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September 2012


For EMS providers, situational awareness is understood as the need or ability to have a high level of attentiveness to the environment in a dynamic situation, or making the proper decision and acting on it in the most appropriate fashion. Additionally, when working in a crime scene, EMS providers must give considerations not to disturb potential evidence while providing patient care. NCC's EMS education department has entered into a partnership with the Northeast Forensic Training Center (At the Fowler Southside Center) to practice at their crime scene lab. Scene safety concepts, trauma assessment and treatment scenarios are the EMT student objectives. Lisa Makhoul, an NCC EMT student best describes this specialized training as a "rare experience, where I was able to practice my skills in a real-world environment".


Don Pond, NCC's EMS Instructional Manager states that, "Training at the crime scene lab allows our EMS students the opportunity to practice EMT skills while sharpening situational awareness and scene safety concepts. As an added benefit the crime lab has web cams which allow real-time critiques to take place".


This part of NCC's EMT education program teaches students to approach the scene of an emergency with a high level of suspicion and keen attention to obvious or subtle indications of threats to overall scene safety. Other aspects also include body substance isolation (BSI), personal protective equipment (PPE), high-visibility apparel and ambulance placement are vital elements in the overall scene safety concept.


Tactical training proves beneficial for EMS
Within the Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) and other states' police organizations, specialized law enforcement teams meet the extraordinary operational challenges in tactical, riot, explosives ordinance and disaster situations.  The presence of specialized operational teams, with specific training, tasks and capabilities, create a strong infrastructure in which to introduce and advance medical emergency capabilities, not only within existing teams, but also for specialized EMS response teams.


Bath salts: drug creates "chaos" for emergency crews


Many times local ambulance crews are the first at an emergency scene trying to provide medical care to someone high on bath salts.



Many drugs remain legal after bath salts ban


People are inventing so many new ways to get high that lawmakers can't seem to keep up. <READ MORE>


Lake EMS' stroke treatment highlighted at Chicago conference


For the past three years Lake County's emergency medical service has provided a revolutionary way to more quickly assess stroke patients to dramatically increase survival rates. <READ MORE>


Palmer Township sells unused space to Suburban Emergency Medical Service


Suburban Emergency Medical Service will now be able to store extra vehicles and expand at its Palmer Township location after purchasing land from the township.


NFTC Image     
(click on title for information)








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