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Week Ending July 8, 2011
From the Office of Susan Stanton



Like  many of you, I enjoyed a wonderful weekend of community celebration  for the July 4th weekend.  The fireworks were a fitting end to numerous celebrations held  throughout the City  and I very much enjoyed being personally involved and loved my many dips into the dunk pool.  Thank you all for participating and for making it such a success.



Fourth of July Celebrations


The Fourth of July Celebration started on Sunday, July 3rd with the Downtown Cultural Alliance event from noon to 9pm.   Downtown patrons enjoyed sidewalk sales, entertainment and activities for all on the Cultural Plaza.  

The Annual Raft Race, sponsored by the Bryant Park Neighborhood Association started at 11am on Sunday, July 4th.  The theme was Nursery Rhythms.  The Grunge Cup was presented to the winner, South Palm Park Neighborhood at the City Commission meeting on Tuesday.  A new addition this year was the Kayak Race with many of the Neighborhood Associations participating.   Special thanks to Kayak Lake Worth for the loan of the kayaks. 

 The City of Lake Worth and the Neighborhood Association of Council Presidents cosponsored the festivities at Bryant Park starting at noon after the Raft and Kayak races.  The old fashioned 4th of July event featured sack races, tug of war and hula hoops.  Some just danced to the music.

A collage of the sack races and the dunk tank is attached for your viewing pleasure: Fourth of July Collage

The big attraction was the dunk tank.   People of all ages donated money for the privilege of lobbing softballs at various local celebrities, including Commissioners Scott Maxwell and Christopher McVoy.   City Manager Susan Stanton also suffered her share of dunks-all for a good cause! 

To top off the Fourth of July, everyone enjoyed the Fireworks shot off from the Golf Course.  The crowd numbering in the tens of thousands was treated to a wonderful show by nationally renowned Zambelli Fireworks, Inc.   This comment was submitted by a local resident  


I was born here in 1945. This was the best fireworks finale I can remember. Great job.



Casino Project 


The first phase of the Casino project continues.   Demolition is proceeding on the both the north and south portions of the building.  A photo collage of this weeks accomplishments is attached: CasinoUpdate



Community Development

At the July 6, 2011 Planning & Zoning Board meeting, the Board approved a special land use application for an indoor themed attraction at 325 South Dixie Highway, Sosa Plaza; a group special land use application for  one-story, single-family residences on 25' lots for the NSP 2 Program; and a major site plan for a new TD Bank location at 130 North Dixie Highway.  The total project value for the bank is estimated to be $4 million according to the applicant's attorney.


The Department's Staff,coordinating with the IT Department, has achieved consensus on a reorganization of the Use and Occupancy Program including a mechanism to tie the program to the Business Tax/Rental Receipt Program.  The changes are focused on proactively building awareness for the programs' requirements, establishing a formal tracking and documentation mechanism, increasing revenue collection and code compliance, as well as creating a record of non-conforming uses and their histories.


A full update of the department's accomplishments this week are included in the report attached Community Development Update.  Also attached is the monthly reporting of the workload indicators which provide interesting data for the department Community Services Workload.




Advisory board members are an integral part of the policy development process in Lake Worth's government, and the role of a board member is to research and make recommendations or suggestions to the City Commission on various topics of public concern.  Currently, the City is seeking volunteers to serve on the various boards listed below.  If you are interested in devoting your time and efforts to improving the quality of life in our community, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 586-1662 for a Voluntary Advisory Board application or visit the City's website at for an application.  Just select City Residents, Voluntary Boards for more information on each board or to download an application.  All applications must be received in the City Clerk's Office no later than 5:00 PM on July 29, 2011. A special City Commission meeting will be held in City Hall at 5:30 PM on Thursday, August 11, 2011, and if needed, at 5:30 PM on Friday, August 12, 2011, to interview and appoint those board applicants who applied for vacant positions.  Applicants' interview date and time will be posted on the City's website at no later than August 3, 2011.  Just select City Government, City Commission, City Commission Agendas for either the August 11 or August 12, 2011, agendas.


Bd. of Signs Appeals:  The Board members hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or interpretation made in the enforcement of use of signs as communicated in the City.  The members also hear requests for and grant variances for the erection of new signs in the City.  The members also function as the Planning & Zoning and Nuisance Abatement Boards.  Members serve three-year terms and meet on an as-needed basis


Bd. of Trustees-Firefighters' Pension Board:  The Board members shall administer the Relief and Pension Fund and decide all claims to relief.  Members serve two-year terms and the meetings are scheduled by the members.


City Recreation Advisory Board:  The Board members assist in promoting community awareness and involvement in recreation programs and initiate and assist the City in planning for future facility and program needs.  The members shall consult with and advise the City Manager, Recreation Manager and City Commission in matters affecting recreation policies, program, finances and future land or facility capital projects related to the total community recreation program and to its long-range plans.  The members serve three-year terms and meet at 6:00 PM on the first Thursday of each month.


