January 2012
Vol 5, Issue 1
Creative Coaching Group
 the Creative Coaching Group newsletter

Dear ,

Jan Carley squareHAPPY 2012!  I have a feeling that this year is going to be a really significant one - for all of us!


Although I know it is only January 3, I am honestly already feeling tired.  I am still trying to recover from my week in the east where I jammed in the visiting of family and friends amidst the frantic packing of boxes in order to move my mom out of her condo in one short week due to it's sudden sale. Whewff!  It was not only physically draining, but also emotionally - especially when I discovered my long-departed family dog's dish and leash stored in one of my mom's back cupboards!


For me, hitting the ground running in January simply seems too tough.  Do any of you feel the same way?  If so, you might like to be reminded of my popular concept of 'starting your new year in February'.  It seems a lot of us high-achievers are tired and already a bit stressed out by early January and feeling guilty about already being "behind" on our annual plans. So let's give ourselves a break and take the pressure off January.  Instead, let's think of January as an R & D month (Reflection & Dreaming) - or, for those more task-oriented, your Research & Development month. The 'doing' comes later.


To help set up your February of 'doing', here's an easy thing you can do right now with a minimum of pain and a maximum of potential benefit. Register for my FREE Teleseminar on Jan. 12 called "Rock your 2012! (from the inside out)." It's the first time I have offered this kind of free event and I would love you to be part of it.  Click here for more details or to register.


But for now, relax, put your feet up and begin your R & D month. I look forward to banging the pots and pans with you on January 31st - our New Year's Eve! 


Cheers - to your brilliant year!

jan signature


Jan Carley, PCC,

Your coach of possibility

604 873-1763  e: jan@creativecoachinggroup.com 

Feature Article: Taking the Pressure off January

2012 written with sparklers

I introduced the concept of "starting the new year in February" a couple of years ago and it got an overwhelmingly positive response. It seems that letting go of the concept that January has to be the month to atone for everything you didn't accomplish the year before, resonated very deeply with you, my faithful readers. The relief at taking the pressure off January and having a "gap month" - a month to simply "BE"...feels really good.    


December is always a monster month of constant social engagements, family, friends, over-indulgance in rich food and beverages, and for many, emotionally exhausting memory-filled moments. It seems counter-intuitive to think we could possibly be mentally and emotionally ready to leap into action when the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31st.  


So let's officially make January our "R & D" month. (Reflection and Dreaming). Let's use this precious time to recuperate, replenish our reserves, and expand our minds to explore the possibilities of the upcoming year. I think you will prefer this easy, smooth set-up for your best year.


The R & D phase of your annual visioning and planning, just like the R and D phase of any project, involves exploration, creativity, mental space and possibility-thinking. You need to create the mental bandwidth to explore new concepts and to dream new dreams.

To give ourselves that mental space, it is first critical to complete the year that has passed. And, in order to complete, we first need to reflect and remember.



Reflecting and remembering the good, the bad, the happy and sad experiences of the past year will help you "complete" the year and leave you unencumbered as you move into a bright and joyful new year of possibility. As you reflect, be careful to release any self-judgment. This exercise is just a simple acknowledgement of what was. All of your experiences in 2011 will help shape your 2012. Be grateful for them all. "Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melodie Beattie


I always recommend writing your thoughts down as you reflect- in a journal, on a scrap piece of paper, or even on a dinner napkin.



In what areas did you grow last year?

What did you learn?

What inspired or moved you?

What surprised you?

What disappointed you?

What worked and what didn't?

What were your biggest challenges?

What were your biggest "wins"?  

What still feels unfinished?  

What are you willing to let go of now?


When you are finished answering the questions, read them over, and reflect. Take time to fully acknowledge and celebrate your "Woo Hoo!" moments. Take time to fully acknowledge and feel your disappointments or losses. Sit with your lists for as long as you need to.  And then say goodbye to them and move on to creating your brilliant 2012 year of possibility.  



