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March 2012  


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Viruses Recruited as Killers of Tumors

This month, the New York Times featured an article on the use of viruses to kill cancer tumors. Dr. Reid is quoted in this article. Here is an excerpt in regards to Dr. Reid's impression on viral agents being tested against advanced liver cancer:

"To see that kind of response in a randomized trial is simply unheard of," said Tony Reid, the director of clinical investigation at the Moores Cancer Center of the University of California, San Diego, who has no financial ties to the virus's manufacturer.

Dr. Reid goes on to discuss the side effects of the treatment with viruses as compared with the side effects of chemotherapy:

"In comparison to what happens with standard chemotherapy, flulike symptoms are very manageable," said Dr. Reid, who has treated hundreds of patients with oncolytic viruses.

To read the entire article click here: Viruses Recruited as Killers of Tumors

Dr. Reid has authored several articles available on Dr. Reid's corner.
 NHF Logo
This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing a black ReidSleeve� Classic full leg garment.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

 Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,

I have a request rather than a question.  My mom has had lymphedema for several years after breast cancer treatment (node dissection).  She was never told about prevention and I truly believe if this information had been made available to her, she may have not developed lymphedema.  Her lymphedema appeared after a small wound to her hand while working in the yard.  Had she simply worn gloves, this may have prevented her on-set.  I saw that you have dedicated part of your website to prevention and would like you to post that link in your newsletter to hopefully help others and bring awareness.  Thank you and you may use my name!

Sandra M.

Dear Sandra M.,

We often hear that patients are not made aware of the potential risks and recommended precautions following node dissection/radiation.  Patients often report a direct correlation to a specific event that triggers their on-set, furthering the opinions that some cases of lymphedema could have been delayed or altogether prevented had some simple risk prevention been in place.  Here is the link for others to review this information, thank you for your request and I also hope it reaches and helps someone!


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