Lymphedema eNews

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September 2012  


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Coping and Support
We get a large number of calls from patients frustrated with the level of support, or rather the lack of support, in regards to their lymphedema. Many times our staff is the first 'ear' patients have had, and much of the information we share, they are hearing for the first time. Over the past 17+ years, we have collected a vast database of clinics, therapists and resources that we can share with our callers. Our call will often not involve discussions of products we manufacture and we are proud to have become a resource for help and information regarding lymphedema.

Furthermore, we receive many requests for prevention information, often stemming from our Lymphedema Alert bands that we offer to patients at no charge.  We typically supply patients with resources for this information, one being from the Mayo Clinic. The following link leads to excellent information in regards to this topic.

We invite patients to call us at any time for assistance, in looking for a referral, information, help with their insurance or questions about the multitude of compression products we manufacture and distribute.
NHF Logo 
This month's featured Noble Heart Fund recipient 
is shown below wearing an Opera�.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,

My therapist spoke to you last week and you provided her with the OptiFlow RM measuring chart to see if I would fit into your off-the-shelf garment.  She has since had to inform me that I fall outside of the chart and I will have to go with a custom garment.  My question, I really like the look and feel of your Ready-Made garment, is it possible to have a custom garment made with the same materials?

Thanks in advance!

Dear Jane,

Your question is actually not an unusual one and the answer is yes, we can mimic the OptiFlow RM and make it custom for patients who fall outside of the measuring chart.  Have your therapist contact us again and we will guide her as to how to document this on the order!


Ask Kelly Here 

Ask Kelly Archive 

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Did you know that the ReidSleeve� has been around since 1995?


Did You Know Archive 


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Peninsula BioMedical, Inc

P.O. Box 66149

Scotts Valley, CA 95067-6149

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