LoudounPreneur entrepreneurial newsletter

Information for the Innovative, Enterprising and Brave 

August 2012

Hire Ground

Your startup is really starting to take off, and you and your business partner need to staff up. Your family members are excited about your growth, and want in on this ground-floor opportunity. Question: should you hire your mom? Answer.

People You Should Know 

This Month: Scot E. Ferris, Customer Service Team Manager - Senior Planner 

"Can I have horses?" "Where can we put a data center?" "Is this property for sale?" These are just a few of the types of questions answered by Scot E. Ferris and his group on the 2nd floor of the Loudoun County Government Center. The Building and Development Customer Service Team should be the first stop for Loudoun entrepreneurs planning to do anything related to buildings or property use. Here's why.

Loudoun Rail: Billion Dollar Opportunity

Last month, our Board of Supervisors acted to extend Metrorail service into Loudoun County. If your company is on a fast-growth track, you might want to locate near a Silver Line Metro station. Consider these advantages.

Read It and Reap

"The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss

In the business world, long hours and high stress are par for the course. In this book, the author lays out a successful formula for setting up a life that requires minimal work and an abundance of freedom. He focuses on successful time management, streamlining and negotiation. Essentially, he outsources his life. Check out the book and audiobook for free at the Loudoun County Public Library.


Productizing 101

Savvy entrepreneurs know that you need much more than a unique offer to be successful; you also need to find a way to connect with your target market and show the benefits of your product or service.


You're invited to attend "Productizing 101" hosted by Andy Rudin, managing principal of Outside Technologies. This workshop will help you define your product, find your customer base, get the word out, and orchestrate a successful launch. There will also be interactive exercises to get you on your feet to learn by doing.


Date:  August 22, 2012

Time:  6 - 9 p.m.

Place: George Mason University, 21641 Ridgetop Circle, Sterling

Cost: Free for MIT Enterprise Forum members; $40 for non-members


Lost Rhino

Lost Rhino Brewery is one of the fastest-growing businesses in Loudoun County. It's also the site of the August networking event offered by the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals.


Date: August 7, 2012

Time: 5:30 - 7 p.m.

Place: 21730 Red Rum Dr., #142, Ashburn

Cost: $15 online, $20 at the door


Green Up

The Loudoun Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Green Business Challenge again this year. Attend a free informational breakfast on August 28 at 8 a.m. In addition to reducing your carbon footprint, would understanding energy efficiency and sustainability help you grow your business? "Energy Efficient Building Technology" is a one-week pilot program being offered to business executives by George Washington University this fall.


Date: Sept. 10-14

Time: All day Mon.-Thurs.; half-day Friday

Place: Exploration Hall, 20101 Academic Way, Ashburn

Cost: $1,250 (fee includes lunches and refreshments)

Be a Winner

The 7th reader to correctly answer this question wins a multi-port USB hub from the Loudoun, Virginia Department of Economic Development. Only one guess per reader; email answer to: LoudounBiz@Loudoun.GovMore than 3,000 business owners use this special Loudoun County service to assist them in the development process. What is it? (Hint, you can find the answer in this month's issue and on our website.)

Jerri Wiseman, producer of the StageCoach Theatre Company, won last month's contest. Congratulations, Jerri!

Gut-Check From a Guru

"Every strike brings me closer to the next home run." - Babe Ruth

Pay It Forward

This monthly email newsletter is published by the Loudoun, Virginia Department of Economic Development to inform and connect Loudoun's thriving entrepreneurial community. As a leader with influence, please help our community by forwarding this newsletter to your business colleagues. Thanks!

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Debi Roder   
Loudoun Virginia
Economic Development Entrepreneurship
Manager Debi Roder

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