Berry Magic

San Francisco North & and East Bay Region

Region Coordinators
Margaret Speaker Yuan
Regional Advisor

Colette Weil Parrinello
Assistant Regional Advisor

Keely Parrack
Anne Reilly
Louise Henriksen
Beyond the Bay Coordinators

Charles Markee
North Bay Coordinator

Brian Bowes
Illustrator Coordinator

Corina Berman
New Member/Welcome Coordinator

We are 100% Run by Volunteers 

If you would like to learn more about childrens writing and illustrating, one of the best ways is to volunteer with the organization. You meet people, see behind the scenes at events and get a chance to ask authors and others about their suggestions. Please contact Margaret, books4women AT or Colette,

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Share Your Good News

If you are an SCBWI member, send Colette
( your good news about recent magazine articles and books published. We'll share in our calendar or newsletter. Put "Good News" in Subject line.

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Just Click the Logo Below


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Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 7 - 8:30 PM 


This is a New Program Just For Members 

Location: Caffe Oggi, Mill Valley   


Location: Caffe Oggi, 745 East Blithedale, Mill Valley, in the Whole Foods Center.  

Cost: $15.00 includes a dessert or snack
To register, please click here.
 (At the door, registration will be $20.)
NOTE: You do not need a PayPal account to register. Follow the links to pay by credit card if you don't have a PayPal account.
No-Host: Wine, Beer, Espresso drinks and Other Food 

Be Green: Bring your Own Travel Cup/Mug 

Here's What We'll Do: 
1) Depending on how many people, we will break up into small groups according to region. Each region table will have a facilitator (just to explain the rules and keep the clock)
2) Each member should be prepared to pass out 3 pages of 1 manuscript (MS) to have members in the group critique.  
3) A member will read 1 page out loud. The MS will be verbally critiqued by the group, 1 critiquer at a time.
4) This is an excellent time to meet members, learn about others' work, inquire about critique groups and those groups that might need members.

What You Need to Bring for Critique Cafe:  
1) 8-10 copies of 3 pages of a manuscript you are working on
2) Note pad or computer/IPad to write down notes from critique and to take names of members who might be interested in forming a critque group or adding members to a current group
About the Wonderful Illustration Above

This delightful illustration was in our illustration database but we do not have the name of the illustator. If you are the illustrator, please let us know so we may credit you.  


WELCOME TO OUR NEW VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS Who Answered our New Year's Call for 2012
Corina Berman: New Member Welcome Coordinator
Corina will welcome new members, answer questions, and provide general guidance on available materials and information from SCBWI. She will also contact members whose membership has lapsed to engage them in rejoining.
Thank you Corina

Brian Bowes: Illustrator Coordinator (IC):
Brian will coordinate meetings that address the interests/needs of our illustrator members. Brian comes with great ideas, lots of enthusiasm and a desire to connect the many Illustrator members in our region. Learn more about Brian at Thank you Brian 
JAN. 14th, 4 - 6pm: Picture Book Apps - A Brave New World, First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, RSVP HERE

FEB. 8th, 7 - 8:30: Members Only CRITIQUE CAFE, Caffe Oggi, 745 E. Blithedale Ave,  Mill Valley, 7 - 8:30 pm, $15 online reg, $20 at door.

MARCH 2 - 4th Creative Getaway, Green Gulch Farms, Muir Beach,
Click here to learn more & register.

MARCH 2 - 4th - Golden Gate Conference at Asilomar sponsored by SCBWI San Francisco South Region. For more info click here



Come to our Members Critique Cafe and meet other members who might be interested in forming a group or need members.

Network at regional events. 

Post your interest on the SCBWI_norca yahoo listserv.

Use our CRITCONNECT service. This is an automated service to confidentially post your interest. Email You will be sent a message about a google docs spreadsheet where you may post your critique interests and see other people's postings to search for members.

Network at conferences.
SCBWI San Francisco North & East Bay Region
Volunteers in Our Region Provide:
  • Meetings in Santa Rosa, Walnut Creek and Mill Valley 
  • Online Webinars  three boys 6-8
  • Retreats in Muir Beach
  • Fall Conference in Oakland  

Visit our region's pages on the SCBWI national website HERE