November 2011Vol 4, Issue 11
Creative Coaching Group
 the Creative Coaching Group newsletter

Dear ,

3rd Place Bronze MedalThanks for your support and well-wishes as I competed with the Lions Gate Chorus in the recent Sweet Adelines International a cappella harmony competition in Houston,TX.  It was a rippin' fine competition and we were thrilled with our performances and proudly came home with shiny 3rd place Bronze medals! Woo hoo!


All of that excitement, planning, and build up to a huge event that suddenly ends can leave one with a distinct sense of "post-event-depression".  What do you do after the party's over? When the glitter fades? After any big celebration, big team product launch, big game or big event, there can often be a sense of letdown, loss and even depression.  Read my feature article below for some strategies on working through "Post-Event-Depression" so you are once again ready and eager to kickstart your new beginnings.


Happy November! jan signature

Jan Carley, PCC

Certified Executive Coach  Creative Coaching Group
604 873-1763  e: 

Feature Article: How to Recover and Thrive after a Big Event

Jumping into possibility

The scene is a familiar one. You worked for months to prepare for your big event - you sweated, obsessed, planned, rehearsed and then, in the blink of an eye, it is over.  It is common to feel a sense of let-down after the completion of something into which you have put a lot of energy, emotion and time. We all experience a multitude of different kinds of these big events all through our lives, as do our kids, our colleagues, and our loved ones. These big events might be a significant social occasion that has been a long time in the making (eg/ a wedding), a personal milestone that you worked toward and completed (eg/ running a marathon), the opening of a concert, a production or a store opening in which you were involved, a big product launch for your company, or perhaps the big event is simply that holiday you had planned for so long.


And then, all too soon, it is over. The thing you busted your butt for, focused your energies on, obsessed about, talked about and the thing that you put everything off until "after" over. "Post-Event-Depression" sets in.  So how do you handle that? How do you get re-juiced? How do you recover?


The stages below are critical to be able to properly "conclude" your big event, give props to the journey that got you there, and then to help you get into the beautiful, exciting, and exhilarating stage of looking forward and building for the future. These three stages do not necessarily happen in a linear fashion and can frequently overlap, or you may move back and forth between them. And, most important for all you high-achievers reading this, is to remember that there is no timeline on moving through these stages! So relax, and enjoy each peak and valley of this wonderful life - for they are all important pieces of the pie.


Three Stages of Post-Event Recovery 

Reflect and Rest:

Notice any feelings that you or others that were involved in your event may be experiencing. Are you disappointed? Exhausted? Happy? Elated?  Just "Blah"?  Accept that you may have conflicting feelings of elation, exhaustion and letdown that rise up at different times of the day or week and that is perfectly okay.  You might feel hyper, and you might feel like crashing. Just notice...and acknowledge those feelings. Discuss the feelings with someone close to you. If you are the leader of a group, share how you are feeling with the group.  Allow yourself and your group to feel whatever it is you feel and don't be alarmed if the emotions are widely varied and shift on a dime. 

Recognize that you need to regenerate and allow and give yourself adequate nurturing time and space to replenish your energy and revive.


Remember and Revel:

Think about your event, your achievement, your "party." Recognize the highlights, talk about the event, look at the photos, laugh and debrief. Keep the positive memories flowing around that event. Create a visible reminder for yourself - a framed photo? A new screensaver? A month anniversary to celebrate? No, this is not "living in the past", it is simply giving the proper credit to a significant time in your life. Continue to celebrate your achievement. Revisit your achievement, your big event. You deserve this.


Revive and Re-ignite: 

Start thinking about what you want to create for the future. What exciting event do you imagine in your future? How will you build on your past success? Be sure to keep your thoughts and discussions very firmly in the: What you WANT for the future rather than what you DON'T want.  Re-ignite your and your group's passion by dreaming of the future possibilities.  What is your future vision?  What are you dreaming about? What feels connected and aligned with your personal vision?  And yes, get excited again.

  "What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls butterfly"  - Lao Tzu


photo credit: Eleanor Rosenberg & Noah Drew

Lightbulb of the Month

blue lightbulb


 "What we call the beginning is often the end.

  And to make an end is to make a beginning. 

  The end is where we start from." - T.S. Eliot


Harmony from the Inside Out Tele-Boot Camp

 Nov. 14 - December 5, 2011 


Yes!Location: Start your new beginning from your favorite armchair, in the comfort of your own home!


Get a head-start on creating a 2012 that will be your best year yet!

-define where you are and what is most important to you

-identify the limiting beliefs or mindsets that have been holding you back and yes, get rid of them!

-create your foundational personal vision that will positively inform all of your future life decisions 

-Create a sustainable plan for yourself for 2012 that WORKS


All this and MUCH MORE make up the 4 action-packed weeks of my Harmony from the Inside Out Tele-Boot Camp - a group coaching tele-course that positions you to immediately step into the life you want.  We cover a lot of ground in a short time, and you will be amazed and transformed by the things you learn and the personal shifts you make.


You participate by phone, skype audio or listen via the web. (have to miss a call?  No problem! The actions guides and mp3 recordings are sent to you each week)   


Join us!   Monday Nights   Nov. 14- Dec. 5th    8 pm EST/5 pm PST 





Questions? Please email me! 


Nancy Mudford and Spa Boutique Break into BC's Top 25!

Nancy Mudford, Owner, Spa boutiqueCONGRATULATIONS to my fabulous business coaching client, Nancy Mudford, whose business, Spa Boutique,  recently received the honor of being designated # 13 in the TOP 100 FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA!   

The headline was priceless:  "Skin-Care joins Mining and Software in TOP 25"!   Go Nancy!


Spa Boutique supplies skin care and cosmetics in an educational and fun shopping atmosphere online for women throughout North America. They are particularly focused on giving "extra special attention to their customers".  I see only more amazing things to come from this dynamic woman and her team at Spa Boutique.  Congratulations Nancy! Check out Spa Boutique and their products lines at


About Jan Carley

Jan Carley Jan Carley is a Professional Certified Executive Coach credentialed with the International Coach Federation. Her com­pany, Creative Coaching Group, specializes in working with highly motivated individuals and high-achieving teams to expand their possibilities, leverage their strengths and focus their energies to achieve a leading edge of excellence. Jan lives in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and is available for individual and team coaching, workshops, and speaking engagements worldwide. Contact Jan at 604 873-1763  email:



Harmony from the Inside Out Book Jan's popular book, Harmony from the Inside Out - Creating and Living your Performance Potential (and a free chapter download) is available for sale on line at  (Kindle format on sale through  


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Quick Links
Jan's Coaching Company Creative Coaching Group
Jan's work with BarbershoppersInner Coach of Barbershop
P.S.  Tele-Boot's create a new beginning!
If you would like to reprint any part of this ezine in your blog or newsletter, please feel free to do so as long as you include the following credit information: Jan Carley inspires possibilities by coaching from the "inside out." Sign up to receive the free 15 page report, 5 Ways to Instantly Focus for Harmony and Success, and receive a free subscription to Jan's monthly coaching e-newsletter, LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT.
Creative Coaching Group
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