritual formation through

 theological and practical

 education for members of

 Southwest California Synod

 congregations. Instructors

 include California Lutheran

 University faculty members,

 synod staff, pastors, and lay

 leaders. Courses are offered on

 Saturdays, beginning in the

 Fall, and run consecutively.

 Tuition is $150 per year, not

 including textbooks

 (scholarships are available).

 Contact Pastor Laurie Arroyo

 for further information.


Latino Strategy with DEM Maria Paiva and African Descent Strategy with Pastor Dennis Mims

Saturday, September 22

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Comparative Religions: Who is my Neighbor? with The Rev. Dr. Janet Bregar

Saturday, September 29 and Saturday, October 6

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Synod Mission Strategy with DEM Maria Paiva

Saturday, October 13

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Baptismal Living - Rev. Dr. Thom Johnson

Saturday, November 10

9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Centering in the Word with Pastor Ron White 

Saturday, November 17

9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Community Capacity Building with Pastor Stephen Fiechter 

Saturday, December 1

9:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m.


Line  2

ELCA Youth Ministry

Network Extravangza

Dates Announced!


 The 17th Annual ELCA

 Youth Ministry Network

 Extravangza will be at the

 Hyatt Regency Hotel in

 Anaheim, California on

 January 24-28, 2013.


 The Extravangza is an

 annual conference for

 professional and volunteer

 congregational children,

 youth and family ministry

 leaders that focuses on

 renewal, continuing

 education and networking.


 Click here to view

 an informational video on

 the Extravagnza. For

 further information--such

 as the speakers and

 theme--about the

 Extravaganza, click here.


Line  2

Vibrant Faith Ministries Free iPhone and Android App


 Vibrant Faith Ministries--
 formerly The Youth & Family
 Institute--has launch its new
 free iPhone and Android app

 VibrantFaith@Home offers free
 tips and tools to support and
 strengthen family's spiritual
 journey no matter the age or
 stage. With VibrantFaith@Home,
 there are plenty of tools to build
 a strong Christian household. 
 To download the free
 smartphone app,
click here.

 Line  2

Did you know Lutherans have their very own credit union?  


 The Synod

 has had an



 with Lutheran

 Credit Union of America for

 many years.  You may think

 that you need a local branch,

 however they are as close as

 picking up the phone or a click

 of the mouse.  They understand

 us and can relate to our needs,

 and they can relate to yours



 Does your church need a loan? 

 Or do you need a great rate

 auto loan?  Credit Card? Home

 Loan?  Home Equity Line of

 Credit?  Free checking

 account?  Free bill payment? 

 Even a free box of checks!  Call

 800.729.7307 and speak with

 one of LCUA's friendly,

 knowledgeable member service

 officers to find out how

 Lutheran Credit Union of

 America can help you too.


Line  2

"Motor City" to host the 2015 ELCA National Youth Gathering


 The ELCA Youth Gathering will

 be in Detroit, Michigan.


 This July more than 30,000 high

 school youth were in New

 Orleans for the 2012 National

 Youth Gathering.  


 For highlights from our synod,

 click here.   


Line  2

"Like" the Synod!


 The Southwest California Synod

 is now on Facebook! 


 Now, you will get updates about

 Synod events and other

 information to share with those

 that you serve!


Like us on Facebook 


 Line  2

Quick Links:


Synod Website




ELCA Foundation


Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA


California Lutheran Homes 


Lutheran Retreats, Camps & Conferences


Solheim Lutheran Home 


Synod Giving


Line  2


 Synews, the email newsletter of the Southwest California Synod,

 ELCA, brings you news and information from the synod office in an

 environmentally friendly format. Please share this information with

 those you serve. 

A Big Thank You to You!


     At mid-year the synod was 3.2 percent ABOVE budget in

 mission support receipts. Thank you for your phenomenal



     Remember 49 percent of all undesignated congregational mission support receipts is sent on to the ELCA churchwide organization.


     Your dollars are at work in your congregation, across the synod, nationally and around the globe. To find out exactly what your phenomenal stewardship is doing, click here.

Remembering The Rev. Dr. Vern Jahnke

    A Memorial Service for Pastor Vern Jahnke will be on Saturday,Sept. 8 at 10:00 a.m. at La Verne Church of the Brethren.


     Pastor Jahnke served as Pastor of Our Saviour Lutheran Church

 in LaVerne (now Rock of the Foothills Lutheran Church).

 Additionally, he provided regular pulpit supply at Lutheran Church

 of the Cross in Arcadia and most recently served as Interim Pastor

 at American Lutheran Church in Burbank.


     Please save the date for the second annual Gather, Grow & Go,

 synod-wide day of learning.


