6-12 new SM Logo

In This Issue
Coaching Skills WEBINAR 6/13/12
Active Listening Skills WEBINAR for Service Reps 6/21/12
10 Steps to Inspire & Motivate
What Separates the BEST from the Rest?
Customer Service 101 Training Titles
12 Steps to a Positive Attitude
Coaching Your Employees Towards Ownership & Accountability
90 Minute
Wednesday, June 13
10:30 A.M. Eastern
Management Development Webinar

The Self-Developed staff will be more proactively engaged in your organization's goals when they see themselves as a part of the solution.


What you will learn:

  • Learn the purpose and benefits of self-development teams.
  • Learn how to introduce your team to the self-development program.
  • Learn how to get maximum staff buy-in and commitment.
  • Learn how to shift your team's mind-set towards self-development.
  • Communicating department goals - defining your expectations.
  • Coaching for commitment and ownership.
BONUS:  Our coach will assist  you to create your self-development plan.  


Webinar Registration Details:

DATE:  Wednesday,
June 13, 2012
TIME: 10:30 AM Eastern
90 minutes in length


$89.00  per attendee

(Special introductory price - normally $119.00 per attendee.)  


Register by Tuesday,

 June 12, 2012 



The Power of Active Listening
90 Minute
Thursday, June 21, 2012
10:30 A.M. Eastern 

Active Listening Skills

continue to be the number-one 

skill hiring managers identify 

as the most important to 

effectively conduct business. 


This webinar will help your staff learn how to become an active listener and better communicate with others.


What You Will Learn:

  • How to identify the two styles of listening.
  • How attitude and behavior impact listening and emotions.
  • How to recognize the difference between attitude listening versus active listening.
  • How to identify and shift bad behaviors in your listening style.
  • How to project empathy and learn why empathy is the key to ensuring a positive outcome. 
  • The 10 simple steps to becoming a better listener.  


Registration Details:


DATE:  Thursday, 

June 21, 2012

TIME:   10:30 AM Eastern

90 minutes in length


$59.00 per attendee

(Special introductory price - normally $99.00 per attendee.)


Register by Wednesday,

June 20, 2012 





The Power of Active Listening

90 Minute
Thursday, June 21, 2012
10:30 A.M. Eastern

Active Listening Skills

continue to be the number-one 

skill hiring managers identify 

as the most important to 

effectively conduct business. 

 This webinar will help your staff learn how to become an active listener and better communicate with others.


What You Will Learn:

  • How to identify the two styles of listening.
  • How attitude and behavior impact listening and emotions.
  • How to recognize the difference between attitude listening versus active listening.
  • How to identify and shift bad behaviors in your listening style.
  • How to project empathy and learn why empathy is the key to ensuring a positive outcome. 
  • The 10 simple steps to becoming a better listener.  



Registration Details:


DATE: Thursday, 

June 21, 2012

TIME: 10:30 AM Eastern

90 minutes in length


$59.00 per attendee

(Special introductory price - normally $99.00 per attendee.)


Register by Wednesday,

June 20, 2012 





Quick Links
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10 Steps to Inspire and Motivate in the Workplace
tip of the month
  1. Set a good example, remember it starts with yourself.
  2. Remember to focus on what went right, not just what went wrong.
  3. Provide and encourage self development, accountability and ownership.
  4. Reward Behavior not just numbers.  This is 2012, the 21st century right?  It is time we moved on from the 1980's call center statistical reports and average talk time.  OK,ok... I'll get off my soap box! 
  5. Coach and Develop during a coaching session, the coaching session is not the time to reprimand and counsel your staff.
  6. Make your rewards program simple and easy to understand
  7. Make sure everyone feels empowered to improve and develop.
  8. Involve your employees in the design and implementation of the rewards program.
  9. Make sure everyone has the opportunity to "share" in the success of the organization on some level.
  10. Provide opportunities for your team!  
Some Examples:
  • cross training and projects 
  • off site training workshops 
  • opportunity to sit on committee meeting      (providing the opportunity to show their talents to other department managers)
  • attend conferences and chapter meetings
  • opportunity to visit customers

BONUS TIP:  Don't be so busy that you forget to take the time to celebrate your successes with your team!




We are extremely excited to introduce a new series of management development and customer service programs!  These innovative programs offer a more extensive selection of training programs and consulting under our own company name.  

Our new programs will continue to contain some of the time-honored skills and techniques that you have said are still relevant, but they also contain many newer concepts and best practices that are in tune with today's business environment and workforce.  Our training programs are entirely driven by your specific needs and every exercise and skills practice is developed using your organization's business scenarios.  
In addition to the on-site workshops and consulting services we are proud to introduce our new WEBINARS
Coaching Your Employees Towards Ownership and Accountability  is scheduled for Wednesday, June 13 and The Power of Active Listening is scheduled for Thursday, June 21.  Both Webinars are offered at a special one-time introductory price.  
Thank you for allowing us to serve you over the past 14 years and we look forward to opportunity to serve you in the future. Without you, there is NO us! 




Sherry Redden Evans
Evans Consulting Group and Customer Service 101  


P.S.  be sure to check out our website!   

What Separates the BEST from the Rest?
Have you revisited your customer retention program, lately?


It is a fact that it costs much more to attract new customers than it does to keep existing customers, right?   Each customer interface that occurs over the lifecycle of the customer's business relationship with your organization defines how your organization is perceived and has a major impact on the bottom line. 


As brands become increasingly similar and competition fiercer, keeping and expanding customer relationships depends on the ability to deliver a customer experience tailored to changing customer needs and values and consistent with the brand promise.


