Jacksonville Florida's Oldest Business and Civic Organization Founded in 1932

Celebrating Our 80th Anniversary

The Newsletter of the Southside Business Men's Club Volume 80, Issue 34, August 19, 2012 
In This Issue
Guest Speaker/Upcoming Programs
President's Message
Membership Corner
Golf Outing
SBMC Car Show
Carnival Cruise Raffle
Sergeant at Arms
This Month in History
SBMC Upcoming Events


Spotlight Speakers: 

August 22-Cathy Curtis

August 29-Nancy Bennett





Happy Birthday:
John Capra, 8/19
Wayne Waters, 8/22
Mazen Maudrer, 8/25
Bill Fenwick, 8/25 




  Prizes & Raffles     


The Hardage-Giddens 

Dignity Memorial

Attendance Award


No winner last week  



Woody Cooper Award

Sponsored by: 

Tom Harris,

Promo Depot

$257 name drawn

 last week

Galina Schott 






   Drawing won by:  

Rose Sarkees  

Mary Jury  









 Next Meeting 

August 22, 2012


San Jose Country Club

7529 San Jose Blvd

Jacksonville, FL

Lunch Buffet 12:00 pm

$20 Members

$25 for Guest 



Invite a Guest 

















8/22   SBMC Military Appreciation Day   


Upcoming Programs:

8/29   Ron Sholes - Jacksonville Giants, ABA Basketball Team 
9/5     SBMC Past Presidents' Day

9/12   Dawn Lockhart - Family Foundation


This year, Forbes Lists ranked Jacksonville, FL #131 out of the 200 largest U.S. cities for Best Places for Business and Careers.  In other categories, our city is #141 in Job Growth, #115 in Education, and #88 in Cost of Doing Business.  Jacksonville is ranked higher for single people - we are #40 Best Cities for Singles.


Even though the economy is still weak, which impacts our time commitment to our businesses, many of you keep telling me that you look forward to our Wednesday's luncheon.  Like many of you, I look forward to reunite with our club members, have fun during Gene's and John's "auction show", learn something new and inspiring from our guest speaker, or just receive a simple word of encouragement


I am grateful to so many of you for your support and involvement with the SBMC this year.  Because of YOU, we are having the Best Year Ever!  What a great way to celebrate our club's 80-Anniversary!  Let's keep up the good work and continue to have fun!


Quote of the week: "The habit of being uniformly considerate toward others will bring increased happiness to you." - Grenville Kleiser   

Have a great week and I will see you on Wednesday. 


Galina Schott,  

2012 SBMC President 


As the kids head back to school this week, families return to a more disciplined schedule (dinner, homework, early to bed, early to rise). There's a "New Year" feeling, and it's a great time to assess how disciplined we are in our business lives as well.  How have your networking efforts been over the summer?  Have you been attending our meetings regularly and making new contacts?  Have you been attending our social events?  It's easy and fun to get involved and make the most of your membership.


We have some great activities coming up through the end of the year, so this is a perfect time to recommit to active participation, and also to invite guests to see all that we have to offer.  We are on track to welcome 100 new members this year, and we can do it only with your help!  To thank our members for growing our club, the person who sponsors the most new members by December 1st will receive a Cash Prize of $1,000!  


I encourage you to make a New (School) Year's resolution to increase your participation and help the SBMC increase its membership so we can all enjoy a very prosperous 2012 and beyond.


Julie Wesling,

2012 SBMC Membership Co-Chair


Who?    Fidelity Bank

What?   A Meet-A-Member

Where? 9802 Old Baymeadows Road Jacksonville FL 32256

When?  Thursday, September 13th from 5:30-7:30pm

Why?     Well, why not?!


SBMC 3rd Vice-President Annie Houghton invites you to enjoy some great times, club favorite beverages, and professionally catered food at her new branch.  This event will be highlighted with some of Fidelity Bank's corporate bigwigs coming to town. Bring your big ol' money jar and we will count/exchange your coins, FOR FREE!  Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the weekly meetings.  Fidelity Bank will be donating the proceeds of the ticket sales to the SBMC Fall YAP.        


Our September golf outing is Friday, September 14th, at South Hampton.  Cost is $39.00 plus tax and includes range balls.  SHOTGUN start at 12:00 PM.  We have room for 28 players.  Please reply to Julie Clements at  to reserve your spot.  


Julie Clements,

2012 SBMC Golf Outing Chair


How would you like to be able to connect with 50-100 classic car owners?  It's simple - a little gift card, a pen, a coozie or some kind of neat widget that advertises your business in our goodie bags that go to every participant in our 2nd Annual SBMC Car Show at Hooters at Tinseltown. 

Want to spend the day with these same people?  For as little as $50 you can have a 10'x10' area to set up a booth.  It was a roaring success last year, so fire up your engines and motor on over on September 29th from 10am - 2pm. 

For more information email Desi Desiderio at

Sponsorship spots are still available.  Don't miss out on this fun event for the whole family.