City Tree Board:  The Board members establish policy and provide standards within the City landscape ordinance for tree preservation and protection, both public and private.  The policy would include, but not be limited to providing educational materials on proper planting, pruning techniques and insect and disease control; planting native species; inventory existing trees; permit guidelines, including rules for tree removal; opportunities for citizen involvement; and City tree sales.  The members should recommend the planting of trees, which would provide a continuing shade canopy into the future.  The members serve three-year terms and meet at 5:30 PM on the second Thursday of each month.


Community Relations Board: The Board members serve to promote amicable relations among the racial and cultural groups within the community.  The members shall consult with and advise the City Manager and City Commission in matters affecting law enforcement policies and community relations.  The members serve three-year terms and meet at 6:00 PM on the second Monday of each month.


Finance Advisory Board:  The Board members serve to promote transparency in the City's budget process and allow for additional citizen input on major financial decisions.  The members shall consult with and advise the City Manager and City Commission in matters affecting the annual operating budget, capital improvement program and all financial policies.  The members serve three-year terms and meet at 5:30 PM on the second Wednesday of each month.


Library Board:  The Board members are responsible for recommending expenditures from the Library Trust Fund and the Simpkin Trust Fund, advise the Library Director on issues of policy and service and participate in the long-range planning process.  The members serve five-year terms and meet at 5:30 PM on the fourth Thursday of March, June, September, and December.


Nuisance Abatement Board:  The Board members hear complaints and evidence relating to the existence of public nuisance on premises located in the City.  The members also function as the Planning & Zoning Board and Board of Sign Appeals.  The members serve three-year terms and meet no less than once every two months or more often as the demand necessitates.


Planning & Zoning Board:  The Board members review and approve site plans for three-units or more of residential development and all commercial development.  The members also review community appearance and have the ability to grant variances from the Lake Worth Zoning Code.  The members also serve as the Board of Sign Appeals and Nuisance Abatement Board.  The members serve three-year terms and meet at 6:00 PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month.


Sister City Board:  The Board members make recommendations and provide information concerning the sister city program as well as other matters of interest, which are related to this program.  The members initiate, plan, sponsor, organize and promote cultural exchanges.  The members also provide support for international economic development programs, which the City supports, and acts as the City's official hosts for international guests.  The members serve two-year terms and meet at 6:00 PM on the third Thursday of each month.


Public Services

- Recreation Programs

The City's Recreation Division has prepared a flyer  this week detailing  various recreational events being held or open for application.  They include:

  • Free Lake Worth P.A.L. Warriors Summer Football Skills Clinics - Open to July 16.
  • Summer Sports Camp for ages 7-14 - July 11 to August 12
  • An answer to the "Kids" prayers - Recreation Services Receives a "NEW BUS"
  • Positive, enthusiastic and self motivated volunteers sought for football and Cheerleading programs.  Great for High School Community Services Hours.    (See Flyer for full details: Recreation Flyer)


Conservation Management

Conservation Management has been working diligently this week helping the City with conservation matters. The weekly workload measures are reported in the table: Conservation

Transmission & Distribution

The Transmission & Distribution Department have prepared the following workload measures for this week and they are attached here for your reference: Transmission and Distribution

Meter Shop

Workload measures have been tabulated this week in the Meter Shop Division and are shown  in the attached table: Meter Shop

System Operations

The peak load on the system for the week of 06/27/11 through 07/03/11 was 75 MWs as reported on Monday 06/27/11 @ 16.51.  There were no events on Distribution Breakers reported for the week.

There is currently a tropical wave over Cuba. It is not expected to form into anything but could bring some much needed rain starting Wednesday and throughout the rest of the week..  Full data collected this week foro System Operations and the Phone Center are assembled in the tables attached:System Operations

Water Treatment Plant

The weekly flow data and water production data for the Water Treatment Plant Division have been prepared and are provided in the attached table for your review: WaterTreatment

Water Sewer

Weekly workload measure for the Water and Sewer field crews have been prepared and tabulated which are included in the attached table: Water Sewer

Customer Service

For payment method statistics on utility customers see attached table: Customer Service     


Commission Work Sessions
I have attached a calendar containing the upcoming City Commission Work Sessions for the remainder of the calendar year.  (See Calendar Commission Worksessions
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In This Issue
July 4th Celebrations
Casino Project
Community Development Update
City Advisory Boards Seeing Volunteers
Recreation Programs
Utilities Update
City Commission Work Session Calendar
CityWide Projects Update
City Manager Report Icon

City Manager Report Archive

FY2011 Budget Icon

FY 2011 Annual Operating Budget

2012 - 2016 CIP Icon

2012 - 2016 Capital Improvement Plan

Police Study Icon

Feasibility Study for Police Services

City Project Update
Each City Department is providing updates on all City Projects on a regular basis for the City Commission.  Please use the attached link to view the current updates.   City Wide Projects