Lymphedema eNews

Peninsula Medical, Inc

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October 2011 



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New Colors Available!

As many of you know our ReidSleeve Classic product has a multitude of color options. One category of colors is the accent category. The accent material covers the opening in the front center portion of the ReidSleeve Classic.

In today's eNews we would like to announce two new colors being adding to the accent category!

Blue Masquerade    &    Pink Masquerade

Below are the other 6 great accent colors currently available for the ReidSleeve Classic.

True                  Pink                  Blue
Cheetah           Cheetah           Cheetah

  Cold                    Hot                 Twilight
Nebula              Nebula              Nebula

 NHF Logo
This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing a grape colored ReidSleeveŽ Classic with a nebula accent.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.

 Ask Kelly
Dear Kelly,


I have lymphedema in my legs and feet. My toes also swell. I am not able to find socks that fit properly.  I am also diabetic. Are there any socks or stockings I can wear that will reduce the swelling?  It hurts to clip my toenails.


Would appreciate any suggestions/info you could offer.


Thank You,


Dear Jane,

Thank you for your inquiry!  Based on the problems you are having with your compression stockings, you should be evaluated and measured by someone who is experienced and educated in lymphedema and diabetes, so they can ensure the fit, compression and style of your stockings.  Are you currently working with a therapist, or someone who is familiar with compression stockings and garments?   If not,  I am more than happy to find someone in your area to refer you to.

Compression stockings are typically for maintenance only, and one will usually not offer reduction by only wearing stockings during the day, and nothing at night.  For reduction, there are reduction garments, which are typically a night-time compression garment, along with therapy (Manual Lymphatic Drainage *MLD* or Complete Decongestive Therapy *CDT*).  If you would like some information on night-time compression garments, please let me know.

It is very important to take care of your toe nails, but you must do so carefully, as improper nail care can be dangerous and could potentially lead to infection.  I have attached a position paper from the National Lymphedema Network (NLN) that includes information on nail care, as well as other risk reduction practices. NLN Risk Reduction

Let me know if you would like a referral, and for me to send you information on reduction garments.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


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Peninsula Medical, Inc

P.O. Box 66149

Scotts Valley, CA 95067-6149

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