Hardwoods vs. Softwoods
Does ISPM 15 differentiate between hardwoods and softwoods in the manufacture of WPM? The short answer in no. However the two types of wood typically come into facilities differently and so they usually require different types of handling. Softwoods normally come into a facility in a more processed state typically in the form of dimensional lumber that has already been through the heat treatment process and is marked as such. For that reason, it can be immediately used to make a WPM product and receive an IPPC mark. Hardwoods usually come into a facility in the form of a green cant that requires resawing. Once it is made into a WPM product, it will require heat treatment in order to apply the IPPC mark to it. In summary, regardless of whether your raw material is hardwood or softwood, it must be properly treated somewhere along the way in order for the WPM it is made into to be mark for ISPM 15 conformance. |
Are You Moving?
Sometimes the only way to improve your business is to move to a different location. We certainly understand this situation but please make sure to notify TP whenever your operation moves to a new location. ALSC regulations require that all IPPC stamps be site specific and so TP needs to be advised whenever you plan to change your place of business. It is important to do this when a change of ownership occurs as well. Please let us know if you have any questions in this area. |