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P.O. Box 919 ~ 1641 Sigman Road ~ Conyers, Georgia 30012 ~ 770/922-8000 ~ FAX: 770/922-1290
105 S.E. 124th Avenue ~ Vancouver, WA 98684 ~ 360/449-3138 ~ 360/449-3953


January 2012 Issue


Our Mission Statement:
TP provides superior quality assurance programs and services to the forest products industry. This is accomplished by providing timely, cost effective services, thorough and accurate inspections, and exemplary customer service.
Quick Links:

Phtosanitary Export Database (PExD)


Export Certification Specialist 


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HT Chamber





    Heat Treating Pallets






If you wish to use the heat treatment temperature of 56�C (133�F), ALSC states that agencies shall "conduct a verification study for heat treating chambers" and that these chambers be "annually callibrated". Most facilities prefer using a schedule of 60�C (140�F) or greater which eliminates the need for these additional procedures. The treatment time using either temperature is 30 minutes and ALSC interprets the meaning of this 30 minute time frame to be "a consecutive time and not to be broken into several segments that total 30 minutes where temperatures between segments do not reach the required temperature."

WPM Kit2 
     The Proper Handling of Kits



For companies building kits ALSC states that "the kit is a WPM product that is intended for a specific use and ISPM 15 marks can be used on it. When shipped the components of the kit shall be banded together, shrink wrapped or similarly packaged to protect the integrity of the disassembled WPM product. When kits are ISPM 15 marked at least two pieces that will be opposite each other and facing outward in the final assembly are required to be marked with the ISPM 15 mark." It is important to make certain that the ISPM 15 marks are properly located on the components of your kit. Please let us know if you have questions regarding this. 
Hdwd in Ctr 
New Hardwood KD Certification Program in Place

For facilities that dry lumber for shipment in the export market there is a KD certification program that permits you to ship to certain countries without a phytosanitary certificate. Most countries require hardwood lumber to be dried to 8-10% MC and once qualified this program allows you the convenience of shipping lumber without having to wait for an USDA inspector to issue you the phyto certificate. The current participating countries are Mexico, Vietnam and Brazil. Discussions are in process with China and the EU as well. The program pays for itself quickly if you are shipping KD lumber to these participating countries. Please let us know if you would like more information regarding this program. 

Upcoming Events 2012


Indiana Hardwood Lumber Association

Annual Meeting, February 8-9

Indianapolis, IN 



National Wooden Pallet and Container Association

Annual Leadership Conference and Exposition, March 3-6

Fort Lauderdale, FL

For more information, Contact:
EST, CST:  Matt McGowan  (770) 922-8000 ext. 156
PST, MST:  Casey Dean      (360) 449-3138 ext. 12