AWSNAFebruary 2011
Dear Friends,

Great news about AWSNA's service trip! Already 55 people (alums, grandparents, parents, teachers, students!) have signed up to be in New Orleans this April 7, 8, 9, and 10, 2011, helping the Waldorf School of New Orleans and working on other projects helping to rebuild New Orleans. Do you want to join us? Rooms are going fast, since it's also the weekend of the French Quarter Music Festival! 


We've offered scholarships to 27 people to help with travel, including two wonderful groups coming in vans! Also an eighth grade class has chosen this for their 8th grade class trip! We are thrilled with the outpouring of support and look forward to work and pleasure during this fabulous weekend. Please contact us if you'd like to be there too:

Also, we wanted you to know that we have received many responses to the article reporting on Russian Premier Putin's recognition of Waldorf schools as "Schools of the future," and were excited to see how many of you are reading our news updates and how passionate you are about Waldorf Education worldwide. We will continue our pledge to report to you all the best news about Waldorf Education as we receive it and we will leave political analysis to all of you! Also, do send us news from your schools, or articles you encounter that you feel are relevant to the WhyWaldorfWorks website. And feel free to ask your friends to sign up to receive monthly e-updates about Waldorf Education in the news. We need everyone we can get to shout the good news about Waldorf Education. Keep it up and many thanks!

Frances Kane            Patrice Maynard
   Administration     Development & Outreach

Teacher Education Coloquim Report

For two-and-a-half days in January, forty Waldorf teacher educators met in Fair Oaks to consider the ideals and challenges of their work. Here's a brief summary of the meeting:    

Read more on Why Waldorf Works.


The Cosmos of Rudolf Steiner 

An art exhibit opens in February, 2011, at the famous Kunstmuseum in Stuttgart entitled The Cosmos of Rudolf Steiner. From the introduction: "Rudolf Steiner is one of the most influential and controversial reformers of the 20th century. The exhibition presents a comprehensive view of Steiner's cultural and art-historical impact and shows works by contemporary artists who are influenced by Steiner's philosophy and art. They are Jan Albers, Joseph Beuys, Tony Cragg, Olafur Eliasson, Helmut Federle, Manuel Graf, Katharina Grosse, Anish Kapoor, Kalin Lindena, Simon Dybbroe Moller, Carsten Nicolai, Giuseppe Penone, Bernd Ribbeck and Claudia Wieser.    

Read more Why Waldorf Works.  


"Race to Nowhere" is racing through schools 

A new film about the stresses imposed on American students has been quietly drawing intent viewership across the country. "Race to Nowhere" is now popping up with screenings at schools and other institutions around the country.    

 Read more: Why Waldorf Works.   


School's new building to be made from shipping containers


In a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday morning, kindergartners sprinkled both water and wishes on the vacant lot that will soon house the Waldorf School of Orange County's new $2-million building. The private school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade on Canyon Drive invited all 326 of its students to join faculty, parents and the community to see where it planned to erect what was said to be Costa Mesa's first building made from recycled shipping containers.   

Read more on Why Waldorf Works. 

Events and Conferences

Waldorf Education Events and Conferences

Please visit Why Waldorf Works for registration and contact information or for more details. If you have a conference you'd like posted on the site, send the information to

March 18 -20, 2011: Keene, NH

Interest, Insight and Initiative - A working Conference on Pedagogical Leadership
Hosted by the Monadnock Waldorf School, Keene, NH.

The future of Waldorf Education lies in our ability to discern and take real steps to meet the needs of the children who find their way to our schools and classrooms. Developing skills of observation, study and dialogue that enable us to discern and craft creative responses to their needs and questions is the greatest challenge we face as colleagues. Our shared study material: "Study of Man" or Foundations of Human Experience by Rudolf Steiner Lecture IV: August 25th, 1919


March 25 -26, 2011: Bethesda, MD

2011 AWSNA Atlantic/Southeast Conference

Dennis Klocek: From Fantasy to Imagination: An Educational Journey

Hosted by the Washington Waldorf School


 April 7 -10, 2011: New Orleans, LA

AWSNA Service event  - Help Re-Build New Orleans

For questions please contact Anamyn Turowski  by phone 518-672-7878 or email 

June 13, 2011: Great Barrington, MA
Winning with Waldorf VI - featuring our champion, PGA touring golf pro, Duffy Waldorf, will be hosted by the Great Barrington Rudolf Steiner School, which is celebrating its 40th birthday this year.

June 24-27, 2011: Garden City, NY
Rudolf Steiner's Unique Understanding of Adolescence
Child Development and the Spiritual Intentions of Waldorf Education
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Peter Selg, M.D.
Dr. Peter Selg, MD, is a youth psychiatrist and spiritual scientific researcher working out of anthroposophy as director of the Ita Wegman Institute in Switzerland. From his deep study of and work with adolescents, he has developed a picture of the profound context out of which true Waldorf Education comes. This conference will delve into Rudolf Steiner's attitude towards the child and into the whole pedagogical challenge which childhood presents, creating a kind of basic reflection about the spiritual core of Waldorf Education. This conference will be of inestimable value for high school teachers, but it will speak just as much to educators of all levels who are fortunate enough to participate!
Please inform your communities and mark your calendars!
Hosted by
Waldorf School of Garden City
Garden City, New York

More events can be found at Why Waldorf Works.
You are welcome to send us Waldorf-related
events for posting on our web site.

About Us
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AWSNA provides leadership to schools by facilitating resources, networks and research as they strive towards excellence and build healthy school communities. The Association performs functions that its member schools and institutes could not do alone, including:
�    Outreach and advocacy
�    Accreditation and school support services
�    Professional development activities
�    Research and publications
Please contact us if you have any questions about AWSNA or this newsletter.
In This Issue
Teacher Education Coloquim Report
The Cosmos of Rudolf Steiner
"Race to Nowhere"
School's new building made from shipping containers
Events and Conferences
About Us
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