April/May 2008 
 Taking Time Out for Time In
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 Radiance from the Inside Out
 How to feel happier and look even better

Feels So Good When people ask Patricia Wheat, an award-winning facialist, why her skin looks even better than before, she tells them, "I haven't changed a thing, except now I meditate everyday." Women and men come to see Patricia for help maintaining their youthful skin - she's one of the best in the business. And they depend on her to make the best facial products available to them.

In February, she learned to meditate at one of our Primordial Sound Meditation classes and it shows. She says she feels better, looks better, and has even lost weight effortlessly. Her clients want to know what new product she's using - Patricia attributes it to her daily practice of meditation

Patricia sees plenty of people who have had 'some work done' in her Sedona Arizona-based facial studio, About Face. Everyone wants to look and feel younger and better. Cosmetic surgery is becoming a perfectly acceptable method toward this goal. Last year. in an effort to look better Americans underwent an estimated 11.7 million surgical and nonsurgical operations according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Supposedly, when we look better, we feel better. But I don't know if that is true. In 2006, physicians handed out an astonishing 227 million prescriptions for antidepressants in the United States! That's up 30 million from 2002, and the number is growing rapidly. Mood elevators and antidepressants are prescribed even more often than drugs to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, or headaches.

So does this combo platter really work? Do surgery and medication help us to sustain our youthfulness or the sense of happiness and contentment that we are looking for? Perhaps. And perhaps there is a different path that can be taken to look and feel better - and to truly prevent aging.

Read the rest of the article... 

 A Stroke of Luck
 Anything can happen

Tea Cup My mother had a stroke about a month ago. My friends and family members let me know they were so sorry for her. I'd thank them for their words and kindness, however I didn't feel sorry for my mother. I was excited for her.

After the first two or three quizzical looks, I kept that opinion to myself. But I truly feel and have experienced that illness, disease, and the like, can often be the doorway to evolution - to knowing our selves and our world more intimately. It was true in my case, when my body had cancer.

I went back to Boston to be with her, and many people expected me to be upset: after all, we really didn't know what her prognosis was. But I didn't feel upset. I was excited for her. What will her life be like now? Perhaps she'll find more freedom. Perhaps she can be more intimate with who she is on the inside. Perhaps she can have more expanded awareness. In my opinion, the possibilities were endless.

When I returned to Sedona, a friend from England who hadn't heard of my mother's stroke, sent me a link to a video of a woman who had had a stroke herself. This woman was a neuroanatomist, so she actually tracked the physiological changes that she was experiencing in her body as they were happening. The description of her experience of awakening as her brain went through its changes is terrifically moving.

My mother didn't seem to have the same experience, or anything close to it. And I haven't heard of others having it - yet. But it is certainly a great illustration of what can happen. And a good reason to be excited! And, by the way, my mother is making her recovery quite well. She's almost back to "normal".

This video has been seen by hundreds of thousands and if you haven't seen it, please make a cup of tea, relax,

And take a look - it's 19 minutes long and worth it! 

 A Meditator's Journey
 Into the heart of Namaste

Namaste People ask me about what they can expect from a practice of meditation. I often suggest that they approach it with innocence, as if they were on an adventure to somewhere that has never been explored. It is certainly different for everyone. Often, new meditators have amazing experiences their first day, like Carol who wrote:

"Learning to meditate was like that moment standing on top of the mountain and seeing the whole world lay out at your feet. A feeling of being a part of something much larger than yourself and at the same time knowing it was always within you. There is this image in my mind of the swirling pinks and purples of the rocks against that dark and moody sky that day when I opened my eyes after meditating for the first time. It was as if the world had polished itself just for me."

But her experience is only one of many that people can have. A meditation student from Flagstaff , we'll call R.H. recently shared his perspective as he explores his practice of meditation.... I thought you might enjoy it.

"I have read many books, and talked to a wide variety of people about meditation, and in my practice I have been seeking the peak experience that many describe: the merging with the universe, the transformational experience, the overwhelming realization of my oneness with the spirit that moves in all things, an experience that would change my life forever, but it never came.

"So I would read more books, talk to more people, and take more classes looking for a better way, or for what I was doing wrong. But my practice continued to be filled with thoughts, and my enlightenment remained illusive. I kept seeking, kept up my practice, but seemed to make little progress toward universal consciousness.

"Over time, however, I did notice that I felt calmer and more often at peace with myself, my circumstances and with others. I noticed that sometimes walking felt more like dancing, a sweeping ballet of movement that filled me with wonder.

"I started to notice a voice within me, that wasn't a voice I could hear, but was more like a knowing, that helped me to see the way though my days. I notice that I stopped wanting things, or doing things that did not serve me, from the foods I ate, to the TV I watched, and the ways I invested my time.

"As my awareness of these changes grew, my disappointment at not having a transformational experience faded, and I rejoiced in the growing quality of my life, and it was enough.

"Then one day I realized my whole life was changing. While I was looking for an ecstatic experience, it had come to me, not all at once, but in the breath of daily living. What I saw when I looked around, what I felt when I talked to people, what I experienced when I went within, was a connection, a oneness that is at the heart of Namasté.*

"The experience I had sought arrived gently, more like the warming breath of spring than the crescendo of a symphony, more from surrendering to the wisdom of the spirit that moves in all things than from my seeking, more like a quarry that appears unannounced in the night, than one you hunt down.

"So my meditation practice continues, sometimes uncomfortable, always interrupted by thoughts and the random sounds of my everyday world, sometimes ordinary, but the peace and connectedness still pervade my life, and this gift is priceless."

*The translation of the greeting "namaste" that best expresses what I mean comes from Alan Watts:

"I greet that place in you, which, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are one."


 Radiance Retreat at the Sanctuary on Camelback

Sanctuary on Camelback Embark on the path to self-discovery at an intimate meditation retreat which promises time to rejuvenate, recharge and reflect at one of the most enticing desert hideaways in Arizona.

Reconnect with your spirit, awaken your full potential, and regenerate your being at a private luxury mountain casita located on the north slope of Camelback Mountain at the Sanctuary resort.

This intimate powerful retreat will be Septebmer 8 - 10. Space is limited to 15 people. Register today to reserve your space.

$795 by June 15th

Find out more about the Radiance Retreat



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The key to these discounts is to be referred by a certified Chopra Center instructor like me, and to contact Kali Demeter, a Program Consultant at the Chopra Center - 888-424- 6772 x 1631, or email kali@chopra.com. Tell her Sarah sent you and you will be eligible for most programs at a reduced rate.

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