Lake Worth Logo
June 1, 2012


From the Office of the City Manager


Hello Citizens, 


I am now in my 7th week as the City Manager and my excitement  grows with each day.  Slowly but surely the difficult issues and tough decisions are being identified and addressed as we pull together.  I want to thank everyone who is working so hard to improve our city and to make everyone's life better. I especially want to thank the many volunteers who give so freely of their time and talents, the Mayor and Commissioners who bear the tremendous weight of leadership, my employees who do so much with limited resources, and most importantly the citizens of Lake Worth who are the heart and soul of all we do.  Thank you!


There are some incredibly important efforts currently underway.   One of the most important is the annual Budget.  The Draft version of the Budget will be discussed at two workshops on June 12th and 13th at 6:00 PM in City Hall.  This will be the first time the Commission has an opportunity to review the draft and ask questions.  Unfortunately the City continues to have serious shortfalls in the General Fund.  This fund is where your property taxes go and where many of services we provide are funded.  There will be some interesting facts and figures presented to provide a better understanding the true nature of the City finances.  I encourage you to attend or listen in on the web.


Another important effort is the amending of the Comprehensive Plan and the adoption of new Land Development Regulations.  These documents are so important because they provide the vision and the rules that govern the way the City redevelops.  It is my hope that as we work through this process we will not only end up with consistent and understandable rules but also work to flesh out what the Lake Worth Experience truly means.  In other words, what is it that makes this place the unique and wonderful City we call home.  By focusing on that question I believe we can work through divisive issues such as building height.  I am encouraged by the discussion so far, because there is middle ground.  Keeping Lake Worth, well, Lake Worth through responsible and creative redevelopment is not impossible.  Other cities have grappled with similar issues and have created dynamic and thriving communities by understanding that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive.  Again, this is an important issue and you should understand and participate in this effort.              

Don't forget the Oceanside Farmer's Market on Saturday from 8AM to 1PM in the Lake Worth Beach lower parking at A1A & Lake Ave. Enjoy shopping through local vendors for crafts, vegetables, plants and more.


Take the time to come out and enjoy Downtown this weekend or just take a stroll on the Beach!


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In This Issue
City Manager Report Icon

City Manager Report Archive

FY2012 Proposed Operating Budget
Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Annual Operating Budget
2012 - 2016 CIP Icon

2012 - 2016 Capital Improvement Plan


Community Sustainability Highlights 


  1. The Planning and Zoning Board will be discussing Revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan and  Future Land Use Map at its June 6, 2012 meeting.  In addition, the Board will here two (2) proximity waivers and two (2) special land use requests for liquor stores as well as review the City's property list for recommendations on surplus properties.
  2. The Historic Resources Preservation Board will hold a meeting on June 13, 2012 where three (3) requests for Certificates of Appropriateness will be discussed as well as the revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map.
  3. The City Commission will conduct its public hearing on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map Revisions at its meeting on June 19, 2012.  Other items being generated by the Department are a series of issues related to Economic Development and possibly a review of the City's surplus properties.
  4. The Building Division has been extremely busy performing plan reviews and inspections as building permit activity continues to build.
  5. The Special Magistrate held its monthly Code Compliance hearings on May 31, 2012 where 68 cases were heard.

Planners are available to the public daily during the Planner-on-Call sessions, which are scheduled mornings from 9:00AM - 10:30AM; and afternoons from 3:00PM - 4:30PM.


 See full departmental report

Library Happenings


This month brings yet another full calendar of  amazing upcoming events at the Library.  Highlights are following:


Sign-up has begun for the FREE Summer Reading Program for children ages 2 through 12. The six week Reading Program will begin Wednesday, June 13th through Saturday, July 21st.

A kickoff program will be held Friday, June 8th at 2pm in the City Annex Building meeting room with guest performer guitarist and storyteller Matthew Sabatella. All ages are welcome!


The kids music circle with Noam Brown will be held the second Thursday evening of the month from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, all ages welcome. Please see the information link for more information.


 Click for more Information!  

Utilities Update


UA 1. System Operations


The Peak Load on the System was 73.2 MWs on Monday 05/21/12 at 16:00


The systems experienced the following events: On Wednesday, 05/23/12 crews requested to perform upgrades and maintenance on a Single Shot on the 4R1104 Circuit which feeds mid northeast area of the City. At 10:41 am, a fault occurred causing the circuit to open affecting 550 customers. Systems Operators verified that the crew working the circuit was unharmed and the fault was in the clear. The Systems Operator re-energized the circuit restoring power to all customers. The circuit was re-energized at 10:50, total outage time was 9 minutes.


Officially, the 2012 Hurricane Season does not start until Friday 06/01/12 and already two storms have formed in the Atlantic. Tropical Storm Beryl came ashore in Florida, near Jacksonville Beach at 00:10 Monday morning with sustained winds at 70mph and bringing much needed rain to the area. Just a reminder hurricanes have formed in every month except February and even though the season has yet to start that all should be prepared.


UA 2.  Water Treatment Plant

 Weekly flow data and monthly water production for the Water

 treatment plant are provided in the table below.


