Lymphedema eNews

Peninsula Medical, Inc

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November 2011 



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Insurance Billing Reminder

The end of 2011 is fast approaching and we would like to give you a little reminder regarding insurance deductibles. If you have an insurance deductible that renews on January 1st, please talk to your health care provider about treatment and/or garments before the end of the year.  Many people have high deductibles and we recommend getting those claims in while they are still covered on the current year.

We would like to remind you that Peninsula Medical provides insurance verification at no cost or obligation to purchase.  We can verify your coverage for durable medical equipment (DME).  Should you consider any DME purchase before January 1st, we will determine the estimated percent of coverage, any deductibles to be met and anything that is required to obtain the DME.  You may contact us about our insurance verification services on-line by following the link provided below or by faxing your information to us, toll free, at 1-866-808-7538.  Please be sure to include your contact information if you send your information via fax.  If you would prefer to speak with one of our billing specialists about this, or any of our services or products, please call us, toll free, at 1-800-293-3362.

 NHF Logo
This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing a gray colored ReidSleeve� Classic.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

 Ask Kelly
Dear Kelly,

I have swelling in both legs as well as genital swelling (I am male).  I don't find any information about compression garments available for this (area).  Is there any information you can provide me?


Dear John,

Thank you for your question and I appreciate the sensitive nature and the courage it takes to reach out.

There are a few companies on the market that provide some supportive type garments, but you have to be very careful in this area in regards to applying compression.  Dr. Reid has written a couple very good articles explaining the problems that are present when compression is used. Please click on the links below to view those articles. Share them with your health care provider to be sure that you are well advised when receiving treatment or compression recommendations.

Click the image to read the article, Scrotal Edema by Dr. Reid.

Click this link for another article, When Compression Is Not Appropriate by Dr. Reid.


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Did you know that OptiFlow� RM can be shipped out the day it is ordered?


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Peninsula Medical, Inc

P.O. Box 66149

Scotts Valley, CA 95067-6149

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