Lymphedema eNews

Peninsula Medical, Inc

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December 2011 



   Everyone here at Peninsula Medical wishes you and yours a joyous holiday season. 

 NHF Logo
This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing a grape colored 3/4 length ReidSleeve� Classic with a cheetah accent.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

 Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,

My name is Beth and you can use my name. I am a survivor of Stage 3 melanoma. I now have lymphedema in my entire right leg as a result of the surgery. I have tried custom hose, compression over the counter hose and they fall down as the day goes on, cut off circulation and sometimes my toes go numb. I have also tried the skin glue and the hose with the plastic at the top. I require compression hose for my entire right leg the groin area can be the worst. I need help finding ideas or products to keep my hose in place as I have to wear them each day for ever.

Dear Beth,
Thank you for your inquiry!  I am sorry to hear about the problems you have been experiencing with your daytime custom hose. This problem has been reported by patients, particularly by those where only one leg is affected. Often times, these patients need to go to the one-leg panty hose style.  With these styles, the compression in the panty hose will be on the side of the affected leg, and on the unaffected leg, the panty hose will come down mid-thigh. Juzo Helastic Custom, and Jobst Elvarex Custom stockings can do the half panty hose style.
Juzo also offers an off the shelf style, called a chap, which has one leg and the chap comes up the side of the leg and has a band at the waist. This helps to hold the stockings in place.  However, based on your reported problems with previous panty compression hoses, you may want to consider the custom styles I mentioned above.
Please keep in mind that it is very important that you are measured by an authorized, trained person to ensure a good fit.
Let me know if you have any further questions, or if I can be of further assistance.

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