What a treat we have for our first raffle this year, a Carnival Cruise for 2 we acquired from our own Loretta Crescente of Carnival Cruise Lines.  The certificate is good for 17 months and has no restrictions.  This is a great opportunity for those of you who have never tried a cruise before. $10 for one chance $25 for 3 - we have limited tickets. Get yours now so you don't miss out on a chance for this great vacation!  We will be selling tickets at the meeting or contact Nancy Bennett at and she will make arrangements to sell you tickets over the phone. Watch for online purchasing soon.

FALL YAP October 3rd and 4th

Who wouldn't want to make a difference in the life of a local student?! This is your opportunity to not only help a local 5th grade safety patrol student go to Washington, DC and learn about our government. Years later, when that child is graduating from high school, they can come back and apply for a college scholarship!  

To make all of that happen, WE NEED YOU! Sponsorships are $125. For more information please contact:  

Heather Gaston

Mark Bergan

Annie Houghton


In order for us and San Jose Country Club to properly prepare for the SBMC meeting, we ask you to RSVP and let us know if you intend to have lunch.  This will ensure that SJCC has proper seating and enough food for our group.  RSVP to


If you feel called to lead our meeting in the Invocation or the Pledge of Allegiance, please email 


August 2, 1776 - The Declaration of Independence was signed.

August 3, 1492 - Christopher Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, with three ships. Seeking a westerly route to the Far East, he instead landed on October 12th in the Bahamas, thinking it was an outlying Japanese island.

August 5, 1861 - President Abraham Lincoln signed into law the first Federal income tax, a 3 percent tax on incomes over $800, as an emergency wartime measure during the Civil War.

August 5, 1962 - Film star Marilyn Monroe died at age 36. She made 29 films during her career and came to symbolize Hollywood glamour.

August 5, 2011 - Standard & Poor's credit rating agency downgraded the United States debt from its highest rating of AAA to a lesser AA+ rating, marking the first-ever decline of credit worthiness for the U.S.

August 6, 1965 - The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson.

August 6, 1997 - Lake Ray III joined the Southside Business Men's Club. Happy 15th Anniversary, Lake!  

August 9, 1974 - Richard Nixon resigned the presidency as a result of the Watergate scandal. Facing possible impeachment by Congress, he became the only U.S. President ever to resign.

August 10, 1994John Hamel joined the Southside Business Men's Club. Happy 18th Anniversary, John!

August 14, 1935 - President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act establishing the system which guarantees pensions to those who retire at age 65.

August 15, 1969 - Woodstock began in a field near Yasgur's Farm at Bethel, New York. The three-day concert featured 24 rock bands and drew a crowd of more than 300,000 young people. The event came to symbolize the counter-culture movement of the 1960's.

August 15, 1987 - Mark Wilkinson joined the Southside Business Men's Club. Happy 25th Anniversary, Mark!  6 years earlier, on August 15, 1981 Mark married the love of his life Jonni.

August, 15 2001 - Steve Johnston joined the Southside Business Men's Club. Happy 11th Anniversary, Steve!

August 16, 1896 - Gold was discovered in Rabbit Creek, a tributary of the Klondike River in Alaska, resulting in the Great Klondike Gold Rush. 

August 16, 1974 - Gene Bushor joined the Southside Business Men's Club.  Happy 38th Anniversary, Gene! 

A.J. Pionessa, who joined the SBMC in 1965, sponsored Gene.  We will be celebrating AJ's 47th Anniversary with the club in December.

August 16, 1977 - Elvis Presley died in Memphis at age 42.

August 17, 1998 - Bill Clinton became the first sitting President to give testimony before a grand jury in which he, the President, was the focus of the investigation.

August 18, 1920 - The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, granting women the right to vote.

August 19, 1991 - Soviet hard-line Communists staged a coup, removing Mikhail Gorbachev from power; by December the Soviet Union itself disintegrated.

August 21, 1959 - President Dwight Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Hawaii to the Union as the 50th state.

August 22, 1999 - Charles McBurney joined the Southside Business Men's Club. Happy 13th Anniversary, Charles! 

August 25, 2010 - Our 80-year History proves that our club can facilitate long-term relationships, some closer than others.  Before U.S. Rep. Ander Crenshaw spoke at the SBMC meeting, Tim Howe proposed to Annie HoughtonTim and Annie, congratulations on your upcoming wedding!


September 13th - Meet-A-Member

Hosted by Annie Houghton, Fidelity Bank


September 14th - SBMC Golf Outing

Golf Club at South Hampton in Saint Johns 


September 29th2nd Annual Car Show 

Hooters at Tinseltown parking lot


October 3rd - Fall YAP Luncheon

October 4th - YAP Cookout at Pine Forrest Elementary School


October 7th4th Annual Jaguars Social 

4pm game against the Chicago Bears


October 31st - November 11th
Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair


November 10th - Salute

The Jacksonville Landing


November 12th

Veterans' Day Float 


November 15th - Meet-A-Member

Hosted by Sabrina Ebel, Florida Backyard


December 8th -

Holiday Gala and Celebration of the SBMC 80th Anniversary

For questions and comments about the newsletter please e-mail