Lake Worth Logo
November 18, 2011
From the Office of Susan Stanton



At the last Commission meeting I requested that the City Commission meet for a special session to discuss the budget plan for eliminating the Fire Special Assessment that was approved in FY 2012 Budget. Also to be discussed at this meeting will be the Beach Redevelopment plan and an update on the interest of existing and new tenants excited to make Lake Worth home. This is an important opportunity for the entire community and I encourage residents to talk to your Commissioners and share your ideas.  Its an exciting time to live in our community.



Snook Islands Project


I have received a photo update from this week of the Snook Islands Public Use Facilities Project.


The first image shows the Boardwalk  where about 80% of the side-rail posts and top rails are in place. 


The second image also shows the boardwalk where carpenters are tying in joists near the north end of the boardwalk.


The final image shows the Seawall & Cap: All of the new seawall sheet pilings are in place (about 200 linear feet), and 80% of the new seawall cap has been poured. See Images 


Beach/Casino News


CCCL Beach Permit Approved

The CCCL permit for the beach has been approved by the Department of Environmental Protection on November 16, 2011.  The full six page Permit for Construction is attached for your review and interest.  See Construction Permit detail



Photo Update

The City's Beach and Casino Project Manager, Assistant City Manager Kathleen Margoles, has   provided  another excellent photographic update on the progress at the Lake Worth Casino Building site this week.  See Photos



Lake Worth is having a four week series of festive fanfare to celebrate the holidays and cultures around the world from December 3 to January 6, 2012. 
Wonderland gets started on December 3 from 6-10pm hosted by the CRA followed by these following  wonderful  events.    
  • December 3rd Holly-Days
  • December 10th  Santa's Wonderland Workshop
  • December 17th  Sounds of the Season
  • January 6th Nightmare AFTER Christmas.

See full details of these exciting events  

Community Sustainability 


The Planning & Zoning Board held its last workshop on the revised Land Development Regulations prior to the combined workshop with both the City Commission and Historic Resources Preservation Board, which is to be held on November 30, 2011.  Consensus was reached on many issues and the workshop should provide an excellent platform to garner final policy direction and agreement on the remaining items. 


A Chronic Nuisance Property Abatement program is almost ready to be presented to the City Commission.  This approach will be a significant vehicle for the City to tackle abandoned and foreclosure properties.


 See Full Update 

212 South L Street Boarded Up


Another abandoned property located at 212 South L Street is now boarded up to the delight of its surrounding neighbors. After several citations were given to the property owner by the City's Code Compliance Department, the City's Facilities Division was asked to secure entries to include all windows and doors. Illegal activities, which included trespassing, drug dealing and prostitution, have ceased at this location.  See photos 

Recreation Programs


Leisure Services has once again prepared a full color  flyer showing this weeks activities including:

  • Youth Basketball League Registration Open
  • LW After School Program   See details


First of the Season Bon-fires at the Beach


For the week preceding the first bon-fire of the season lifeguards were getting ready for this popoular event from season November 9 to November 15.  There were two fires - one small fire for roasting roasting hotdogs and marshmallows and the big bon-fire for the enjoyment of all residents. Benny's on the beach was open late serving food and drinks to participants. Attendance at the bon-fire was approximately 1,500 people. and the event was hosted by City of Lake Worth Ocean Rescue and DJ Chief Lifeguard Tim Ehmke.


The lifeguards saw 9,000 beach patrons having only two ocean rescues and five minor medicals this past week.  See Photos  




Conservation Management   

The Conservation Management Division provides energy audits to all customers upon request. In addition to this personal service, staff members make themselves available to customers with high bill complaints, those who need assistance managing water and electric usage patterns, and to large commercial accounts to provide key account services. The weekly workload measures are reported in the attached tables.



System Operations


The tropics are quiet as we come to a close of the 2011 Hurricane Season which ends on November 30th.


The peak load on the system occurred on at 18:32 Monday 11/7/11 with 59.1 MWs


There were no major events on the system this past week



Workload Statistics for Divisions: Conservation Management/ Water/Water Sewer/Customer Service 


Workload Statistics are prepared and assembled weekly and are tabulated on the attached workload spreadsheet for all Utility Divisions (See Workload Statistics)   


City Project Update
My office has prepared a spreadsheet of City Wide Projects.  Each division director updates the project report on a regular basis. See Project Update 


City Commission Worksessions


The City Commission Worksession Calendar has been updated through June 2012.    

 See full calendar
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In This Issue
Snook Islands Project - New Photos
Casino Update - Beach Permit Approval Received
Community Sustainability
Abandoned Property Boarded Up
Recreation Programs & Beach Bon-Fires
Utilities - Division Updates
City Wide Projects Update
City Commission Worksession Calendar
City Manager Report Icon

City Manager Report Archive

FY2012 Proposed Operating Budget
Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Annual Operating Budget
2012 - 2016 CIP Icon

2012 - 2016 Capital Improvement Plan

Police Study Icon

Feasibility Study for Police Services

Fire Study Icon

Feasibility Study for Fire Services