    Saturday, November 3 at Emmanuel, North Hollywood at 9:30

 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


     For those who are interested in leading a workshop, please

  email the topic and a brief description to Assistant to the Bishop

 for Mission Support, AIM Nancy Ackerman.


     Click here to download the bulletin insert.



Synod Office Worship: A Chance for Mid-Week Reflection

     Worship at the synod office is held twice a month on

 Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to join the synod staff

 for this brief service.


  We join together in the Eucharist and hear the Word from various synod pastors.

     Scheduled to preach on Wednesday, Wednesday, August 22 is Bishop Dean Nelson.  
     If you would consider leading mid-week worship, please email
 Assistant to the Bishop for Lay Mission Leadership, Pastor Laurie
   Important Information from the Synod Office
 Communication for Synod Publications
     We appreciate the emails that we get
 from you about events or news items.
     To strengthen the communication we are altering the way congregations and agencies would like to have news or events publicized. 
     Please click here to download the form, fill it out and send it to
 Congregational Council Contact Information
     To improve our communication with congregations in our synod,
 please email the Synod Office with the following:
  • Position
  • First and Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Term Ending

 Synod Email List for Your Congregation    

     Please encourage your congregation council members and
 committee chairs to sign up for the synod's e-mail list to keep up
 with Synod news, educational events and more.  Click here
 to sign up!
Trinity, Long Beach Receives Grant from Women of the ELCA


     On Saturdays, Trinity, Long Beach hosts its Spanish speaking worship followed with a meal for those who are apart of the Trinity Lutheran Outreach Program.
The tutoring serves more than 20 kids in Long Beach through the congregation and LSS in Long Beach.
     The Outreach Program--a joint program with the congregation and Lutheran Social Services in Long Beach--serves elementary school children and anyone in the community who would like to stregthen their computer skills.
    The tutoring mainly focuses on English, math and science, according to Pastor Josh Ebener.  "It's a good way to supplement  learning, especially with the [school] budget cuts," said Pastor Ebener. The $2,000 grant from the Women of the ELCA will go to the meals that are a part of programming, reported Pastor Ebener.
    Since 1990, the Women of the ELCA grant support for women and children has totaled over three and a half million dollars, wrote Executive Director of the Women of the ELCA Linda Post Bushkofsky in a letter to the Southwest California Synod Bishop Dean Nelson.
Adminstration and Finance 101 Workshop
Admin Workshop

     The Administration and Finance 101 workshop will be traveling to the Central Coast on Saturday, October 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Gloria Dei in Santa Maria. Join synod staff Andreas Hirsch and AIM Nancy Ackerman for an introduction/review of the responsibilities of congregational leaders.


     To register, email the Synod Office.  



     Based on Micah 6:8 "... to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." Love in Action will involve a free honorary luncheon for two from each congregation with a ministry that shoes God's love in action to the community, certificates for each congregation a well as special Amos and Joseph awards for two selected congregations, workshops and a mercy and justice ministry fair.


     The event dates for Love in Action are as follows:


     Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012

     8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at First Lutheran, Glendale

     1300 E Colorado St.

     Glendale, CA 91205

     (818) 240-9000


     Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012

     8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran, Santa Barbara

     909 N La Cumbre Rd

     Santa Barbara, CA 93110

     (805) 687-1577



     Click here to download the registration form for the events.


     For more information please contact the Justice Mission Team Chair 

News from the Shashogo Parish - Ethiopia Evangelical Lutheran Church Mekane Yesus


 First Batch Bible School Students Graduate

      On Saturday, July 7 eleven evangelists were graduated from

 Bonosha Bible School of the EECMY Shashogo Parish. They were

 admitted to the bible school in September 2010 and stayed in the

 school for the last two years.


The Bible School graduates at the worship service.

     There were two full time

 teachers for the Bible school.

 The teaching learning process

 was undertaken in a rented

 house. Since all the expenses

 of the school and its

 administration were covered

 by the congregations of the

 EECMY Shashogo Parish, it

 was hard to provide all the

 materials needed for the

 teaching until the Southwest

 California Synod sent funds.


     The graduation

 ceremony was held at Bonosha

 Congregation in the presence of Mr. Mamo Wojega, the

 Coordinator of the EECMY Peace Office, Chairperson of EECMY

 Shashogo Parish Provisional Committee and the Representative

 of the EECMY Central Office on the occasion and Rev. Ganjula

 Geito, EECMY Outreach Ministry Coordinator who represented the

 EECMY Department for Mission and Theology. In the graduation,

 the congregation and parish leaders and governmental officials of

 the SNNP Hadiya Zone Shashogo District were present.