Below are a just few of our findings identified through our customer retention best practices research. 

  • EXCEEDING customer expectations has MODERATE impact on loyalty.
  • Satisfaction DOES NOT predict loyalty.
  • Reducing EFFORT has the GREATEST impact on loyalty. 
  • Ease of doing business with your company is what keeps your customers loyal.  
Some more numbers for thought...
  • It costs 7-10 times more to recruit a new customer than to keep an existing one.
  • A gain in customer loyalty of only 5%  CAN  lift lifetime profits per customer by as much as 95%
  • An increase in loyalty of just 2% is, in some sectors, equivalent to a 10% cost reduction.

To survive and even thrive in today's environment, many organizations should take a fresh look at their strategies and methods for retaining customers-and if necessary renew their commitment to the customer. It will take more than a "smile" to retain your customers!  


If you don't see the need to work on your customer touch point design process, maybe it time for a new pair of eyes! And if you are thinking about evaluating these processes, ask for our unbiased help.




Click Here to learn more about our customer touch point audits. 

Customer Service 101 Introduces New Customer Service Training Titles!   

Our new programs will continue to contain some of the time-honored skills and techniques that you have said are still relevant,

final NEW CS101LOGO
Introducing a New Series of  Customer Service Training Programs!

 but they also contain many newer concepts and best practices that are in tune with today's business environment and workforce. Our training programs are entirely driven by your specific needs and every exercise and skills practice is developed using your organizations business scenarios.  

Simply click on the training title for the program details.  
12 Steps to Projecting a Positive Attitude & Behavior Shift
Be kind to yourself!
  1. Smile, be kind to yourself and to others, This simple shift in behavior will help you project a positive attitude and will reduce stress for you and your staff. 
  2. Monitor your "internal dialog" Don't be a naysayer and PLEASE don't criticize yourself at every turn!  Push those negative thoughts aside and visualize yourself  "breathing in the positive" and "blowing out the negative".  SMILE - it will make you feel better.
  3. Be a consistent leader! Think of those leaders you respect the most, the ones who inspire you. I bet one of the first behaviors you identify in a leader you admire, is their consistent behavior. Consistency in leadership brings people together; they know what to expect, it is a true stress reducer, don't you agree? Consistency builds TRUST and CREDIBILITY. 
  4. Be approachable. Don't close yourself off from others.  Be aware of your body language, posture and expressions.  Make people feel comfortable when they approach you.
  5. Be an active listener!  Make a DECISION to really listen, and engage in the interaction.  You will be surprised how this one simple step will build your credibility as a manager.   Active listening proves that you are interested and that you are engaged. A side note:  active listening is a skill, if you are not a good listener; take a refresher course and practice the simple steps you can take to become an active listener vs. and attitude listener.    
  6. Inspire, motivate, and encourage others.  Your staff looks to you for direction and inspiration. Believe me - they watch and listen to everything you do.  If you are curt or rush people when you're busy, they are going to turn around and treat their co-workers with the same bad attitude and rude behavior.  AND - it can spill over to inter/intra departmental staff and to the CUSTOMER.  Be honest with yourself, if you have lost your inspiration it's time to find it! Re-energize yourself and YOUR team.   It is your responsibility as a leader, right?  
  7. Project some enthusiasm! Have some fun at work. Smile. Laugh.  Don't be that person who people are glad didn't come to work today, right????
  8. Have an empathetic attitude toward others.  Don't become desensitized, or project an attitude of "who cares?"  I'm not talking about meeting around the camp fire and singing "Kumbaya" ... but you DO need to project an appropriate response to another person's concerns or issues.  This is KEY to becoming a GREAT leader.   
  9. Surround yourself with great people!  As a manager, you are responsible for your staff's attitudes and behaviors.  Their actions are a direct reflection on YOUR ability to lead. Be sure you are projecting the right attitude, and your staff will take your lead. 
  10. Make time to coach and counsel employees with behavior or attitude issues. This goes for your supervisors as well.  Don't allow your management team to tell you they don't have the time - it goes with the leadership responsibilities. They need to make the time - period.  Hopefully, their creativity and good problem solving skills are one of the reasons they were promoted to management in the first place. And yes, coaching helps you keep a more professional positive, team! 
  11. Don't accept negative attitudes in your department (or for that matter, in your life!)   Negative, unhappy, disgruntled people dramatically effect employee morale.  You can't expect the rest of the department to just "live with" and accept the negativity everyday.  It will wear them down and your whole department's productivity, performance, and reputation will be negatively impacted. 
  12. Think good thoughts - Don't stew in negativity. Yes it truly is that easy.  You control your mood, so make it a positive one!  Dr Robert Schuller, one of the most famous motivational speakers of all time, said, "you are what you think about all day long."  If you're thinking positive thoughts and reflecting a positive attitude, you'll have the energy to do your job to the very best of your ability.  Negative attitudes are emotionally draining and are of no value.  As a manager, your time is valuable, so don't waste even a moment of it on negative thoughts and emotions!  
As a manager myself, I realize how easy it is to slip into the mode of convincing ourselves we don't have the time to deal with this kind of thing.  So, my question to you is this -  what happens if you don't take the time to make a few simple changes to your attitude?  Stop and take the time to make the few attitude adjustments that impact your behavior.  You'll be pleasantly surprised by the benefits of a positive attitude. Your staff will pick up on your lead and you'll see a shift in their behavior, attitude, and believe it or not, productivity!  


Check out these two powerful workshops:

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

Adapting Your Leadership Style to Become and Effective Leader  


For more information about Evans Consulting or Customer Service 101