UA 3.  Water Sewer


Weekly workload measure for the Water and Sewer field crews are provided in the table below.  


UA 4. Conservation Management

The Conservation Management Division provides energy audits to all customers upon request. In addition to this personal service, staff members make themselves available to customers with high bill complaints, those who need assistance managing water and electric usage patterns, and to large commercial accounts to provide key account services. The weekly workload measures are reported in the table below.


Energy Tip of the Week:

Check to verify that all door and windows on your home are closed and sealed tight when cooling or heating your home. Since 2009, Conservation Management has helped customers conserve over 2,097,936 Kilowatt-Hours of electricity. We can assist you with your energy conservation as well.

Contact the Conservation Management Division at (561) 586-1653 for your energy audit and free Energy Savings Kit that includes a low-flow shower head among other great energy saving items.


See Full Report Tables

Golf Specials


Highlights this week . . . Golf & Lunch Specials


Summer Memberships are on sale $350.00/golfer. These make for a great gift!


On Sunday, June 3rd there is a Couples Golf Clinic available for the low cost of $15.00 per couple.


We are also starting a Birthday Club, when you stop in - don't forget to sign-up.


  Look forward to seeing you here!

Recreation Happenings


Highlighted this week:


  • Register now for the 9 week Summer Sports Camp - June 18 to August 17.
  • LakeWorth Warrior Football and Cheer 2012 Registration now open. 




Beach Activity


Highlighted This Week


Memorial weekend, Richard Cleveland & Ada Mendez-Moreno were married in front of middle tower. Also, a couple of manatees swim through. One additional endangered leatherback sea turtle nest appeared on the beach. "The reappearance of the most endangered species of the sea turtle nesting on Lake Worth Beach is due to the nightly closure of the beach," said Chief Timothy Ehmke.

Estimated attendance for the weekend was 24,600 beach patrons. There were fourteen rescues, five minor medicals, four lost/missing children and the beach was closed for two hours due to lighting.

From May 16th to 29th, 2012 lifeguards saw 40,800 beach patrons. This week were mostly calm seas and lots of good swimming.


See Photos

Office of Management & Budget Update 


At its Regular Meeting of May 1, 2012, the City Commission approved the re-allocation of $62,000 in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 CDBG funds for the installation of playground equipment at Sunset Ridge Park. The existing playground equipment is beyond its useful life and presents a safety hazard in its current condition. Sunset Ridge Park is currently undergoing comprehensive improvements with an allocation of $170,000 in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 CDBG funds, and a large void would be left in the Park if the playground equipment is not replaced.


This allocation of $62,000 in 2009-2010 CDBG funds had been previously proposed to be used for improvements to the Shuffleboard Courts Community Center site. Since the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 CDBG allocation of $194,859 will be used for comprehensive improvements to the site, the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 CDBG allocation will not be needed for this purpose.


On May 9, 2012, the City Manager formally requested the Palm Beach County Department of Economic Sustainability to re-allocate these CDBG funds for the replacement of the playground equipment at Sunset Ridge Park.


See full OMB Grants Update Report

Public Services Updates


Derelict Vessels at Bryant Park Update

Public Services would like to give an update on the two derelict vessels that are located at the Intracoastal Waterways at Bryant Park. On Tuesday May 1, 2012 Lt. David Moss from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Fish and Wildlife and the Public Services Administration department will be meeting to discuss the removal of the derelict vessel per procedure.

Residents are asked to be patient and know that every effort is being made to remove unsightly vessels; nonetheless, Florida State and PBC statutes regarding the removal of derelict vessels need to be followed. See Photos

Public Services - Boat Ramp Renovation Update


The following is an update from Simon Coleman, Engineering Consultants from AGA Engineering, for the Bryant Park Boat Ramp Renovation Project. Although you might find it a bit technical, Public Services Department wanted to provide an accurate and up to date progress report to City of Lake Worth residents that have been inquiring about our boat ramp renovations.


In April the contractor mobilized to the site, has removed the existing docks and demolished part of the existing boat ramp structure. The temporary sheet pile coffer dam has been installed around the opening of the existing boat ramp to enable the work area to be dewatered for the critical construction activities. The 14" test pile instrumented with a Pile Driving Analyzer was driven to establish installation conditions for the production piles. Engineering and shop drawing production for the dock systems started in April.


In May it is expected that the concrete sheet panels for the bulkhead walls will be fabricated and that the piles for the bulkhead walls will be installed along with the sheet panels. The remainder of the existing boat ramp structure is expected to be demolished in May. Shop drawings for the floating dock system will be submitted and reviewed by the Engineer for compliance with the engineering plan and specifications - this will enable the manufacturing of the floating dock systems to commence.


See Photo Attached

City Commission Worksession Calendar
On the first Tuesday of the Month, the City Commission regularly holds a Commission Worksession to discuss upcoming City business presented by department directors.  See 2012 Calendar
City Wide Projects
City Departments have prepared updates to the City-Wide Project  schedule for the City Commission this week.  See Project Update 