IT'S OFFICIAL - Relocation News:
Most of you know that we have been looking into relocating the wine store around the corner to the space that we use for City News. We have been looking into it for a couple of years - but the State Of Connecticut has many restrictions.
You cannot just "up and move." It is a long process.
Many of you have said: "But why? We love the store."
Consider this:
Our original idea was to create sort of a "Grand Market" - a place where all of the products & goodies that we have could be displayed, sampled, served, and sold under one roof - but the State of Connecticut does not allow it.
So we jiggled things around, divided the space, and worked with the rules and regulations the best that we could. But it was still frustrating to turn away the business of parties and events every month because of the limitations - especially with the downturn in the economy.
So - what do we do?
We grabbed a couple of glasses, a nice bottle of wine and thought for a while - and then said "What If - we moved?"
We believe we have a great opportunity to consolidate our businesses - and we think that we should take advantage of that. It opens the door to many new ideas. It makes sense financially and it makes sense for our customers too.
By relocating we honestly feel that we will be able to deliver better customer service, cross market products more effectively, and provide a much more engaging and shared experience. And with all of the extra space available to us at City News - tastings, classes, dinners, and other events will be unrestricted.
So what happens to the old space?
It becomes available for collaborations of all kinds. Food, art, wine, music, almost anything at all.
So we are moving - we will open on June 1st in the new location.
And we will be closed at the current location for about 3 weeks.
We appreciate all of the kind words and support that we have been receiving
and are very excited to welcome you to our new home at 70 State Street.
Give us a call if you have any other questions
The Lines Are Open: 8 6 0 - 4 4 3 - 6 8 1 7
And please feel free to pass this information along to your friends,
it will help us to get the word out to everybody.
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