Certainty Today, Kristen Magnacca's Community e-Newsletter
In This Issue
Mother's Day Survival Strategy
Support & Companionship the week of Mother's Day
Journey with Creation    
7:00 PM
With Kim Blanc
Gentle beginner Hatha yoga for those who want to bring a deep sense of relaxation to their mind & body. Peaceful yoga & meditation - a journey within.
6:30-7:30 PM    
 2nd Tuesday of every month
Starting May 11th join me for a complimentary coaching session 
will join me  for a discussion on Third Party Family Building
For first time clients in May I am offering 10% off
 your first one-on-one coaching sessions.
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April and May bring in the season of spring and the earth's splendor of blooming!  Perhaps reminding us of the meaning behind the saying "to every time there is a season" which might bring us a sense of timing to our own personal journey.  Reminding ourselves there is a timing and cycle to our journey, one that has a divine orchestration. 


The month May has been named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with the Roman era goddess of spring.  Are you thinking enough already with the Goddess!  Recently, studying astrology has brought me a new interest in the meaning of words and their meaning. 


May's celebration includes May Day and also Mother's Day.  In this email you will find some strategies and upcoming events around May 9th, that I hope you find helpful. 

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is May 9th this year. 

Does that sentence make your heart beat a bit faster or your body go into a fight or flight response?


During my family creation time it did for me and then it was the confusion about the following rush of mixed emotions. 

So what do you do about Mother's Day when you are trying to create your family?


What I know now that I wished I knew then was that speaking my truth was the best strategy for this day. 

Speaking your truth from a compassionate heart allows for grace to enter and take away the burden.


Here's one strategy for your review to help manage those 24 hours. Visit the Strategy for Living Section of my website for the entire list. 


Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling without judgment. 


So, feel what you're feeling without placing any judgment and then release it to the universe... either journal the feeling away or having a "hissy fit" just get that energy out!  (Shrek had it right "Better out than in" )

Support & Companionship to help you through Mother's Day:
Tele-workshop!  May 4th
6:30 to 8:00 PM
Village Fertility Pharmacy's Complimentary Support Event   Love and Infertility: Strategies for keeping your creative energy in bloom! Staying positive while waiting to receive your wonderful news! 
Journey With Creation Yoga & Meditation
with Kim Blanc.  May 5th 7:00 pm 
Every Wednesday at A Time In Grace (Kristen's Office)  68 Tupper Road, Suite 5A, Sandwich, MA
Fee: $12

Spring Fertility Coaching Group, Cape Cod
May 6th 6:30 to 8:30 pm 
Are you feeling depleted from your family-creating journey so far? Join in at
"A Time In Grace" (Kristen's Office)  68 Tupper Road, Suite 5A, Sandwich, MA 508-888-1550 Fees: $10 registration RSVP

RSVP for all events to [email protected]
Quote Corner

"May the love hidden deep inside your heart find the love waiting in your dreams.

May the laughter that you find in your tomorrow wipe away the pain

you find in your yesterdays."  Unknown

From Kristen Magnacca