     In the graduation ceremony, the EECMY Shashogo Parish

 leaders have expressed their gratitude to all those who

 supported them in their endeavors including ELCA Southwest

 California Synod. They have also asked the same kind of

 cooperation and support in the upcoming ministers training and

 evangelism ministry of the parish.


     If you would like to make a donation to help the Bible School

 of the Shashogo Parish, please send your check with memo line Shashogo Bible School to:


Southwest California Synod

1300 E Colorado St.

Glendale, CA 91205




 Winter Retreats Dates are Now


     Winter Camps start in January

2013! Click here to look at the

calendar of events.


Have an Afternoon of LRCC Come to Your Congregation!

     Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences has
Director of Outreach Aaron Tidwell available for your church for a Sunday.


     Aaron can do a presentation on the ELCA Malaria campaign, lead your children's message lead Sunday School, lead a Bible study and/or discussion at your youth group! Contact him at camp for his availabilty at (661) 245-3519 or email him.
Global Links Header
Global Links shares highlights from the ELCA, Living Lutheran and other churchwide websites of ELCA ministry and connections in other countries.


 Geneva and Taize: Sponsor a Future Plunge
Consider sponsoring a future pilgrimage for young adults to deepen their spirituality by experiencing the global faith community in Geneva, Switzerland, and Taize, France. The first step is to send an "observer learner" on the Plunge pilgrimage to these ecumenical centers on May 29-June 9, 2013. Visit the local events page for more information.  

 Educational and worship resources for the upcoming seasons
     Have you wondered what Advent is like in Argentina? Are you interested in learning more about Christmas traditions in Kenya, Japan or Haiti? Looking for Lenten sermon material? Sign up for the Hand in Hand blog digest. Each week, two stories will arrive in your email inbox from missionaries who reflect on their work and life in the church in which they serve. 

 Mexico: Immerse yourself in transformative travel
     "Seeds of Transformation" offers opportunities for individuals and groups to take trips that deepen discipleship through hands-on service learning, stimulating site visits, cultural exchanges and lectures. Trips are available in Mexico City and the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Travel options include pre-designed five- to seven-day trips on the themes of Sustainable Economics, Lutheran Identity and Food Justice; and trips with customized places, themes and length of stay. For more information click here.


 Attention church communicators!
     Global Links is now also available as a monthly PDF for you to copy and distribute in newsletters, bulletins and other publications. See the right sidebar of the Global Links page to download this issue.

     Seeds for the Parish is the resource newspaper of the ELCA. Each issue contains articles about resources that can help congregations in their worship, service, and ministries. Typical issues have stories on resources available from churchwide units and Augsburg Fortress for worship, youth ministries, Christian education, stewardship, evangelism, social ministries, and leadership. Seeds for the Parish is sent to congregational leaders four times a year, without charge.


New ELCA Roadmarker Now Available


     Sometimes we all need a sign--now congregations can lead the way to their front door with a new ELCA roadmarker. These rustproof aluminum signs are available in a four-color enamel finish and heature an authorized use of the ELCA emblem. The sign is printer with the words,"Lutheran Church Welcomes You" and allows customizable space for your congregation's name, address and arrow if needed. Prices vary depending on the needed customization but range from $68 to $91 with shipping and handling extra.


     Order forms can be found at in the

 "Get started" section.  Congregations should fax their orders

 directly to Stout Industries, an approved supplier, which will

 handle production, payment processing and shipping.  All orders

 will ship direct to each congregation. Be sure to check your local 

 regulations before placing your orders. Summer is a perfect time to

 update old signs or welcome new visitors with new directional

 roadmarkers. Order yours today. 

Strategic Planning with Church Innovations at Trinity, Santa Barbara in October


     Does your congregation have strategic plan or have trouble

 with the follow through of that plan? 


     God has a plan for each of our congregations. The problem is

 figuring out what that is--and then how to get there! Consider

 attending with members from your congregation, "Dwelling in the

 Word" at Trinity, Santa Barbara on Friday, Oct. 26 at 5:30 p.m. to

 9:15 p.m and Saturday, Oct. 27 at 9:00 a.m to 3:15 p.m. 


     The goal of "Dwelling in the Word" is to help each congregation

 figure this out - with God's help. The program begins with a time of

 dwelling in the word, and then a time of beginning the

 discernment process. Your congregation can then make the

 decision to continue working with the team from Church

 Innovations and go on into a structured visioning, planning - and

 implementation process with a coach from Church Innovations.


     The fee is $30 for Friday and Saturday, or $25 just for Saturday

 (there will be time on Saturday to catch up from Friday). The fee

 includes the meals and a copy of the book "Dwelling in the Word." 

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