Upcoming Events
August 28, 6:30-7:30 PM-- How Adults Learn, Part 1: The Emotional Aspect of Learning. Participants in this webinar will explore how emotions function in ways to increase or shut down learning. Ideas related to developing a positive emotional climate in adult small groups will be included.
Register here
Sept. 7-8 -- Volunteer in Mission (VIM) Training, Storm Mountain Center. Contact Kathy Chesney.
Sept. 10-11 -- Extend Health workshops. Contact Leana Stunes.
Click here to view the entire calendar
 | Enjoying activities at Sidewalk Sonday School at Hayward Elementary School in Sioux Falls, SD. Photo by Kip Roozen |
 | Children gather around for a lesson at Sidewalk Sonday School held at Hayward Elementary School Sioux Falls, SD. Asbury UMC hosted the week long event. Photo by Kip Roozen |
Sidewalk Sonday School reaches far and wide
Sioux Falls, S.D. - Over 20 people were involved in Sidewalk Sonday School at Hayward Elementary School in Sioux Falls, SD this past week. Sidewalk Sonday School is a Dakotas Conference mission activity through Spirit Lake Nation in Sheyenne, ND.
Mike and Libby Flowers, Directors at Spirit Lake organize, plan, and recruit staff for a bible school that is held outdoors. The weeklong school is conducted in cities, towns and villages throughout North Dakota and South Dakota. There is no charge to participate.
In our hearts
Sympathy is extended to the family of Carol June Krenz. Sioux Falls, SD. Carol is the mother of Rev. Dan Baker, Pierre First UMC and mother of Monica Bader. Visitation and a prayer service will be held Thursday, August 16 , 2012 from 5-7 pm at Miller Funeral Home in Sioux Falls, SD. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 p.m. Friday, August 17, 2012 at First United Methodist Church Sioux Falls, SD.
Church Camps On Rooftop To Spread Message
Story by Lindsey Branwell, Keloland TV
 | Members of Sioux Falls Asbury UMC camp on the roof to get ready for a trip to Haiti. Photo by Kip Roozen. |
Sioux Falls, SD - - On a busy Sioux Falls street, a local church asks for some help with their mission trip to Haiti.
Sunday morning, they started camping in a tent atop the church's roof.
Members of the Asbury United Methodist Church will work in five-hour shifts, manning a bucket hanging off the roof for donations. They're also recreating the living conditions of those in Haiti as best as they can.
Dakotas United Methodist Foundation Focus Group Sessions to be held
The Dakotas United Methodist Foundation was established nearly sixty years ago for the purpose of ensuring funding for congregations and other United Methodist ministries in the Dakotas.
The Foundation is developing a plan to expand the financial support for churches and ministries of the Conference and now wishes to invite our faithful constituents to assist us as we move forward with the next stage of planning.
Please join us for one of the following one-hour Focus Groups. We will be gathering at these locations:
Focus Group Events - All will begin 7:00pm local time: Monday, Aug. 27 - Fargo 1st UMC, 906 1st Ave South Tuesday, Aug. 28 - Jamestown 1st UMC, 115 3rd Street SE Wednesday, Aug. 29 - Bismarck McCabe UMC, 1030 6th Street North
Monday, Sept. 17 - Rapid City 1st UMC, 629 Kansas City Street Tuesday, Sept. 18 - Sioux Falls Asbury UMC, 2425 S Western Wednesday, Sept. 19 - Lake Poinsett Camp, 20 S Lake Drive, Arlington SD
The 2012 Journal is now available online HERE
Dakotas Walk to Emmaus will hold the annual Women's Walk on October 4-7, 2012. The Walk to Emmaus is named so because the experience is very similar to the Bible story in Luke 24:13-34 in which the risen Christ joins the two disciples who were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. By walking with Jesus, reflecting on the scriptures, breaking bread together, and sharing their resurrection stories, the disciples experienced Christ's presence and their hearts burned within them. The Walk to Emmaus is your opportunity to walk with the Lord and rediscover God's burning presence in your life.
Sheet music available
Brookings First UMC has sheet music to give away. Please direct questions to Teresa Person, BFUMC Music Director.
Dakotas Annual Conference 2013 will be held in Bismarck
The Dakotas Annual Conference will be in session June 5-8, 2013 at the Ramkota Inn in Bismarck, N.D. Hotels in Bismarck fill up often so make your room reservations now. There have been several blocks of hotel rooms reserved at the Bismarck hotels.
Click here to see hotels available...
Ingathering is Moving to Sioux Falls

Dakota Marketplace, the former Ingathering in Mitchell, will take place at First UMC, 401 S Spring, in Sioux Falls on Saturday, September 22. As in the past, funds raised will support the UM Committee of Relief (UMCOR) World Hunger and Poverty initiative, Heifer International and Dakotas Hunger Projects.
The Conference website has been updated with several documents to help congregations promote Dakota Marketplace. At www.dakotasumc.org you'll find a link to a newsletter that outlines lots of details about this new and exciting mission event. A shorter 2-page flyer can be printed and distributed or placed on an information table. If your church shares digital announcements during worship, you'll find some sample slides that can be modified to meet your needs. There's also a link to the sheet for recording all the gifts your church will be bringing to Dakota Marketplace along with the Hunger Grant Application form.
Dakota Marketplace will run from 9 am - 3 pm. Throughout the day, stop in at the craft bazaar, farmer's market, bake sale or browse the mission fair. At 10 am we'll feature a Specialty Live Auction and from 9 am - 1 pm there will be a Silent Auction of gift baskets and handcrafted items. Lunch will be available along with homemade pie and ice cream.
If you'd like to volunteer, contact Cindy Nelson at 351-2818 or cynthianelson1@sio.midco.net. For more information go to www.dakotasumc.org or check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/dakotamarketplace.
Note: No flood buckets are needed at this time.
 No flood buckets are needed at this time. |
Prairie Hills West Ingathering
No Flood Buckets are needed at this time.
Pack the Vans
No flood Buckets are needed at this time.
Community Action Learning & Leadership
Are you a leader?
Have you had an idea that would make a difference?
Do you want to help others by working in a team environment?
Do you feel called to make an impact in our community?
Do you want to hear how community leaders answered their call?
College age and Young Professionals, you are invited to participate in a 10 week program designed specifically to build your leadership skills and provide you with an opportunity to make an impact in our community through a group project. Class presenters will be community leaders that will share their experience and insights.
Visit our Website (www.fmucm.org) to learn more, view application deadlines, and to apply! All of the information is under the "C.A.L.L" tab!
Association Offers Free Regional Workshop In Pierre
Dakotas Conference Communications would love to tell the story of how God is inspiring, energizing, transforming and calling your church to ministry. If you have a story to share, email Dakotas Conference Communications by clicking here by Thursday. Please submit articles in Microsoft Word format. Articles should be no longer than 250 words. Be sure to include the author, any people involved and the time line for publication, up to two weeks.
Pictures always appreciated! Mondays Contact Info Doreen Gosmire Associate Director of Communications 605-996-6552. Calendar Contact Info Click here to see the entire Dakotas Conference Calendar. If you have items you would like to add to the calendar contact Bonnie Carlson. |