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August 2012  


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Clinical Study: The OptiFlow� SC
In 2003, Dr. Reid wrote a protocol for a study that utilized our OptiFlow SC under a pump sleeve. A formal study was conducted at Duke University proving the efficacy of this combined modality treatment. We have recently had many inquiries about this combined technology. We thought bringing this topic to our eNews readers would be interesting since the recent inquiries have shown that some people are not aware that this study and this combined modality has existed for almost a decade.

One important detail about this study is the length of the trial. The patients were followed weekly over a course of nearly 9 months. Many clinical trials are relatively short term (a few weeks to perhaps 30 days). Dr. Reid notes that lymphedema goes through a series of changes and remodeling of the tissue over time and has come to the belief that studies need to follow patients over longer periods of time in order to prove efficacy in these types of chronic conditions.

To view abstract of the results, please follow this link:
NHF Logo 
This month's featured Noble Heart Fund recipient
is shown below wearing a lower ReidSleeve� Classic.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,

Is the Comfort available for my leg? I am sure it's on your website somewhere but if you could be so kind to give me some information about this? Thank you!


Dear Marie,

Thank you for your question and yes the Comfort is available in both upper and lower extremities and custom-fabricated to what ever length (half, 3/4 or full length). The pictures on our website feature the arm so I can see where this question comes from! The Comfort line has proven to be extremely popular and just like it's name, the most comfortable night-time garment.

You may find additional information at this link and I would be happy to place some written materials in the mail.

Thank You Marie!

Ask Kelly Here 

Ask Kelly Archive 

We would like to share our support for Pathways, Canada's national lymphedema magazine. This new initiative is a collaborative effort between the Canadian Lymphedema Framework (CLF) and all its provincial affiliates. The first issue was introduced in the spring and they have just published the summer edition. To find out more head over to

We would also like at this time to promote the 16th Annual Lymphedema Conference sponsored by the Lymphedema Association of Ontario. Read the details below.

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