Lymphedema eNews

Peninsula Medical, Inc

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February 2012  


Thank you for your continued interest in our monthly eNews.
Heart Awareness Month 

February is Heart Awareness month and we wanted to join in the education process by encouraging people to educate themselves about heart disease, prevention and warning signs.  You can find some great information by visiting the American Heart Association.

We often receive inquiries from patients who end up on our website searching for solutions to lower extremity edema, which often presents itself in Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients.  We have so many inquiries each year that Dr. Reid addressed this topic in his column, Dr. Reid's Corner.  In his article, Dr. Reid discusses the cause and effect of CHF and we felt the article would be appropriate to re-visit this month. Please read Congestive Heart Failure by Tony Reid MD Ph.D.
 NHF Logo
This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing an OptiFlow� RM.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

 Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,

I am a lymphedema therapist and I get my fair share of patients with challenging disabilities. I am currently working with a visually impaired patient in need of bilateral ReidSleeve lower extremity garments. She is not completely blind but severely impaired and she would not be able to distinguish your tagging of right vs. left. Do you have a suggestion so we can feel confident she is donning the correct garment on the correct side?

Thank you in advance, Jane P.T.

Dear Jane P.T.,
We have had this issue arise in the past and we suggested that the legs be done in two distinctive colors. For instance Red (R) for the right side and yeLLow (L) for the left side.
We also offer custom embroidering. We could embroider a large R or large L on the top outer portion of the garment. For fully impaired sight, we can embroider the braille for R or L on the top portion.
We hope we are able to assist you and your patient and thank you for your question!

Ask Kelly Here 

Ask Kelly Archive 

 First Annual Western Slope Lymphedema Awareness Day
Presented by
Lymphedema Lifeline Foundation

March 3rd, 2012
Free Conference
Lymphedema Product Vendors,
Door Prizes,
Free-take home Information Packet, Designed for Patient and family as well as Medical Personnel.

St. Mary's Hospital
2635 N. 7th Street
Grand Junction, CO. 81502
Saccomanno Conference Rooms
( 5th floor )

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P.O. Box 66149

Scotts Valley, CA 95067-6149

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