This is the fun part. This is where you get to dream about your magnificent possibilities for 2012. Don't get caught up in the "HOW" in this step, just keep dreaming.

Unplug, grab your journal, put on some music that inspires, sit in a comfy chair, close your eyes and let your mind go. Ask yourself this question: "If anything were possible without limitation... What would this year hold? What would I do? How would I feel? What words of images float through your mind? What is there for you? Keep yourself in the "Imagine" state for this exercise.


As you jot your thoughts down in writing, keep them in the present tense - imagine that it is Dec. 31, 2012 and you are describing your life as it IS right now. (I am peaceful, I am doing a lot of laughing, I am spending my weekends outdoors in the mountains, I am healthy and filled with energy etc.) You get the idea! Amazingly, the Universe seems to respond to even the simple energy created by naming a dream and writing it down. If you can share your dreams aloud with a partner or a friend it will add another level of energy to that dream.  


That's it! You are ready for our Feb. 1 New Year when it will be time to put your dreams into actionable incremental steps to achieve your vision!


Photo Credit: Noah Drew  Special thanks to Noah  and friends for their creative ringing-in of 2012!

Lightbulb of the Month

blue lightbulb


"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last, you create what you will." - George Bernard Shaw, Playwright 



Jan. 12    Free Teleseminar:  ROCK YOUR 2012! 

Jan. 25 - Feb. 15  Harmony from the Inside Out Tele-Boot Camp


FREE teleseminar with Jan : January 12th at 12 noon

rock your 2012*participate by phone, skype or web from anywhere in the world

(all registrants get an 18-page pdf Planning Guide to download and the mp3 recording of the teleseminar emailed to you after the call)

CLICK HERE for full details and to register



Harmony from the Inside Out Tele-Boot Camp

 January 25 - Feb 15, 2012 

 *SAVE $30 with Early Bird Pricing extended for e-newsletter subscribers until January 14th 

Jumping with delightDo you want to add more focus, joy and intention to your life? Kickstart your 2012 with 4 action-packed weeks of the popular Harmony from the Inside Out Tele-Boot Camp- a group coaching tele-course with Jan that will positively rock your world with amazing learning, insights, and transformative shifts.

Wednesday nights Jan. 25 - Feb 15  8 pm EST/5 pm PST 

CLICK HERE for full details and to register for the TELE-BOOT CAMP 

Questions? Please email me!  jan@creativecoachinggroup.com  

About Jan Carley

Jan Carley is a Professional Certified Executive Coach credentialed with the International Coach Federation. Her com­pany, Creative Coaching Group, specializes in working with highly motivated individuals and high-achieving teams to expand their possibilities, leverage their strengths and focus their energies to achieve a leading edge of excellence. Jan lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and is available for individual and team coaching, workshops, and speaking engagements worldwide. ICF logo

Contact Jan at 604 873-1763  email: jan@creativecoachinggroup.com



Book cover 

Jan's popular book,
Harmony from the Inside Out - Creating and Living your Performance Potential (and a free chapter download) is available for sale on line at www.harmonyfromtheinsideout.com (Kindle format on sale through www.amazon.com
Also on sale in Vancouver: at Odin Books, W. Broadway at Spruce and Hager Books, West 41st in Kerrisdale.



Quick Links
Jan's Coaching Company Creative Coaching Group
Jan's work with BarbershoppersInner Coach of Barbershop
P.S. CLICK HERE to register for my free TELESEMINAR:
       ROCK YOUR 2012! - from the Inside Out   
If you would like to reprint any part of this ezine in your blog or newsletter, please feel free to do so as long as you include the following credit information: Jan Carley inspires possibilities by coaching from the "inside out." Sign up to receive the free 15 page report, 5 Ways to Instantly Focus for Harmony and Success, and receive a free subscription to Jan's monthly coaching e-newsletter, LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT.
Creative Coaching Group www.creativecoachinggroup.com
copyright 2012. All rights reserved