February 2010 Vol 3, Issue 2
Creative Coaching Group
 the Creative Coaching Group newsletter


Olympic Fan JanHere I am...in my official Olympic garb. Lest you get confused, and think I really am fulfilling my lifelong dream of competing in the Women's Luge, I will dispel those rumours right away and let you know that instead, I have joined the venue management team for the Cultural Olympiad.
There are an incredible amount of artists involved in the Cultural Olympiad and over 600 performances taking place from now until March 21. If you are in Vancouver, check out the details and showtimes at www.vancouver2010.com/culturalolympiad 
It is an honour to be part of such a monumental festival that celebrates the artistically amazing and inspirational locally, nationally and internationally.  
Being surrounded by all of this extreme dedication and commitment to excellence in sport and culture prompted my feature article below. If life were a Pentathlon which sports would get us the furthest ahead?  Check out my choices below and add your life pentathlon sport choices on my blog.  
 jan signature
Jan Carley,
Certified Executive Coach and CEO of Creative Coaching Group
Feature Article:  Mastering our Life Pentathlon

Olympic fever has gripped the city of Vancouver, BC. In honour of the 2010 Olympic Games, which LUgewill begin here in my home city in a few short days, I have taken liberties with the actual Olympic events and have created a winter Pentathlon: five sports which, if we all could master, would help us achieve any business or life project we set out to do.  Are there any of the 5 sports below that you have been avoiding, missing or skipping?  


Event # 1    LUGE  - Getting Started 

For any project, we know how important the start is. In the Luge, one of the most dangerous sports in the Olympic Games, the start is the most critical part of the race and the only part of the race where the athlete has control over the outcome. A great amount of force is required to get the luger moving at the start of the course and then gravity takes over. How similar is that to life?   Like the luge, it might take a lot to get yourself moving, or your project off the ground, but once you have begun, another energy takes over and will keep you going. You just have to begin!


Event # 2    CURLING - Strategizing 

 According to the Canadian Curling Association, strategizing is a decision-making process each team goes through before, during and after a game. This includes setting goals, making game plans, deciding game style, shot selection,and game evaluation.  Described as "chess on ice", curling embodies extensive planning components. This concept of planning isn't news to most of us but it is a great reminder that to effectively launch any new project one must strategize and create a specific way to follow-through on those plans.  "A goal without an action plan is just a good idea."

Event # 3     FIGURE SKATING - Having a Strong Foundation 

 Although we, as observers, get swept away with the breathtaking triple axels and quadruple toe loops of figure skating competitions, each technical element of every program must be rock-solid before even the contemplation of a successful execution of a jump. Technical mastery is at the foundation of every move the skater makes.  What we get to witness at the Olympics is that beautiful moment when the skater transcends technique. How does this apply to your life? You have to have a strong foundation upon which to build innovation and possibility. You must ensure your foundation is in place, that you have done the pre-work before you can even attempt the big jump.

Event # 4   SKI JUMPING- Taking a risk 

Imagine a sport where the goal is to fly as far as possible in the air (and with style).

How big do you want to play? If you want to achieve your greatest success you have to let go of solid ground and be prepared for a little "air time". The scary bits are the pieces that really pay off.
"The bigger the dream, the bigger the self-doubt". Now jump!


Event # 5   HOCKEY  - Support  

Like a successful hockey team, in order to achieve any goal you need to have support. A great team supports each other, and anticipates where and how to back each other up.  Good teams become great teams when they trust each other enough to sacrifice the "me for the "we".  If you are heading out alone  as a "me" on your journey, you will find that you are more vulnerable, and therefore more susceptible to getting knocked down in challenging times.  Enlist support from every possible corner. Line up your fans, keep your focus on the greater "we".
Now, are you ready to suit up and join me in my luge pod?  Let the Games begin!
Lightbulb of the Month
 blue bulb           

"Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends." -- Brian Tracy, Motivational Author and Speaker

Your Olympic Coaching Intensive 
Ready to put an injection of Olympic-sized energy into your life or business goals (at Olympic sized discounts)?  Experience FOUR HOURS of one-on-one coaching over four consecutive weeks with Internationally credentialed executive coach, Jan Carley, plus a 30 minute preliminary phone consultation AND a 30 minute follow-up session one month after the completion of the Coaching Intensive.  
"Jan's support allowed me to embrace the chaos, celebrate the possibilities, realize my goal and accept the here and now."
- A.H.
Total : FIVE hours of individual coaching
Regular Fee: $1,000 plus gst  
Your Fee :  $497 plus gst (if purchased before Feb. 28)
Act now - spaces are limited!  Call 604 863-1763 or email: jan@creativecoachinggroup.com
"She has helped me to make one of the biggest transitions in my life. She believes in me sometimes more than I believe in myself. My life is fuller and richer for having Jan in it." - M.S.
This book comes with a money-back guarantee!
 Harmony from the Inside Out"Jan's book cuts through the usual superficial acceptable wisdom and gets right to the fundamental causes of success and failure. Stop rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic - read this book." - Tom M.

Harmony from the Inside Out -
Creating and Living your Performance Potential 
by Jan Carley
also on sale in Vancouver at the following fine establishments:
LE  PETIT  SPA, 3371 W. Broadway (at Alma)
I am thrilled to report that sales have been extremely brisk for my book, Harmony from the Inside Out - Creating and Living your Performance Potential, and soon I will have to order a 2nd printing!  The even more thrilling report is that my e-box is filled with wonderful testimonials from readers who are really finding the book both fun to read, and instructional.
it is more than inspiring and a marvelous read." - Cathy C.  "I LOVE this book.  I've been doing the exercises and can hardly put it down."  - Anita M. "Your inspiring book should be required reading."  - Amanda K.    
*Money-Back Guarantee:  If, after reading Harmony from the Inside Out, you have not experienced a positive shift in your thinking or life in any way, I am happy to offer a full refund. No questions asked! - JC 
Congratulations to Troy King, 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year
Troy KingHearty congratulations to Troy King, who was awarded 2010 Canadian Coach of the Year at the International Coach Federation conference in December in Orlando.
I had the good fortune of attending the Royal Roads Executive Coaching Program with Troy and have seen first-hand his commitment to excellence in the coaching profession. Troy truly cares and truly lives his guiding principle, 
"The bigger the challenge the bigger the opportunity!" 
Do you know anyone with Parkinson's disease?  If so, check out the book my brother, Gord Carley, wrote called Surviving Adversity - Living with Parkinson's Disease. The book contains 28 profiles of individuals who share their inspiring stories of how they have adjusted to Parkinson's disease.  The book will provide readers with perspective and hope. It's a must read for people with PD, their family and friends.  50% of the proceeds go to Parkinson's research. click here for more information
If you would like to reprint any part of this ezine in your blog and newsletter, please feel free to do so as long as you include the following credit information: Jan Carley inspires possibilities by coaching from the "inside out." Sign up for her free ezine, LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT, for creative articles and tips on giving your life and business the "inside edge." Creative Coaching Group, www.creativecoachinggroup.com
copyright 2010. All rights reserved