Lymphedema eNews

Peninsula Medical, Inc



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Dr. Reid's Corner

Modern Concepts in Identifying and Treating Lymphedema Survey Results: Update 2011

A decade has passed since I first reported on our survey of lymphedema patients.  The objective of that study was to obtain a gauge of the information physicians were giving to patients with lymphedema and to understand some of the social issues that impact patients with lymphedema. The original survey came from a very interesting series of lectures and discussion at the Modern Concepts in Lymphedema conference in Dallas and the original survey results were presented in 2000.  Since that time we have over 200 respondents to our online survey. While a decade has passed, it seems that very little has changed.


In response to the question, "do you feel frustrated with a lack of progress in the treatment of lymphedema" 84% of the people responding to this question replied "YES".  This is up from "69%" in 2000.   



View the entire article here
This month's Noble Heart Fund recipient is shown below wearing a hot pink ReidSleeve� Classic.


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.



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September 2011 

 Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,


12 lymph nodes were removed from under my left arm during my double mastectomy last year. Fortunately I do not have lymphedema so far. I would like to begin an exercise program, but a massage therapist told me that the wrong exercise could 'overload the lymph node system' and cause lymphedema. Is this correct? In any case, where can I find exercises that are not likely to cause lymphedema when so many lymph nodes have been removed? Thank you Kelly!   






Dear Jane,


Thank you for your inquiry, and what a great question!  Exercise is an integral part of keeping oneself healthy.  Preventative measures are essential if ones lymphatic system has been compromised and has placed you at-risk to develop lymphedema. When exercising, or doing any activity that potentially puts you at risk, you want to take precautionary steps.  Wearing a compression garment while exercising may be prudent and you should discuss this with your therapist.  As to what types of exercises are appropriate, I am including a couple links to position papers written by The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) as well as attached our PreventionPlus pamphlet. 

We would recommend printing out the position papers from the NLN as well as our pamphlet and schedule a time to discuss this with your therapist so an appropriate recommendation for your specific case can be determined.


NLN Exercise Information


NLN Risk Reduction Information


PreventionPlus Information






Thank you so much Kelly - I will read the information and act accordingly. God bless you for all that you do to help.



Ask Kelly Here 

Ask Kelly Archive 

Just a reminder that Peninsula Medical is sponsoring two walks for Lymphedema, one in New York and one in Massachusetts.   


New York 

Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011  

More Information 



Date: Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Information   


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