Lymphedema eNews

Peninsula Medical, Inc



This month we add two new features. The first is "Did You Know?". DYK will feature small tidbits of information that may not be widely known among our readers. We will also collect all DYK's on our website for future reference. Look for the link below the DYK section. The second feature is a new "Ask Kelly" column. With this column we are proud to introduce our Director of Customer Service, Kelly Bellemore. She has been with the company for over 12 years and is a wealth of knowledge. Kelly please introduce yourself!
Introducing Kelly


Hello, my name is Kelly Bellemore and I would like introduce everyone to my very own column, "Ask Kelly!" Every month I will share with you a question or two. I would like to encourage anyone with a customer service question to submit their inquiry to me and while I will answer every question directly to the sender, I will also choose a question or two each month to feature in my "Ask Kelly" column. I will use the sender's first name where authorized to do so, otherwise I will refer to them as Jane or John. If you want to ask me a question, follow the link at the bottom of the "Ask Kelly" column.  


Kelly Bellemore

Director of Customer Service   

 The OptiFlow� RM is being worn by this month's Noble Heart Fund recipient.  


The Noble Heart Fund is designed to help those in need with their night-time compression. When we find a patient who fits the criteria for the Noble Heart Fund, they are provided a night-time compression sleeve either free of cost or at a highly discounted price.




Medicaid Coverage


It became apparent to us through the enthusiastic response we received after our eNews featuring the Noble Heart Fund that many of the applicants were on Medicaid and were unaware that Medicaid, in many states, covers ReidSleeve products!  We thought we should bring awareness to this topic and give our eNews readers some additional information about coverage with Medicaid.


Peninsula Medical is contracted with many state Medicaid programs and the benefits under these programs cover ReidSleeve products!


If you know someone on Medicaid in any of the following states (maybe even yourself!) and you would like to pursue a compression garment please contact us to get your authorization going.



California (MediCal)











Tennessee (Tenncare)






There are several other states in which Medicaid covers the ReidSleeve, where  we have authorized providers we can refer you to. So even if you don't find your state in this list, please contact us so we can hopefully refer you to a contracted Medicaid provider! 

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August 2011 

 Ask Kelly

Dear Kelly,


I am a lymphedema therapist and have a patient that has a Comfort sleeve for their leg.  The patient is doing great with the product except around the malleolus and dorsum of the ankle/foot.  Do you have any suggestions for addressing this stubborn area(s)?


Thanks in advance!





Dear Jane,


As you know working in the lymphedema field, patients will present with stubborn areas than can be difficult to address.  Our OptiFlow� shapes have proven time-and-time again to address specific areas that are not responding to a garment alone.  In the case that you describe in your question, you may want to try placing our small T shape.  I am including some pictures on placement /application. You will note the shape is held in place with a thin cotton stockinette that we are happy to supply with the shape.






Let us know how this works for your patient!






We have already received a follow-up to this question. The therapist was happy to report that this was exactly what was needed and the area is now responding. Many times a simple solution such as this makes all the difference! 


Ask Kelly Here 

Ask Kelly Archive 

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Did you know that the ReidSleeve� Classic is refurbishable? By utilizing this service it prolongs the life of the ReidSleeve Classic, eliminating the need to replace it every couple of years.

Did You Know Archive 


Contact Us!

By Mail

Peninsula Medical, Inc

P.O. Box 66149

Scotts Valley, CA 95067-6149

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You can also contact us by webform on our website here: Our contact page